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Everything posted by CRB

  1. CRB


  2. CRB

    09 NM Carp and Lope

    Nice Job!
  3. CRB

    Any luck in "c"

  4. Not one response was against the credibility of the hunter congrats to him he shot a rarity of a buck the only responses were against the fact that azacouesfanatic made a ridiculous statement that half the bucks in southern AZ. had shed there velvet as of Sept. 10 which if it was true would mean that the buck your taking offense to isnt such a rarity which is not the case so congrats to the hunter and sorry to ruin your thread.
  5. Maybe he just called it like he seen it. Your buck was a big boy to but he wasnt rubbed off! there is no way that one particular spot in Southern AZ. Rubbed out before every other unit in the state all you did was raise eyebrows on that big buck!
  6. Siderack thats plus 2 barely seeing them hard horns!
  7. CRB

    My boys are at it again

    Awhile back some of you guys might remember a muley buckskull these guys found well until this Saturday I hadn't had the chance to get them out there with me again within 10 Minutes of arriving to our spot we found this set. sorry for the picture qaulity they are from my cellphone . the trip didnt last much longer than this my middle boy stepped on some cactus and wasn't up for a longer hike. GOTTA LUV IT WHEN THEM KIDS DO GREAT THINGS!!!
  8. CRB

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    A respectable 118 6/8"
  9. CRB

    My boys are at it again

    Well some of you guys might remember this post my boys found this set and today I managed to come up with another set off this buck from this year . He is a lil busted up but i dont care you gotta love them generational sets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. CRB


    The sheds are impressive but more so the dedication to find multiple sets from the same buck now thats impressive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. my last response and i'll let this go but how many times had you seen that deer before you shot it or how many sheds off of that particular deer do you have that is my point there are big bucks in every unit, some people are more skilled than others but even the rookies kill big bucks sometimes. I am not saying you arent a good hunter I am sure you are very knowledgeable as for this topic in particular the more time in the field behind the glasses and yes walking for miles and miles will help but even after locating a big buck before your hunt it is going to be completely different when there are hundreds of other hunters in the field so yes even for the greatest of hunters luck will eventually play a very important part of the hunt. azantlerhead I meant no disrespect toward your abilitys and wish you the best of luck this year I was simply giving my opinion on your post.
  12. I could throw any idiot out in the woods and if he walks long enough he to will find a shed or a track its inevitable. Everything you said in the first post can be found in any decent book but putting it all together in the field is a whole different ball game, I hope you do kill many more great bucks I wish that for everybody so yes i respectfully agree to disagree!
  13. I dont mean to be a party pooper or a jerk and I aint jealous you shot a fine buck congrats on that but I say it was pure luck on your part and I for one would like to see you pull another one out of unit 31 if you can do that then in my book you are an accomplished hunter like you say you aim to be.
  14. CRB


    Bought the newewst issue of trophy hunter mag today and noticed Christian was in it has any one else seen this issue there is also another article with a freakin toad of a buck from mexico
  15. CRB

    AZ Giant 128 4/8

    WOW what a stud buck!!!!!!
  16. here is decent one a good friend Dave Bodine shot 2day .
  17. CRB

    Unit (you wish ) Carp

    Safford in Southern AZ.
  18. Im with TAM on this one if we wait untill soeone else tells us when we can protest it may be too late now is the time.
  19. CRB

    Juniors-only hunts

    In my opinion having a seperate hunt for our youth is great especially for those first time hunters . Hunting with the pressures of overcrowding areas can be overwhelming when trying to teach your sons or daughters respect for nature its just one more obstacle and could very easily deter a youth from enjoying the chance to hunt. Hunting in far less crowded units with fewer other hunters will give our kids a better chance of seeing these animals in there natural environment and enjoying the hunt while giving us the satisfaction of teaching them safety and as I mentioned already respect without having to rush them to the next ridge or canyon in fear of other hunters getting to the buck or bull before they do. nothing good can come from rushing a child into an already intense and exciting situation!
  20. CRB

    December Tags

    I think azantlerhead is right all of you guys should quit putting in for the December whitetail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. CRB

    Howa Rifles?

    I have a Howa 300 win. Mag I love it good shooting guns I've killed several deer with it.
  22. CRB

    Will we ever see it?

    I guess we'll see when we see huh guys the secrets out apparently there must be a few monsters being watched !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. CRB

    Will we ever see it?

    That's the top nontypical and was killed in AZ, and don't get me started on that can o' worms Or the number 2 nontyp either. I think it will happen within the next 10 years or so, it will come out of Mexico, and it won't be a farm deer. San Carlos is a great possibility too. Bulwidgeon, I agree the Stockwell buck is a freak in the fact of how big he is and how symetrical he stayed, but if it happened once... And Ernesto, please, enlighten us I second that on the #1 & 2 non typical complete F%$@!@%^&(BS) and Ernesto I to know the name of the next world record hunter as a matter of fact we just had a party at his house for CWT recently if he cant do it Who else can
  24. CRB

    July 14-27 Covert II pics

    Hey Scott how about some video of that trailer I read about in the paper a few weeks ago I'm sure oone of them trail cams by your house caught it on film