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Everything posted by brent

  1. Thats awesome! Congrats on the first deer! And thanks for posting the story and pics. Its gonna be my turn tomorrow!
  2. brent

    Early Archery Deer Hunts

    I think another week of growth would only offer you another bite or two. I personally dont eat the antlers and dont care if they are done growing or not. Is that wasteful of me?
  3. brent

    Remington 03A3 30-06 $350

    If I didnt already have one similar I think its a lot more fun to hunt with a nostalgic peice like this than some new fangled plastic rifle IMHO.
  4. brent

    Ithaca 12 ga. SxS $325

    Dang, a few mins too late! I would have bought that in a heartbeat
  5. Forgot to add, the board is 40"
  6. All items available for pick up in Flagstaff. Brent (6o2) 284-462o 1 ton chain hoist (I think around $200 new) $50 Bowfishing stuff $100. Includes AMS reel, two arrows (one needs a new knock), and thick bristled Wisker Biscut. You can have the bow too if you want, but I wouldn't use it. Its very old and has warped wooded limbs. The limbs got wet and absorbed some water. Skim Board ($70 new I think) will sell for $40. Guitar $20. Needs new strings. Orlando brand, made in Japan 1970's. Has one small dent on side.
  7. brent

    Flagstaff Meat processing

    Casey's is great. Another good one is Dan Bix. He is a professional butcher and does an excellent job on game. He can make some real good chorizo, sausage etc. too. His #(928) 699 5557
  8. brent

    Got a new Hoyt but..

    see this is the problem. people say to shop local, so i do and this is what happens. should have just gone to BPS or Cabelas I guess. There are still a handful of awesome local shops (some are site sponsors). The problem with these big places is that they dont always carry local or regionaly specific products like the smaller stores do, and they normally dont have the same level of expertise (with exceptions). BPS is good because Christian and Jerry work there, but I cant tell you how many times ive had people that dont know their head from their you know what trying to help me at the big stores.
  9. Pretty cool rifle, but could they have made it look anymore like a toy?
  10. brent

    Jack woulda shot it!

    Very nice, Jack would have shot it, and I would too.
  11. brent

    G&F Released Wolves again.....dang

    My opinion: Theres not enough room for both wolves and humans in a crowded place like AZ. However; If there was a way to keep them confined to a specific area, then I might be okay with it. Like if every wolf outside a specific unit or two was fair game to get shot. Obviosly there needs to be a way to keep them from expanding their range throughout the state if we dont want to see our elk and deer numbers plumbit and tag numbers with them. There have been several initatives to re-introduce grizz bears to the Southwest; specifically the blue range and gila wilderness of AZ/NM. What are your thoughts on this? Do you think there is more of a place for the Grizzlies than there are for wolves? Just curios! To me it is a little sad that we lost these two species from AZ.
  12. brent

    Shotgun Shells------SOLD

    If you will be in Flagstaff sometime soon, I will take them. Shoot me a pm if interested. Thanks
  13. brent

    unit 6a cow elk

    They are everywhere, you dont need any secret spots. Go hiking, have fun, and good luck
  14. brent

    Tell us about your elk rifle, and cartridge?

    Wish I had a photo of it....It is gone now, living in the happy hunting grounds. It was a Sporterized German 98 Mauser custom built by my Grand Father when he was in his early 20's. He did this as a side job when he was young and made some real nice rifles. The one he made for himself and then gave to me was chambered in 30-06 and had a 4x weaver scope on top. I got my first and only cow elk with it.
  15. brent

    Dear A hole on the ATV

    I hope there arnt any cheaters on this forum, but just in case; here are the two sets you missed! How can anyone justify not just driving on closed roads, but driving cross-country on wet ground? I even saw where someone (maybe the same person) had driven their truck over a forest service fence to get around a closed gate! Who are these people?
  16. brent

    When do the Muleys start dropping?

    seen one off, most still on from what Ive seen as of this week
  17. brent

    Night time striper fishing on Lake Mead!

    Deal! PM sent
  18. brent

    Professinal reel cleaning?

    Has anyone ever had their bass reels professionally cleaned? I have quite a few that need a deep clean, but no time to do it myself. Thanks
  19. Can anyone reccomend an appraiser for some ww2 era guns? Need a post-mortem appraisal after a house fire. Either Phoenix or Flagstaff area. Thanks in advance.
  20. Wont work too well because of the spin the rifling puts on the load. I would imagine that unlike a bullet, the spin put on the shot will give you a uslessly large pattern at a very close range.
  21. brent

    desert muley set

    Cool! How did you mount them and to what? thx
  22. brent

    Another Gun Question

    You certainly do not need a scope to kill an elk. If your hunting in juniper country, shots could easily be under 100 yards. If you really want a scope and it needs to be tapped for one, dont do it. Do some research tho, the military did put scopes on some back in the day, I am not sure how they were attached. I know they put them to the side so that the en-block clip could still be taken in and out. It sure would be fun to hunt with such a historic rifle! my 2 cents
  23. brent

    recommendations 4 Teal taxidermist

    it would taste better if you ate it
  24. brent

    11M Archery Javelina

    wow, beautiful photo!