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About CRB

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 11/23/1979

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  • Gender
  • Location
    southern AZ
  • Interests
    spending time in the sticks with my 3 boys pickin up coues sheds or at any athletic event for my boys

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  1. CRB

    Fresh mountain lion kill

    Nice find but with no disrespect intended I cant see it going 100 much less 115 still a great find for the day tho congrats!
  2. CRB

    What do you mean I ain't a Leo anymore.....

    Wow and to think all the money people spend on family rings andbirthstone pendants and then to find out they bought the wrong one lol!
  3. CRB

    RJ's first coues buck

    Sounds like you might have had a chat with Jim LOL!
  4. CRB

    RJ's first coues buck

    When I say hes no monster I meant he is not what most people are looking for when going south of the border but he is definately a very nice first buck
  5. CRB

    RJ's first coues buck

    Fell free to guess the score I know I misjudged this guy by a few inches
  6. CRB

    RJ's first coues buck

    Here is my 11 year old sons first coues buck shot on the first day of his hunt with Jim Reynolds , hes no monster but he sure is perty and Ryan was extremely happy. We sat in a blind the first day that Jim had put us in and 2 hrs in this guy came in, we watched him for about 10 minutes then my boy decided this was his buck and BAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 71 yrds he dropped him with a single shot from his 243 weatherby! needles to say the rest of the hunt was a vacation for us .
  7. CRB

    Docter Binoculars 15x60B

    do you still have these
  8. We just got back and had no problems getting capes across but they will take your cape if there is even one tick dead or alive on it
  9. CRB

    HOWA 1500 300 WIN mag

    is it the Houge stock? If so how much and what color is it? Its the knoxx axiom stock pictured on the gun lookin to get 125 plus sh its still brand newand it is black
  10. CRB

    HOWA 1500 300 WIN mag

    SPF the stock is still available PM IF INTERESTED
  11. CRB

    HOWA 1500 300 WIN mag

    6.5x20 power scope
  12. CRB

    HOWA 1500 300 WIN mag

    Had this gun about 5 yrs and only put 4 or 5 boxes through it most of the wear is just from being strapped to my back I am not the best shot but I was grouping about 2" at 250