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Everything posted by 'Ike'

  1. 'Ike'

    Horn Quality 2022 ?

    Good luck!
  2. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

  3. 'Ike'

    2 - Tree stands plus ladder

    Says Mesa on his profile!
  4. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

    Friday bump…
  5. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

    Monday bump…
  6. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

    Friday bump...
  7. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

    Sunday bump…
  8. 'Ike'

    Any Velvet Pictures Yet?

    Ol school I know, but everyone has a Cell Phone Camera…😉
  9. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

    Hump day, bump day...😎
  10. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

    Weekend bump..
  11. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

    Thursday bump...
  12. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

    Tuesday bump...
  13. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

    Friday bump...Best Offer's considered!
  14. 'Ike'

    Any Velvet Pictures Yet?

    Nice! 👍
  15. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

    PM’s answered…
  16. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

    Friday bump...
  17. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

  18. 'Ike'

    CBE TREK (LH) 3 Pin

    No trades, thanks though…
  19. 'Ike'

    I don’t have a tag but

  20. 'Ike'

    elk location help

    I came by, but you weren’t home…🤣 That’s awesome!
  21. 'Ike'

    Scouting Colorado

  22. 'Ike'

    Another Drought Year...

    Looks a lot better now...https://www.wrh.noaa.gov/map/?&zoom=8&scroll_zoom=false&center=35.516578738902965,-111.12121582031251&boundaries=false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false&tab=observation&obs=true&obs_type=precip&precip_interval=72&precip_filter=0.01,18&obs_popup=false&obs_density=20&obs_provider=ALL&mrms=true&mrms_type=72&mrms_opacity=50
  23. 'Ike'

    Any Velvet Pictures Yet?

    Great picture Roy, like the grass sticking out both sides of his mouth…Serious Bull also! 👊🏻
  24. 'Ike'

    Another Drought Year...

    dang, another fire…You guys good there? A tweek lighting toilet paper, not sure I buy that one! SMH
  25. 'Ike'

    6A early archery bull timing

    Don't over think it...Hunting is hunting, but you will be closer to the Fall Equinox the last week with a little better moon to boot...😉