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Everything posted by countrykid

  1. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    I have a kid on my football team who was cited by a game & fish officer for shooting a sparrow while out dove hunting. He had the sparrow on the tailgate of his truck, so he didn't just shoot it and leave it. Anyways the officer cited him with 17-309a10 taking of wildlife out of season. I for one did not know that sparrows had a season and for it to be a criminal offense sounds crazy to me. And to top it all off, his court date is during his elk hunt. He asked me if it was really against the law to shoot a sparrow and I told him I didn't think so but I thought I'd check with you guys to make sure.
  2. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    I agree with you100% the kids coming out of college that we have to work with sometime out here in the construction field have zero common sense.
  3. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    I don't know if he was disrespectful or not, I wasn't there. But from what I get to see of him at practice he's not the type of kid to be disrespectful. And the Worden isn't to young mid thirties to early forties. But like I said he seemed like a nice guy in class. I think I'll try calling him if I can get his number and ask him what type of sparrow it was. If I call G&F will they give me a number to contact him at?
  4. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    Before I get hammered its College not collage.
  5. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

  6. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

  7. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    Here is the copy, maybe he can come on and clarify the type of bird that was killed.
  8. countrykid

    Hawk attacking my chickens

    Bro, you can't even shoot a sparrow in this country without getting charged !
  9. countrykid

    Being part of the hunt!!!

  10. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    I'm not sure, I never saw the bird, but it could be.
  11. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    Exactly my thoughts, at least the kid picked it up and didn't just leave it out there. If he had just left it the officer wouldn't have even known that he had shot the stupid thing! The game and fish are crying about needing more hunters to pay for conservation but then do stupid crap like this to a kid who is just beginning to start his hunting career. A little common sense could go a long way.
  12. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

  13. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    15 or 16
  14. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    I guess I could have the kid write a 1,000 times "I will follow the rules just like the game and fish officers do" ..... I'm sure his parents will take care of it.
  15. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    I guess you could call it suicide by hunter. The dove were flying in low and this sparrow flew right across in front of the dove.
  16. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    He said it was flying with a bunch of dove, so he shot it by mistake.
  17. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    He said the Warden didn't even know what it was. He said he took the sparrow and went back and sat in his truck for about an hour and then came back and handed him the citation. And on the citation all it says is "Taken out of season" And from what I can tell the only sparrow that has a season is open year long if using a shotgun. Which tells me the sparrow was legal to shoot... If I shot a Bald Eagle he wouldn't cite me with " Taken out of season" because Bald Eagles don't have a season. It's a protected species and that would be a totally different ball game.
  18. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    Everything was legal except for the sparrow. His gun only held 3 shells he was able to take home his doves, legal area to be hunting in.
  19. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    Now I'm confused:) he's in the clear because he was using a shotgun? Did I read that right?
  20. countrykid

    Cited by AZGF

    Thanks guys! He was in 26m,so it looks like the officet was in the right. Still I think a warning would have been better than giving a kid a citation. He does feel bad so hopefully he doesn't get his lisence taken like your buddy did.
  21. countrykid

    22n early rifle bull--buddy needs guide

    I believe the Ground Pounders & a few of the A3 guys live in the unit as well.
  22. countrykid

    22n early rifle bull--buddy needs guide

    AZGP has the resources to get him into position.+1 They'll get him on some good bulls
  23. countrykid

    22n early rifle bull--buddy needs guide

    Personally, i would go with Az Ground Pounders!