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Everything posted by 6ANut

  1. 6ANut

    Shout out to Hoghtr on site

    Mike is the man is a correct statement
  2. I have been asked to help with this years arizona elk society banquet. When I was young I used to go every year to the Rocky Mountain elk society dinner @ Little America in flagstaff, and had a blast.I was just wondering if anyone has an past experiences with the group positive or negative. I still have not said yes or no but their first meeting is tomorrow night. I plan on going unless I hear different . Ty for your time. Brian
  3. 6ANut

    Arizona elk society questions

    Hey Allen, I was the(Yellow Cab kid) in the room. You know the one that was about 20 plus years younger than anyone else. Were you up front or in the back?
  4. 6ANut

    Deficit Cut by 2/3

    I didn't vote for that terrorist. NOT MY PRESIDENT, cant wait to tell my kids about this tyrant. CHANGE MY AZZZZ, yeah you sure changed some things.
  5. 6ANut

    GET 'R' DONE

    Deer beware congrats on a great looking buck
  6. 6ANut

    Ringing in 2015

    Wow, lucky you, great pics of those piggies and God's Country.
  7. 6ANut

    No Burn Days

    I wanted to fire up my smoker tomorrow anyone know if that is allowed???
  8. 6ANut

    Rare gray wolf seen at Grand Canyon may be dead

    Yeah, I heard the local elk and deer threw a monster kegger last night in celebration.
  9. 6ANut

    First coyote with my bow

    Bam well done one, keep thinning that heard Christina.
  10. 6ANut

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    Horrible news, TJ even though I have never met you, you sir are a fine man and my prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.
  11. 6ANut

    Friday - who's hunting piggy

    Mike can we hunt around our house if so. Text me please
  12. 6ANut


    Hard to pick on someone with two monster muleys like that. if u ever have any ?'s about 6a shoot me a pm, also Ty for your service. Brian
  13. 6ANut

    From Spike....to Death

    Cool, story thanks for sharing.
  14. 6ANut


    I mean JLW and I were talking about this dude looks so Bad AZZ he probably killed that bear with his bear hands.
  15. 6ANut


    Welcome back to az glad to have another hunter back, ps love that bear pic Suns out guns out.
  16. 6ANut

    Edible Arizona Plants

    Pm JLW he has a great book about them
  17. From what we saw and were told most of the elk had already been pressured off the mtn due to the amount of hunts in the unit. We hunted around Bismark Lake and also on the North side of the Mtn in the high pines and didn't see nearly as much fresh sign as we did when we got into the thick transition areas around a water source.
  18. 6ANut

    A great season of hunting comes to an end!!

    Nice bulls and nothing beats some quality family time.
  19. Just got done helping my buddies with the 7e late bull hunt and all I can say is Good Luck, I have never glassed so much country and only glassed up around 15 cows. Never saw one elk in the back of a truck or one elk hanging in a camp. Super tuff hunt and sounds like you made the most out of it. It also seemed all the elk were pretty much nocturnal, watering at night and just a quick glimpse of them at first light heading into the thick stuff.
  20. 6ANut

    Filled my 40B tag

    Awesome ram and glad u had some help
  21. 6ANut

    7e & 6b

    Went 4 for 4 in 6b, pictures to come, one 300ish bull. 7e is a whole nother story, seen 1 spike, a rag horn and a handful of cows. Hundreds of hunters and fires on both sides of the unit is making this hunt interesting. Never glassed so much country in my life with so little critters.
  22. 6ANut

    7e & 6b

    Never seen a 2 by 2 before.
  23. 6ANut

    7e & 6b

    Proof of life more to come
  24. 6ANut

    two good mature bulls down

    Good looking bulls and lets go Utes.