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Everything posted by josh

  1. josh

    First Called Bobcat

    To show off the belly spots and color of belly as well.
  2. josh

    First Called Bobcat

    Beautiful bobcat. That is something to be proud of! Cats are my favorite species to see coming to the call. I always get excited when I see one. Well done. Now go give your taxidermist half down and get that trophy mounted.
  3. josh


    Excellent post! Those hunts are the one's we remember when we are too old to keep on doing them. Great looking buck!
  4. josh


    Must have been fun getting Hap and the rest of the dogs off that cat down there!
  5. josh

    Called 3 shot 2

    Great job on the white tips
  6. josh


    Well done dogman!! It's been my screensaver since yesterday Anybody get hurt in that situation?
  7. josh

    doubel eye gaurds

    Beaty of a rack. Great character you should be proud. Now start getting after those cats!
  8. Ernesto I can't wait for the party at the ranch when we both tag out on our monsters this year. Oh and we get you your bobcat That will help fill some space on the wall. Hope you are saving $ for the taxidermist.
  9. Third stand this a.m. this cat comes running in to lips at the three minute mark. The nova barked and the cat went down! This area has been producing nicely. I have taken a couple coyotes a fox and now a cat in the last couple weeks. It's funny too because I have always thought it was an area that was hunted hard so I never tried. This season however I gave it a try and it has bean really good. Just goes to show you should hit any spot you think looks good. The cat got pretty close to the caller before I shot. It was really tight cover. I love calling in the tight stuff. The cat is in the box and the Minaska M-1 is in the circle.
  10. Got out this morning for a couple and on stand #1 this little female came in at about five minutes. She was sneeking in on my Minaska that was hung up about six feet in a tree. When I saw her I had just hit pause and she would stop for a second then move a litle more while being totally locked on to the caller.Watched her for a minute before I shot.Not a very big cat but it starts my bobcat hunting for the year.
  11. Nice buck! Just dropped my 09 buck off and it is still $750!
  12. josh

    My 2009 Arizona Carp

    Well done Matt that is a really neat buck!! Congratulations!
  13. josh

    Bobcat questions

    Cats can have a big territory but I believe if there is good water and godd food like rabbits they stay in the same general area. Your best bet is to use an electronic caller on cats. It keeps there attention away from you and you can set up so you have the advantage. If there is some thick stuff in this area that is where I would be calling and also do your calling in the later part of the day. Although I have called cats in at all times of the day I have the best luck from noon and after. They like high pitch sounds or lip squeeking. Also I really believe if there is one cat in the area there are plenty more. Let us know how you do and good luck!! There is nothing like calling in your first cat they are a real trophy.
  14. josh

    Congratulations Dad!

    Very cool looking buck!! Congratulations!!
  15. josh


    Chris I was happy to be part of your first coues deer. We will have to find the bigger one next time, but If I glass him first I might not be as nice as this year Congrats on a great first buck. By the way nice picture!!
  16. Connected on a 424 yard shot this morning with the help of my hunting buddy Darren. We caught this buck with three others going for a drink at first light. I have had two coues tags that I have not filled in the last couple years as well getting after them with my bow. This buck was worth the wait. I am super happy to have been able to take this buck.
  17. josh

    Another one bites the dust.

    Well done Dug! Congratulations.
  18. Well done! These stories are what I love about the deer we hunt. There is nothing I would rather do than chase coues whitetail deer in October.
  19. Thanks Terry. He is a different buck. The other one had his forth up front as a crab claw. I think this one is a bit bigger. I guess passing and letting Chris take one the other day paid off.
  20. josh

    First Archery Elk

    Well done Blake congrats. Now go shoot acoyote!
  21. Hey Wade no panties for me I go commando. It's the internet for god's sake can't we have some fun.
  22. Finally made it back up to one of my favorite places on Earth, The Alaskan Bush. Was invited last year to go back up and help a good friend and alaskan guide Willie D. he owns Jim River Guide Service, but could not make so I vowed that this year I would go. On day four we glassed this boar at about 4 miles and cut the difference to get a better look ,and then the hard part of the stalk came crossing a creek full of nasty alders that was loaded with bear trails and sign. Then up the face of a mountain and with our luck the bear was still where we had left him from our last glassing point still chowing down the blueberries. We stalked up a small hill and had a little farther to go till we crested the top and Willie saw the top of the bear's back. We had a small alder bush to hide behind , but with the wind perfect the brute had no idea we were there. I took my pack off and gave it to the hunter for a rest. The bear stepped past the alder bush and Dave let him have it. The shot was thirty yards. The boar went down after a couple more for good measure. As we started giving high five's we spotted a bear charging towards us from a couple hundred yards away it was a sow with a cub she got within a 100yds and stood up on her back feet wondering what was happening. After a couple tense seconds she whoofed at the cub and took off. It was a truely exciting hunt and I was glad to be part of it. Going back next year to get one for myself. We glassed up 55 bears in eight days. Saw plenty of caribou but no big bulls they still nead a couple more good years to come back , one wolverine about 100 yds from camp while eating some Mountain House ,but could not get to the rifle fast enough. Here's home One day we watched a sow with three cubs that were ready to be kicked off. They were beautiful bears.
  23. Was invited by a friend to go callin down south today and after the fourth stand my friend yelled at me to come check out what he stumbled upon. To my suprise it was this human skull. He had called this exact spot last march and did not see it there then. Most of the flesh was gone but still stunk pretty bad. There were a couple vertebrae but we did not see any other bones. It is a real thick spot with little openings. Called the sheriff and they were sending out the homicide detectives.
  24. OK, I'll share with you. You get into the unit and find this dirt road. Go down it to where it's washed out and pick your way through the washout. There's a great big mountain on your right , but don't hunt that one. It's all mulies. You keep going another 3.47 miles and there is a barrel cactus on your right with the yellow fruit on it. (They love this stuff) Now park just around the bend and hike up that draw. When you get to where the two washes come together take the right fork about a quarter of a mile and then hike uphill to the bench above the creek. Now there is a big mesquite there and it's a good place to have your morning movement. (make sure you put the paper under the small flat rock. The small one, not the big one, there's a present under the big one) Now about a hundred yards up the hill is a ledge which is a real good place to set up your big glass. Now look across the drainage and you'll see some thick brush. It's fairly open below this down to the wash. The secret here is that there is a seep down there and the deer will go across the open area from the cover to water. Now I've never personally seen a deer here but it sure looks like it has potential. EBB that's the best description of how to get to 21 ever, but its actually spot on. except by the time October gets here there might be one or two more washouts... an the lil yellow fruits might be getting dried up. also the little rock may also have been used
  25. Ya just ask EBB there are no more whitetail in 21