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Everything posted by countrykid

  1. countrykid

    22n dec hunt

  2. countrykid

    Garrett's bull

    Nice bull!
  3. countrykid

    Glasses up this buck in 22

    Too many tags if you ask me, but we were still able to see some good bulls. Get up high and glass the nasty stuff.
  4. countrykid

    22n dec hunt

    Did you get anything dsears71?
  5. countrykid

    Glasses up this buck in 22

    Ya he had a couple extras on his left side and we had a 360" bull get shot out from under us. We glassed up three this morning that we are trying to talk ourselves into going in after.
  6. countrykid

    Interesting situation developing in college football

    I didn't meen Texas as a state, I know that's where he is from but I meant the program of Texas. After seeing what happened to Asu when they played Notre Dame in Dallas I doubt they would want him as there Coach. I feel he's done a tremendous job with Asu but Texas is a totally different story.
  7. countrykid

    Interesting situation developing in college football

    Personally I don't think Graham is cut out for Texas.
  8. countrykid

    22n late rifle hunt- weather and elk movement

    It might drive some elk down off the top. But I don't think it will move the ones below the rim down any further. Most of the snow below the rim will probably be melted by Tuesday or Wednesday. So I would stick to your plan.
  9. countrykid

    22n late hunt

    Good deal, when does your hunt end scooter?
  10. countrykid

    22n late hunt

    See any good bulls?
  11. countrykid

    22n late hunt

    I've got the same hunt but I'll be on horses, it should be fun playing in the mud!
  12. countrykid

    Desert Buck

    Very nice!
  13. countrykid

    Brothers first deer!!!

    Nice buck!
  14. countrykid

    misc. hunting stuff

    Pleasure doing business!
  15. countrykid

    misc. hunting stuff

    I'll take the scabbard.
  16. countrykid

    Helping out dad in Unit 10 late rifle

    Just doe's didn't even see a buck or an elk. It was still fun to get out and spend time with my dad but was a little disappointed that we weren't able to find any bucks.
  17. countrykid

    USPS.... GRRRR

  18. countrykid

    12bw fence along state road

    I would agree with you that these under passes do work and they cut down on collisions but it also makes it a little easier to set up a stand or a blind at these forced crossings.
  19. countrykid

    Helping out dad in Unit 10 late rifle

    I'll be up there this weekend helping out my dad on his Muley hunt so I'll let you know what we see.
  20. countrykid

    12bw fence along state road

    If the government designed it of course it's not going to work or as least makes no sense. That's like putting turtle ramps in our head walls and a few years ago I remember a job that we were bidding that had squirrel crossings in it.
  21. countrykid

    Unit 10 Muley

    My dad has a Muley hunt there and wanted to know of any good places to start? Any help would appreciated!
  22. countrykid

    2003 Dodge Cummins Diesel Flatbed

    Nice truck!