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Everything posted by 6ANut

  1. 6ANut

    6A Early Archery Hunt....!

    Elk are all over this year. North south east and west. Good luck to all this year, my dad and his group have the late rifle hunt in 6a. So leave a few good ones for us.
  2. 6ANut

    Cow elk caving

  3. 6ANut

    Help me score some bulls! Added another picture

    First bulls has a bunch of fun on the back but it's fronts look kinda weak. That last bull could be a toad, he already has the mass and his main beams are almost to the top of his back. I'd love to see that last bull outa velvet. First bull is easy 330. Last could be 350 plus with all the extra food laying around.
  4. 6ANut

    The Real Sea Adventure 80 Bluefin Tuna 7-19-13

    Well done, those are some tasty looking tuna steaks.
  5. 6ANut

    score of this bull?

    2 different bulls. Max on second 300 more like 285.
  6. 6ANut

    My First Tom (Archery)

    Nice looking Tom congrats on getting it done with a bow.
  7. Spending the weekend with my little nephews catching sand bass, halibut. All sudden my uncle pulls a bonefish off his dock, unreal.
  8. Limits of yellowtail, 2 dodo's and one bluefin tuna. Had to go out about 50 miles into mexican waters and fished around the tuna pens. Last picture is of my amazing uncle who dressed up as a dinosaur for my lil nephew's bday. I hope the elk gods return the favor in his upcoming hunt in 6a.
  9. 6ANut

    Wife's unit 10 bull

    Great looking mount Nick, congrats to your wife.
  10. 6ANut

    Mt lion meat?

    Your talking about eating an animal who's diet is mainly tasty deer. I have tried it once and loved it.
  11. 6ANut

    Happy Birthday TJHUNT2

    Happy Bday TJ.
  12. 6ANut

    Learning to cape

    Swwildlife thanks for the open invitation. Class act.
  13. 6ANut

    elk hunting in july

    Xmas came early had 5 bulls at 100 yards and could never close the distance. First time out ever with a bow and got to chase them with a stick and string for over an hour, what a rush. Its on tonight and tomorrow am.
  14. 6ANut

    Dove Hunting

    Last few years I have shot lot less dove around Prescott valley/ Winslow area than before. Not sure how northern u are talking, but seems like after the first good storm they head south.
  15. 6ANut

    elk hunting in july

    Yes tag is year round, but you can only hunt bulls now, August 1 cow or bull starts.
  16. 6ANut

    white toyota scion with flames

    Right at the lookout point before u head down to black crayon city. It was crazy car read 104 degrees when we first stopped 126 when finally got moving. I felt bad for all the little kiddies and doggies.
  17. You got on the freeway behind us at munds park leaving the shell station tried to wave hello but looks like u were deep in thought. Ps I won't tell amanda about your rutting hard sticker on the back
  18. 6ANut

    white toyota scion with flames

    That sucks we sat in traffic for almost 2 hours. The I-17 is getting so bad these days such terrible drivers going way to fast and usually towing something.
  19. 6ANut

    elk hunting in july

    Sorry guys no pics super hard hunt you have about 1 hour to catch them between feeding and the salt cedars. today they left at around 3:30am so no chance today. Guess that's why its called hunting and not killing. Well be back.
  20. 6ANut

    elk hunting in july

    Yeah otc, the same goes for Winslow area. I'm hunting inside the town limits so have to use a bow. Hopefully ambush them tonight or early am.
  21. 6ANut

    For My Dog

    Tears early in the am. Dogs sure are amazing.
  22. 6ANut

    Spotting Scope/Bino Advice

    Upgrade those Walmart binos.
  23. Well done Adam. Congrats on a true trophy.
  24. Can't wait this will be my first time in the field with a bow and I'm so excited. Good luck to all.
  25. 6ANut

    Rain up north

    Did my rain dance, fill those tanks up.