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About lonne

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  1. lonne

    San Carlos permits

    San Carlos is a quality hunt for any species and the bear hunts are awesome. Unfortunately missing it this year. If you drew a tag enjoy. Can be one of the best hunts ever if you put some effort in.
  2. CONGRATS AZ Lance!!! I used to follow Lance's bear hunting and border stories quite a bit back in the day and heard this post was here through a friend. Meant to post earlier. But man, awesome job Lance!!!
  3. lonne

    Cardinals vs. Bucaneers Christmas Day

    LOL, yes it's sad what happened to the Cards this year. I think he is unlikely to sell the tickets to a Cardinals fan, unless there is that rare person who hasn't seen a game and really wants to watch one in style or is a unique Tom Brady fan, and who knows if he is going to retire? I was pretty skeptical of the Club level seats until I went and watched a game on the Club level, and it's a whole different level. Not something I could regularly afford, that's for sure, but pretty cool.
  4. lonne

    Cardinals vs. Bucaneers Christmas Day

    And by the way I went to one of the games Club level and it was awesome. Short line to get food/drinks, and you can watch the game comfortably from the lounge tables through large glass windows almost better than sitting in your seat, or more comfy anyway.
  5. A friend of mine has Club level tickets to the Phoenix Cardinals vs. Tampa Bay Bucaneers game Christmas day. But his flight into Phoenix was cancelled because of bad weather. They are expensive, around $350 each for 3 tickets. Pretty sure he will only sell all 3 together. But if you are at all interested, send me a PM, and I'll give you his contact info so you can negotiate. Cardinals aren't doing well this year, but might be a good Christmas present for Bucaneers or Tom Brady fans.
  6. lonne

    Spring Bear 2023?

    Serious Booooooo And that's a boo to all the non-Arizonans moving into this state that are liberal and bringing their liberal ideas
  7. lonne

    Spring bear

    Great job! Well done!!! Enjoy!!!
  8. lonne

    Spring Bear 2023?

    Here is the post. I hope someone can tell me nothing to see here and that I overreacted. Too many antis moving into my State of Arizona. First, HAPPY EASTER everyone. Second. Hopefully I'm just misunderstanding something here. Friend just tipped me off to this yesterday. Please tell me it isn't true and that the Spring bear "recommended hunts" process isn't finished yet? It looks like the Arizona Spring Bear Archery hunts (May through July) that there are no hunts currently recommended... https://www.azgfd.com/hunting/guidelines/ See this link: AZ Hunt Recommendations - Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 Here is the direct link to the PDF https://azgfd-portal-wordpress-pantheon.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/archive/AZ-Hunt-Recommendations-Fall-2022-and-Spring-2023.pdf See page 36 and 37 This article from the "antis" seems to possibly indicate otherwise...and this process isn't finished yet? https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/arizona-game-and-fish-fails-to-ban-spring-bear-hunting-with-new-guidelines-2022-04-01/
  9. See my post in Campfire under: Antis at it again, Lions and Bears Is the recommended Spring Bear Hunt process still ongoing or is it finished? And is this true?
  10. lonne

    Antis at it again. Lions and Bears.

    First, HAPPY EASTER everyone. Second. Hopefully I'm just misunderstanding something here. Friend just tipped me off to this yesterday. Please tell me it isn't true and that the Spring bear "recommended hunts" process isn't finished yet? It looks like the Arizona Spring Bear Archery hunts (May through July) that there are no hunts currently recommended... https://www.azgfd.com/hunting/guidelines/ See this link: AZ Hunt Recommendations - Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 Here is the direct link to the PDF https://azgfd-portal-wordpress-pantheon.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/archive/AZ-Hunt-Recommendations-Fall-2022-and-Spring-2023.pdf See page 36 and 37 This article from the "antis" seems to possibly indicate otherwise...and this process isn't finished yet? https://biologicaldiversity.org/w/news/press-releases/arizona-game-and-fish-fails-to-ban-spring-bear-hunting-with-new-guidelines-2022-04-01/
  11. lonne

    *UPDATE*Hitting a deer with a ricochet...

    My uncle swears he shot a deer once and he later assumed that the bullet must have hit the deer in the antlers and cold knocked the deer out. He thought it was dead and when he approached it and started to prepare it to field dress, it came to. My uncle grabbed it by the antlers as the deer took him to his back and with everything he had kept the deer from goring him. He reached in his pants and pulled out his kabar and knifed the deer right in the heart. I'd call BS but my uncle was and is a pretty hard core hard working Marine, and I believe his story 120% - he isn't the lying type.
  12. lonne

    San Carlos Apache Youth, Aaron Altaha Jr.

    Beautiful job!
  13. lonne

    AZ; Ready to Rumble?

    Ohthatguy, cool. What app is this?
  14. PRDATR, thanks for stepping in to his defense. I have no qualms with you. I'm glad you can vouch for him and have both acquired some mutual respect. My point is that individuals collectively can make a difference. That is the point that should be emphasized.