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Everything posted by 6ANut

  1. 6ANut

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Great idea for a thread just cause u are not on the list doesn't mean u are a shady person but it's always nice to know that someone else on this great site has had a positive experience when it comes to selling or buying an item. Long live cwt.com
  2. 6ANut

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Tomkat12 as well.
  3. 6ANut

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Rageinthesage and JLW are both great cwt members I have bought items off of.
  4. 6ANut

    How big do you think this buck is?

    Thanks for the link Bone777, love seeing positive things about my unit.
  5. 6ANut

    Elk Trophy Pickup Fail

  6. 6ANut

    2015 bonus point report now online

    <<<< this guy drew with 18 pts, don't hate me for that pt creep.
  7. 6ANut

    Mother's Day on the Lake

    Nice work slaying them Peg I mean TJ
  8. 6ANut

    Looking for a beater car

    We have lots of old police cruisers with tons of miles on them, call me if interested Adam.
  9. 6ANut

    Amandas dog Julie

    Just want to give u a big hug from my Lane family to yours. Losing a dog is never easy and I couldn't image being in your hunting boots. I read that when ever u see a hawk in the wild its a spirt of a lost love one saying hello. After I lost my grandad a light pole I drive bye while I head home from work has had a hawk hunting on it almost once a week. Nice to know our love ones are hunting daily. Sincerely, Brian Ps your pm box is full
  10. 6ANut

    Amandas dog Julie

    Thoughts and prayers for you and your family Amanda.
  11. 6ANut

    State Champions

  12. 6ANut


    My old work car I drove on E85 for over a year. Positive side, I seemed to have more horsey under the hood, negative as stated above the fuel economy declines. Also make sure to run regular gas threw the engine once in a while or the E85 stuff will create a build up in your engine.
  13. Great looking bucks you three. What a great way start to the week. Man I can't wait until sept 4th.
  14. 6ANut

    G&F Campaign

    This is a pretty pricing ad campaign they have put together. I wonder how many months they will keep this up for. Ruff guess, since I am in the marketing field I would say about 50-75k in ad spending per month with all the billboards both digital and static and the radio ads like stated above during the prime time hours. http://gameandfishfacts.com/#/stories Seems to me like a way to ad more money to the animals in AZ and close the anti hunting gap, created by the crazy wacko super liberals about how hunting is horrible yada yada yada. I think it's great that they can see how much $$$ sportsman contribute to the wildlife and also how that money stimulates local economies.
  15. 6ANut


    Nice haul TJ
  16. 6ANut

    Shed Antlerfest 2015!! May 22-24

  17. 6ANut

    7 Months Later I Found Him Again

    Nice looking buck and good luck on your hunt. Man there is just something about speed goats in the pines
  18. 6ANut

    Snowy Turkey Hunt

    Congrats Adam on your hobble gobble turkey. Sweet pictures and a real nice dead head your wife found. Also I thought u were at least complaining about reloading a semi auto in the cold with no gloves but come on an over and under is as easy as it gets.
  19. 6ANut

    New member searching for some help.

    First off welcome to the Dictionary of hunting in Arizona. I would recommend you read up a bit on a few articles on this site. Some real smart guys and gals on here when it comes to hunting. Look for coyote advice, tips or tactics in some of the previous posting. Some post are even about certain issue they might be having on calling in a coyote etc... In Prescott you should be able to find tons of yotes, foxes or bobcats, a few minutes outside of town. I do alot of bird hunting in Prescott Valley so also don't overlook that because there are tons of quail and they are tasty. In hunting elk you need to get drawn first, so start applying. Hard to just explain how to hunt elk but I read a really good book about elk called "Elk hunting the West the Eastmans way" they also have an updated version as well. It goes into detail on not only elk habits and behaviors but also bedding areas, rutting behaviors, late hunt behavior, etc.. Really informative and has some pictures as examples. Do you bow hunt? If so get yourself an over the counter deer or bear or turkey or the list goes on and then you can really hunt alot of animals during alot of different seasons. Once again welcome to the site
  20. Rained for probably 6 plus hours in munds park. The creeks are flowing, then snow showed up this am.
  21. 6ANut

    Hey dude hold my beer while I ...

    Some people are just a waste of good American Oxygen.
  22. 6ANut

    New Guy/ Few shed pics

    Welcome to the site and ty for sharing.
  23. 6ANut

    First Hunt with My Dog

    Nice looking doggy
  24. 6ANut

    You tell me, how timely is this rain?

    Anyone have any thoughts on how this will help the antelope horn growth ?