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Everything posted by josh

  1. josh

    Sick of it.

    Called youre buddy stacey. What about youre buddy Josh! Ha Nice going we need to get out one of these days.
  2. Well the best part for me this time of the year is the taxidermist usually starts to call. and today he had a bobcat done that I shot back in jan 07. It was a real prime coated cat that I thought would look good on my desk.
  3. josh

    Bobcat mount

    So he has so much work it took 2 years or? Nice cat!! No it sat in my freezer for about 8 months before I brought it to him. Seems like most of my stuff takes about a year to get back from the couple different taxidermists I use.
  4. josh

    my "trophy"

    I see youre right next to a tree stand I'm guessing he dropped right under you Well done and congrats. Must have been awesome having youre boy with you
  5. josh

    opening day 4x4 carp

    Way to go! He sure doesn't look happy though
  6. WOW! That is the coolest pic I have seen in a while. Even though you couldn't shoot them it must have got your heart pumping.
  7. josh

    Alaska Sitka Blacktail

    Very cool hope to to that some day. By the way I noticed your dad the beetle man Mitch. Does a great job on the skulls. how did you guys come across the fox? Trap,calling or just spotting them.
  8. josh

    Pulled a card yesterday, lots of wildlife

    Nice pics Amanda. We should get together after the deer hunts and do some predator calling ou there. That looks like a nice cat. Come jan. it should be furred up real nice.
  9. Yeah I paused for a second to take the pics then went to make another stand. Tried to call the coyotes that ate the person.
  10. josh


    Yes I have seen them up near Christopher mtn
  11. We called in three on different stand. First one winded us fast and busted out before a shot could be made. Second one I missed and third my partner shot with the gauge it spun dropped and got back up. We looked for a half hour but could not find it.
  12. josh

    Coyote Triple

    I can say it was not the Schaeffer but the Olympia Light. Yes I will be seeing you at the top of old widow maker come the end of October. Just don't shoot the first deer you see.
  13. Went out this a.m. and made my first stand at about 5:45 . At the two minute mark had a male come in from behind me. He got about ten feet from caller and and winded me so I woofed him pulled the trigger on my new Savage 22-250 and it got it's first dog then switched sounds and had a hard charger come racing in. Had to bark him to stop then he was down. After another couple minutes another coyote is coming in and checks up. I figured it was a little nervous with all the shooting so I shot it at about seventy five yards. This was my first coyote triple on a single stand. Have had many where I called them in, but was unable to get them.
  14. josh

    Coyote Triple

    Guess that time at the range paid off
  15. josh

    Coyote Triple

    In my defense two were pups but one was a mature male. I hold off all summer on the coyote killing just to give those pups some time to grow and normally never start calling till sep. But I am gearing up for a hunt in alaska so I just had to get out for a quick stand.
  16. josh

    Coyote Triple

    I use a Minaska M-1. As far as sounds on this stand it was all cottontail distress varieties.
  17. josh

    Dad's 1980 Nutrioso Buck

    Very cool picture Thanks for sharing
  18. josh

    Upcoming Namibian Leopard Hunt

    Thanks for bringing us along on a dream hunt. Do they do any predator calling over there? That jackal is a neat critter to take. Ernesto we need to book a predator calling hunt in africa.
  19. josh

    Coyotes Killin dogs

    Try a little k-9 pup distress
  20. Got the nerve up this weekend to take off the camo tape and do a sponge job on my coyote gun. It was alot easier to do than I thought.
  21. josh

    Lion family and 2 small bucks

    You should try calling one in when season opens. If you are seeing them in there regular you might get a chance. If you need help with the callin let me know.
  22. josh

    Bobcat mount

    Youre right the base turned out great the rock looks so real and the piece of wood has alot of character. I have another bobcat Mark is doing for me it is a very large diamond back striking at a big tom that I shot last season. I saw the snake finished and it looked awesome so I can't wait to see it completed.
  23. josh

    Bobcat mount

    Mark's Southwestern Taxidermy in Mesa. Great guy
  24. Bucky if you want to do your gun up I have plenty of paint left but it will cost you in hides next season
  25. Thanks for the compliments I am real happy how it came out. It is pretty simple I first cleand the entire rifle with acetone to get off all the oil and stickem left from the camo tape I had on it. Then taped off the things I didn't want paint on like the power adjustment on scope, and scope lenses. Next I took off the grip and trigger. The grip because I didn't know if the paint would work well on the Ergo grip which is rubber. Next I painted the entire gun with Rustoleum Camo spay paint from The Depot it comes in four colors that I could find. The first coat was khaki I hit it a couple times because I didn't use a primer( I have read where guys use a self etching primer first but it really doesn't seem necessary) Next I used the dark green in a candy cane stripe pattern on the rifle. Let dry and then used a real sea sponge and dipped it in the lite green and dabbed it on the dark green and khaki. Next was the dark brown this I did not use as heavy. Third I used the khaki and dark green to blend everything together. Last step was to apply a krylon matte finish to help protect. Hope this helps. As I read somewhere else the hard part is getting up the nerve to push the button for the first time.