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Everything posted by Shedhunteraz

  1. Shedhunteraz

    FS H1000

    In Gilbert right now. Gilbert and Warner. I'll be n or payson starting next Friday for summer
  2. Shedhunteraz

    spotting scope dilemma!

    Just sold my vortex razor HD and upgraded to new swaro 95mm. Couldn't be happier
  3. Shedhunteraz

    FS H1000

    7 lbs left
  4. Shedhunteraz

    FS H1000

    I guess you didn't understand for sale?
  5. Shedhunteraz

    Not your average May morning

    Wife and I grabbed our cup of coffee and headed out for a day of shed hunting and wasn't expecting snow
  6. Shedhunteraz

    Amandas dog Julie

    So so sorry to hear that. Our family's thoughts and prayers go out to yours. We hope you find peace at some point.
  7. Shedhunteraz

    Looking for a new setup. Archery

    We that counts me out not part of the "cool kid" club with a million posts lets hear it shed hunter- Well I shoot a bowtech insanity cpx. And before that had a destroyer.Your going to have everyone and thier brother tell you what you should shoot. Find what feels good in your hands and what let off and back wall you like what draw cycle you like. After all you are the one that is going to be shooting it. Just for the love of gosh don't buy a Point Shoot Explode
  8. Shedhunteraz

    Looking for a new setup. Archery

    We that counts me out not part of the "cool kid" club with a million posts
  9. Shedhunteraz

    ADA Banquet

    More than welcome. We all had a good time. Wife won too like usual though. Gotta get the girls out to find some Browns soon.
  10. Shedhunteraz

    ADA Banquet

    Wife won some earrings and grizzly cooler. Good night
  11. Shedhunteraz

    How Big?

  12. Shedhunteraz

    ISO ADA Banquet Tickets

    Why didn't you call me we have a table
  13. Shedhunteraz

    How Big?

    agreed i was being generous not even close. we have had big bulls drop second week of feb and she the same bull growing in the third week of august and following week rubbing his velvet on camera. So its not far fetched.
  14. Shedhunteraz

    My new 6mm Creedmoor

    That is sick. Doing the same 6.5 in the defiant action
  15. Shedhunteraz

    You know your wife is good when.....

    A bull we have been watching for 3 years and she finally finds one of his sides.
  16. Shedhunteraz

    ADA Baquet

    Ladies and Gentlemen time is winding down to get your tickets for the upcoming Banquet on Sat May 2nd at Wildhorse Pass Hotel and Casino. Come out and support a great organization and get in on the great raffles and silent auctions that will be going on.
  17. Shedhunteraz

    Snowy Turkey Hunt

    Was wondering when we were gonna hear the story. Great job Adam and congrats to the wife in the dead head. I'm sure you'll fill us in at the banquet
  18. Shedhunteraz

    Our thieves up date

    Many of you commented on our whole bind situation being stolen. Which i take full responsibility for because it left it out. The issue we took offense to is the blatant destroying of the forest. I was going to let it go and let an idiot be and idiot. After seeing this ying yang post his ebay ad with his quad off road yet again, and seeing his tire tracks over a mile from the nearest road and tons of other areas he had just took and blazed his own trial i had to do something. I pulled cameras monday and saw he had done it again to the same camera, and then the animals which are recovering from the hunts and antlers dropping didn't show up for another 7 days. We had animals come in everyday, after he blazed through yet again and gave a wave to the camera my blood started boiling. So instead of waiting for him and confronting him and doing something stupid i decided to contact our Warden in our unit. I explained the whole situation and he told me to send him the pics and GPS cords to my camera, as he wanted to document the damage this idiot has done. So if anyone sees this guy around herber or unit 3a 3c or 23 i would let the wardens know. His name is Kenny Stewart and His wife is Yolanda and the kid is Leland. Hopefully in due time he will get what he deserves, legally
  19. Shedhunteraz

    New Guy/ Few shed pics

    Nice haul. Keep it up and sharing
  20. Shedhunteraz

    You know your wife is good when.....

    I can't speak for my wife but I'm sure she will chime in. But we had and have this bull about the same distance between cameras. Odd thing is he is totally opposite of where we thought he goes in spring. I would say do the total opposite of what your gut says. Wait for holly to chime in she knows way better and more than i
  21. Shedhunteraz

    brand new Vortex Viper HD 8x32

    Dude why don't you put in the same effort of high jacking someone's thread and posting pics to make two more clicks with your mouse and do the same thing. Classless move. You'll learn real quick CWT members won't tolerate anyone doing that to another member
  22. Shedhunteraz

    You know your wife is good when.....

    come on rook you know my wife, she don't weigh those. Main is 54 I think Tell her to get with the program and start weighing her big sheds. Inquiring minds want to know! I dare you to take it from her:) She never will. And if I dare to take it my man parts will be in her Michael Khors purse
  23. Shedhunteraz

    You know your wife is good when.....

    come on rook you know my wife, she don't weigh those. Main is 54 I think
  24. Shedhunteraz

    Wyoming Pile Up

    We drive this stretch to get to our antelope unit. To say it's scary is an understatement. My heart dropped when I was watching the carnage that was happening. My heart goes out to all involved in this crash and those whose lost thier lives on the same highway two days later in a bigger pileup
  25. Shedhunteraz

    unit 23 south Oct. brother drew

    What is he hunting ? Cow bull ? I can only assume cow since the bull hunts aren't till late nov