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Everything posted by cmbbulldog

  1. cmbbulldog

    Wife held out for a nice bull

    Very nice. Congrats.
  2. cmbbulldog

    Unit 8 success!

    Congrats on the success.
  3. cmbbulldog

    2014 archery bull "mr. lopside"

    Cool story. Congrats to all of you.
  4. cmbbulldog

    My AZ Bull

    I thought so, but maybe not. This was supposed to be my second best tag... But might be tough to beat now. I head to the gila in 2 weeks and the bar is set. Co 3rd season deer tag after that. You doing co again this year?
  5. cmbbulldog

    My Elk Hunt video. "The Perfect Storm"

    Nice bull, thanks for sharing the video.
  6. cmbbulldog

    My first bull

    Whata a stud. Fantastic!
  7. cmbbulldog

    Just happy to tag out...

    Awesome. Congrats.
  8. cmbbulldog


    Any near flagstaff, Mormon lake specifically, that want to go for a walk?
  9. cmbbulldog


    I came in from the East on Monday mornng and man was it quiet. Way quieter than anyplace I had hunted to date. I have heard great things, but if the bulls are talking elsewhere, I will be hunting elsewhere. Might give it one more try later in the week, maybe come in from the North this time. SOme of the canyons look like fantastic country though.
  10. cmbbulldog

    Being part of the hunt!!!

    That's a good bull to boot. Congrats.
  11. cmbbulldog

    My Dads Bull

    That's a stud bull. Congrats.
  12. cmbbulldog

    Fighting elk

    Thanks for sharing.
  13. cmbbulldog

    My unit 9 bull **New pictures and story added**

    Very nice. Congrats.
  14. cmbbulldog

    Utah LE Bull...

  15. cmbbulldog

    Finally My Turn!

    Yea, I don't think I could pass him up either. Congrats.
  16. cmbbulldog


    Keep at it.
  17. cmbbulldog


    It's going to be great. Bulls should be going good and stalking conditions couldn't be better.
  18. cmbbulldog

    Rain and Hot worries

    The last week of the archery hunt should be fantastic. Can't wait. For those that care, no moon those last few days either. Can't hurt.
  19. cmbbulldog

    6A Archery Newbie - could use some advice

    Lastly, if you are having trouble finding elk, and want to hunt further north, let me know. I have a tag too and will be hunting most of the season.
  20. cmbbulldog

    6A Archery Newbie - could use some advice

    Get up at 3:00 and drive the roads every mile or so and listen for bugles. Then start hunting and hunt them all day. You should have no problem finding elk that time of the morning. There are a lot of tags in 6a, and the animals move around quite a bit due to the pressure and the fact that they are just elk.
  21. Sounds like a fun adventure. Good post.
  22. cmbbulldog

    New hunting blog

    Good luck.
  23. cmbbulldog

    12A Archery Kaibab Deer

    My brother I headed up in 2 weeks. Hopefully he will have a full report.
  24. cmbbulldog

    Archery elk season is just around the corner

    22 days? You have a NM or Utah tag?
  25. cmbbulldog

    Pics of my latest outing

    Great pics.