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Everything posted by Shedhunteraz

  1. Shedhunteraz

    Ruger Precision Rifle NIB 6.5 creedmoor Gen 2 $2850

  2. Shedhunteraz

    Once in a lifetime bull

    Heck yeh nice job guys. So awesome and blessed you guy got to do that with your dad. What a beautiful bull! Great memories
  3. Shedhunteraz

    Unit 23 Jr. Elk

    They are ripping this am and have been. Should not have an issue anywhere in this unit. Especially down where you are staying.
  4. Shedhunteraz

    Wyoming bonus points

    Point creep is 8 next year. 7 on special will get you in
  5. Shedhunteraz

    First Archery Bull - long story

    Nice job guys. Kudos to blake helping out. Lots of good people out there
  6. Shedhunteraz

    Home Burglarized: Hunting Gear Stolen

    I got swaro 15's, garmin radios, back up brand new kuiu pack, tripods and rangefinder. Pm let me know what you need and i can help anyway you need.
  7. Shedhunteraz

    Texan makes 4210 yard shot

    Pure stupidity. And we wonder why our world is the way it is.
  8. Shedhunteraz

    Fire Restrictions

    Yep. They changed all the signs yesterday to VERY HIGH. Now if we can just keep these idiots from actually doing that and not littering we might be getting somewhere
  9. Shedhunteraz

    New Zealand 2016 (pic heavy)

    Your story's never get old. So glad you two had such an awesome time. And yes you were smart to let mamma shoot that big ole fallow. Congrats on a great hunt and a gray trip. You still owe us drinks
  10. Shedhunteraz

    Wife and I had a few good days

    Been up for the summer and been out the past 3 days beating the heat.
  11. Shedhunteraz

    Anyone still shed hunting?

    there is no more left
  12. Shedhunteraz

    Wife and I had a few good days

    There are some toads out there. Just gotta find them
  13. Shedhunteraz

    I swear

    Exactly. Thank you ladies and gentlemen,families of current and lost service men and women. Our freedom is because of you and will never be forgotten
  14. Shedhunteraz

    Please Pray for Me and My Family

    Give it to God and leave it up to Him. Our family prayers go out to you.
  15. Goodness touchy subject or what? I asked a simple question and you flip. I didn't imply anything and wanted to legitimately know if your brother won Dave. Don't know if you have a guilty conscience or what the deal is or maybe you're tired but calm the heck down. I rarely buy tickets for your raffles anyway because I have terrible luck and I know for a fact I've never called your raffles into question in the past. I think you have me confused with another member of this site. I've never been under the impression that something fishy was going on with your raffles or I would have made it known. I guide multiple people a year for your hunts for hero's program with the elk society as well. But I promise I won't buy any more of your raffle tickets or support your organizations after your reply. I hope your brother enjoys his prizes. Have a good night. You opened your mouth to the wrong person young man. That sentence right there is you accusing him.
  16. Shedhunteraz

    Live Alberta Canada trip report

    One you need your man card taken for giving a crap what the "internet" says. Second your a sportsman, a hunter and a dang good one. Trust your heart, trust your instincts.
  17. Shedhunteraz

    Antler Theft

    Just when you think this website and forum is getting back to it roots. You get stupid idiotic questions and having to explain to someone about thier stance on hunting relating issues. Holy Crap dude have you ever hunted with Jason? Obviously not. About the most old school hunter you will find. And would hunt circles around you with your trail cams
  18. Shedhunteraz

    Couse dropping yet?

    Depends on where you are at. None up in the pines that i have seen. 8 were packing yesterday
  19. Shedhunteraz

    None Vocal Unit 23

    Been hunting the last two days and nothing. Only seen one bird. Sucks this year
  20. Shedhunteraz

    Biggest set of the year so far

    Very nice find right there. Congrats on the set
  21. Shedhunteraz

    12x50 swarovski EL V.S. Vortex Kaibab HD 15x56

    i would not do that. The hd15s have a white washed look to them when compared side by side to the el 12x50. Buy the 12x50 els, stop micro analyzing every thing and go hunting. Have to agree with Tim on this one. I have the 15 and 12s and 10s. My 12s stay around my neck and go on the tripod when need be. 15s are a back up for anyone I am with or helping out. Got to outdoorsmans and put both side by side and you will answer your own question
  22. Shedhunteraz

    Antler Theft

    Wife showed me this. On separate note she caught some a hole jacking her pics of her sheds and posting them on thier own page. I have never seen her that nuclear. Now she has to resort to watermarking her antler and dead head pics. Man this world has become so messed up. Feel very sorry if someone like this attempts to come on our property and take hers. Good thing we have enough property to bury a body
  23. Shedhunteraz

    Need south east Valley vet help

    Crosswinds animal clinic. We have taken our heard to dr roach. Two of our lab also. Higley and guad
  24. Shedhunteraz

    Job hunt 2016

    I am always hiring. Not sure what you are looking for but pm and we can talk
  25. Shedhunteraz

    Are they done gobbling?

    Was in 23N last few days. Few pockets of gobbles but aren't very receptive. It was windy as heck and with weather coming back in doesn't look good.