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About bugleaz6x6

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/29/1969

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  • Interests
    outdoors , football, cooking ,family and friends farming , ranching ,wrestling ,military ,animals , rodeo gambling

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  1. bugleaz6x6

    Daughters First Bull

    Great year!! Congratulations!!
  2. bugleaz6x6

    free camo

    My wife and daughter would sure use this!
  3. bugleaz6x6

    Sons late unit 1 Bull elk tag.

    Rifle Dec. 1-7
  4. bugleaz6x6

    Sons late unit 1 Bull elk tag.

    Nice. So are you planning on staying in Alpine? Or camping near?
  5. bugleaz6x6

    Sons late unit 1 Bull elk tag.

    Hey Cole Train are you planning on camping out, or staying in town ? What particular areas you thinking of hunting? Such as Big Lake, Alpine, or Greens Peak? Let me know . Maybe we can game plan and share some info. ?
  6. bugleaz6x6

    Sons late unit 1 Bull elk tag.

    My son drew a unit 1 late Bull elk tag. He will only be able to probably only hunt 3 days at most. Due to school and wrestling schedule. Any helpful hints or general areas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  7. bugleaz6x6

    Kodiak 8' canvas truck tent 275.00

    Are you interested in any processing equipment? I don't know what else you might be interested in or are looking for? Give me some ideas. Thanks.
  8. bugleaz6x6


    Is RF still available
  9. bugleaz6x6

    Kodiak 8' canvas truck tent 275.00

    I am interested. What you looking for in trades?
  10. bugleaz6x6

    Buck knives

    Sold to who?
  11. bugleaz6x6

    Buck knives

    I will take them.
  12. bugleaz6x6

    FS Leica 1600B Rangefinder

    Where you located ? And would you ship to Tucson?
  13. bugleaz6x6


    Can you send me a picture of the 4500. Thanks
  14. bugleaz6x6

    2015 Bowtech carbon knight

    Very interested. Can I see pictures
  15. bugleaz6x6


    When? And is it any elk or?