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Everything posted by 6ANut

  1. 6ANut

    How long to leave trail cam?

    I have a little happy dance I do everytime I see my camera where I left it. Lets just hope no one has camera around mine cause a picture of this white guy dancing is bad news.
  2. 6ANut

    Post your Pics

    Three Generations of Elk hunters.
  3. 6ANut

    Anybody used a SwingBlade knife before

    Totaly agree with speedygoss, swingblade never was very sharp, even out of the box. I have used the Havalon knives on birds to elk and with no problems. Picked up a nice Buck, fixed blade knife, the Alaskan Guide Series and love the knife.
  4. 6ANut

    Dear Hunter letter

    Cheap horn porn, this thread is classic.
  5. 6ANut

    Lots of bears

    Great pics, just about 10 too many bears for my liking.
  6. 6ANut

    Loyalty points?

    Only 4 points extra, I got an extra 15 ty game and fish.
  7. 6ANut

    I may have a problem...

    Thats just awesome, he needs to know what's said in camp stays in camp and he is good to hunt.
  8. 6ANut


    Great pics thanks for sharing.
  9. 6ANut

    6B help

    Seems like my dad got a little excited on the deer tags and as a 2nd choice put 6B. I have never hunted that area for deer and would love any advice possible. I would be more than happy to share any information with you about 6A if you would like in return.
  10. 6ANut

    Funny pics

    I had a bunch of mud on my security box so thought it could be one of those nice bears I have been hearing about. Think this was the guilty elk, he really liked the camera
  11. 6ANut

    Some advice

    Thanks everyone for you input. I told my buddy to call the G&F and if he gets the lady that is leaving work to try someone else.
  12. 6ANut

    Some advice

    My buddy who took that bad spill got drawn for deer this year. I was wondering if their is anything I can do for him so he can still hunt. I have seen the post about road hunting and wondering if this would be a case where you could road hunt and get some special permit. Any advice would be great, I just dont want to tell him he is SOL.
  13. 6ANut

    Funny pics

    That's crazy thanks for sharing your pics 200
  14. 6ANut


    Jokes on me.
  15. 6ANut


    I was watching on sportscenter this morning and it showed them taking it down for good? I might have missunderstood something cause just turning the statue around does nothing but make all the little kids ask,"Why" and for me I dont think any child should have to hear that Horrible Explaination of Why it is turned around. Being an ex college athlete this is a black eye for all college sports, If you think that this is the only school that has had something like this happpen and cover it up, you are mistaken. The stories I have heard about athlete's would amaze you, the trouble they get in and then the trouble to cover it up. All to make sure their is no black eye on the college but more importanly your team can Keep winning. At what point did we put winning at all cost, infront of Morals? it's just sad. Little story time: George Brett got caught with pinetar on his bat and the umpires took his bat away. They put it in the Umpire's secure clubhouse that every stadium has. The Royal's had a club house attendant break into that office and steal the bat back, all so their star wouldn't get suspended. Obviously nothing like Penn State did but for me its all a cover up to make the product(Team) look better. Another short story: A heisman trophy winner a few year back was caught in the act of stealing computers out of dorm rooms. He took the computer before the cops got to him and threw it out of a 5 story building , he told the police he heard some noise from the room and was checking it out. He was let go and went onto win his Heisman trophy and the rightful owner of the computer was told not to put his laptop so close to the window.
  16. 6ANut

    bears are still roamin

    That would be me who he would be out running, slow and I taste like bacon and steak most days. Im not coming and checking pictures with you anymore until you fix that bear problem, lol.
  17. 6ANut

    My CC Just Posted Charges

    Very neat man. What did you put in for? Since we got drawn for 6A elk, I wanted to put in for 6A mule deer rifle as well and get a scouting trip out of it for my elk hunt and mabye even get to make the pop gun, go Boom. Stars kinda fell in place after that.
  18. Okay so I have wanted to post this since I started on this site. This was my first run in with anyone associated with cwt.com. It was during the 2006 late bull hunt in 6A. We were setting up camp a few days before the hunt and a rhino that was fully enclosed with a white cwt.com sticker on the back came blasting bye. He stopped and informed us he was a guide and had been hunting the muzzle loader hunt for a week and there was no elk in this area. We talked for a bit and he went on his way. Opening morning we had three 6x6s down before sundown. We all could not help and talk about the guide that told us no elk were here. Since I was done opening day I got to witness this rhino with cwt.com drive up and down the road with their client all day long for a whole week. It got so bad that we actually kept a counter of how many times the guide with his client drove bye. Finally during the last days of the hunt after driving bye our camp probably 100 plus times he stopped, and tried to find out how we shot all ours bulls. Of course we lied and gave him the run around, after he left all I can remember is the cwt.com sticker. I didn't post this story to get ripped on by guides I'm not saying all guides are like this or all cwt.com people are like this, it was just my first encounter with cwt.com and thought I would share it.
  19. 6ANut

    My CC Just Posted Charges

    My CC got hit yesterday, that is neat.
  20. 6ANut

    New here, but I like what I see!

    Welcome, this place is the best.
  21. 6ANut

    my first run in with cwt.com

    The picture from that hunt is the one next to my name and please don't take it wrong I love this site
  22. 6ANut

    BIG AZ BULL's in the scope!

    Just stupid how wide that bull is. Thanks for sharing.
  23. 6ANut

    Added Trail Cam Security.

    Now we talking, I was gonna get a sticker made that said " Property of AZGF" and see what happends.
  24. 6ANut

    recent trail cam pics

    Can you tell me where that is because Hungry bears = 6ANut 50 miles away minimum
  25. 6ANut

    My turn

    That bull has some mass.