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Everything posted by 6ANut

  1. Wow Becker mine was about the same in skin removal but just 4 inches not 8. Hope she healed well.
  2. 6ANut

    Unreal as it lay

    Wow, Nick thanks for sharing.
  3. 6ANut

    Okay, you score him!

    The original poster changed the picture of the bull.?....so I deleted my first post. This bull I would have no clue what he scores due to the quality of the picture.
  4. Hopefully a unit 10 buck
  5. 6ANut

    Big TY to BigBrowns

    I never in my right mind thought I could accurately shoot 500 yards, well Big Browns aka Adam proved me wrong. We went out on Sunday am with his dad and shot his 260, 308 and 223 all hitting steal at 500 yards. My mind was blown away. Watching a vapor trail of a hand loaded bullet slam into a piece of steel was truly amazing to watch and then do it myself. Thanks again Adam for helping me get ready for my antelope hunt.
  6. 6ANut

    Checked camera yesterday

    Yeah, she is almost just skin and bones, sad stuff. For her sake I hope she doesn't make it to breeding time. Some poor bull is gonna crush her. Nice bulls though.
  7. 6ANut

    An itch that needed scratched

    Great pics once again. Thanks again Christina for the camo baby clothes. Hope to help you gut/haul out an animal this fall
  8. 6ANut

    Late Coues 2014

    Sweet pics thanks for sharing.
  9. 6ANut

    Hoghunter guide service

    Pick me pick me in right down the street
  10. 6ANut

    Just how tough are Elk?

    My best bull that I have shot, it's front right ankle was the size of a softball. Obviously broke it and it healed that way. I have seen my dad shoot a bull that ran straight threw a barbed wire fence after it was heart shot, uphill. Hence, why I tell anyone that I hunt with to shoot until they are down.
  11. 6ANut

    Boar or Sow

    Kidso has bear in his blood so hard to go against what he says.
  12. 6ANut

    Mushrooming and Elk Scouting

    Make sure to dodge the ones growing out of cow poop, unless you want to get all silly.
  13. Send me a Pm and I will give you some pond jumping advice like I am pretty sure Adam is going to do over the phone. Unless you have a proven flyway in AZ I wouldn't worry much about decoys or calls. Some ponds will hold tons of ducks one day and the next day nothing. Id have to disagree with some people on calling birds in over decoys but that's here nor there. I have had tons of success calling them into decoys. If Im not calling, I seem to get yelled at by my brother and best friend. As stated above if you don't know how to blow a call then don't use it in the field. My dad sounds like a couple of back alley cats getting it on. Lastly, who needs waiters or boat when you can have a 4 legged friend do it. We went out this weekend and gave Cali some work.
  14. Welcome to arizona duck hunting, most people keep their ducks spots more a secret than their deer spot. Pond jumping is what most people do, I used to hammer ducks in 6a pond jumping but now I am spoiled with what we call location X. I will gladly point you to some ponds or lakes in and around 6a that hold ducks, but this usually isn't until late November early December. Watch the weather in the northern state like Montana, Utah etc when it starts to get below freezing multiple days in a row, you can bet the Ducks will be heading south.
  15. 6ANut

    Hoghunter guide service

    Jealous, nice haul but u couldn't find anyone better to fish with than mike?
  16. 6ANut

    Anybody have non-operational game cams?

    I'm hoping it works like an ink pack in a bank robbery because that would be pretty funny.
  17. 6ANut

    Anybody have non-operational game cams?

    I first thought Chuck Norris can't fit inside a game camera
  18. 6ANut

    Big TY to BigBrowns

    I can bring beer and brown liquor.
  19. 6ANut

    G & F Call

    Steal from a known hunter, logic from a true idiot.
  20. 6ANut

    Anybody have non-operational game cams?

  21. 6ANut

    Big TY to BigBrowns

    Whatever shoots 500 or so yards accurately and consistent. Bigbrowns has a sweet 260 ar but if u have noticed his posts about barrel questions etc. He is having a few problems with some fliers and has a new barrel coming. He also has a sweet 308 that is a tack driver, had two bullets about an inch apart at 500 yards. I have some of my own large caliber rifles but nothing like Adam's so for now the 308. Have a feeling even if all Adams Guns were not useable someone on this great site would love to see me kill an 82 inch plus antelope with their gun.
  22. 6ANut

    Big TY to BigBrowns

    I came home and told my wife all about it and all she heard was "u want a pair of those swaro things right" yup honey the binos, the rifle scope and the spotter are just the start. My zeiss 10x40 might as well been a paper weight.
  23. 6ANut

    AR Scope Question

    I plan on being up north this weekend, Munds park to be exact and will gladly let you shoot some rounds with my ar and try my scope out if you would like. Bigbrowns shot it on Sunday and was hitting targets at 200 yards no problem. I have found at farther distance I lower the brightness of the red/green dot power to a much smaller dot than I would at 50 yards. Also I have magpul front and rear sites and they co witness just fine with it. Take it a step further I put on a streamlight TRL laser lite combo and the laser, strike fire and iron sites all line up perfect. Brian
  24. 6ANut

    AR Scope Question

    Love my StrikeFire II, went out last weekend and was hammering the target at 200 yards. Obviously the 1x mag makes it not as accurate but for what I wanted with this gun, Easy target(Boys trying to date my daughter) acquisition at anything under 200 yards, its perfect.
  25. 6ANut

    cam check

    September cant come fast enough. Nice bulls.