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Everything posted by 'Ike'

  1. 'Ike'

    Brothers First Coues!

  2. 'Ike'

    Dream Buck

    Holy wow! Awesome Buck, congrats....
  3. 'Ike'

    2015 Coues Deer

    Atta baby...Congrats, great buck!
  4. 'Ike'

    L.E. utah elk tag - Manti central mountains

    It'll happen, was in FishLake last year...Bulls should start talking this coming week and get better as each day goes by!
  5. 'Ike'


    Great way to get it started...Congrats!
  6. 'Ike'

    Ulmer Edge

    Ah, ok...Learn something new every day! Knew about weights, but not models...
  7. 'Ike'

    Ulmer Edge

  8. 'Ike'

    A few pictures to pass the time

    F me, Camo no less...
  9. 'Ike'

    A little eye candy from Zion

  10. 'Ike'

    El Chapo

    Trump pissed him off, so we're good for now...
  11. 'Ike'

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Tanclan4 for sure...
  12. Left hand CBE Tek-Hunter three (3) pin sight....019 pins, Grn, Red, Grn...Will also include the .010 Pins it came with, light and he sight tapes I have for it... $150 TYD Lower 48 - PayPal w/Fees or USPS MO
  13. 'Ike'

    2015 January Archery Coues Deer

    Outstanding job and great Buck...
  14. You must have good breaks, looks really steep!!!
  15. 'Ike'

    2014 Buck is on the wall.

    Yes he is...Awesome buck!
  16. 'Ike'

    5B North Bulls

    Bachelor party...
  17. 'Ike'

    *Sale Pending*

    Sold, pending...
  18. 'Ike'

    *Sale Pending*

    New out of package, Custom QAD Rest for Bowtech....Black-LeftHand See here for specs...www.qadinc.com/shop/bowtech-ultrarest/ $95 Shipped - PayPal + 3% or w/Fees please...
  19. 'Ike'

    6a archery bull first timer

    Wow...You didn't use 11 points for 6a did you?!? Flat Line Maps, unit specific...
  20. 'Ike'

    Wyoming Shiras...

    Yes sir, the 15's will be busy...Thanks guys! Heat, I'll keep ha posted...
  21. 'Ike'

    Wyoming Shiras...

    Fifteen (15) years in the making...Thawk! Be chasing them this Fall...
  22. 'Ike'

    Rocket Steelhead 100's

    Yes, still have them...
  23. 'Ike'

    Rocket Steelhead 100's

    Original Rocket Steelhead 100's...NIP 25.00 TYD - PayPal w/Fees please...
  24. 'Ike'

    (LH) RipCord Rest (LH)

    Bump for a lefty...
  25. 'Ike'

    (LH) RipCord Rest (LH)

    LeftHand - Excellent shape and working order and one of the best rest in the industry...This was on a 'back-up' to my 'back-up' bow, so not many shots on it... $50.00 TYD Lower 48 - PayPal w/Fees