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Everything posted by 'Ike'

  1. 'Ike'

    Spring Turkey

    Anyone chase 'em this Spring...We had a great one here and I actually took one of my better if not the best bird yet! Whoops, found the Turkey section...
  2. 'Ike'

    Just Wanted To Say Hello...

    Thank you... He had character and that'll do it for me everytime...
  3. 'Ike'

    Just Wanted To Say Hello...

    Never got a live shot of him, but no way I was passing him, my first! As you can see I like to take pictures as much as shooting the bow...Well, almost!
  4. 'Ike'

    Just Wanted To Say Hello...

    No ma'am I haven't...Shot him in Jauary 2011 with Steven, what a blast! 73" P&Y Some pictures of my hunt...
  5. 'Ike'

    Anyone shoot a strother?

    Shot the Infinity for a bit, very nice bow...