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About Anaconda

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    Advanced Member

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    The peoples republic of Kalifornia

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  1. I read this and started thinking of that dive boat fire that killed all thoses sleeping divers. I don't want the crew of a three day ocean trip stoned out of their heads
  2. Anaconda

    Hawaii fishing charter

    http://fishinkona.com/ This guy is a regular over on another site. Check him out, he catches a lot of fish, a lot of different fish.
  3. Anaconda

    Handyman Helper Needed Immediately

    I would send my son over but he lives about a thousand miles away, and his car isn't that reliable.
  4. Anaconda

    Lots of small trout

    The lakes I usually fish are 2+ hours away. It takes me 30 minuets to un load and get ready (no trailer, a truck top boat) Dawn is about 5:30 AM, so I leave my house around 3:00 AM. Being out on a scenic high-country lake at the crack of dawn is how I relax, it's what I love. It’s a lot easier to jump out of bed at 2:30 am to go fishing than 6:00 am to go to work. I am usually the only one on the lake until after 8 AM.
  5. Anaconda

    Lots of small trout

  6. Anaconda

    Lots of small trout

  7. Anaconda

    Lots of small trout

    The road up to the high country opened. McKinley road to Wishon reservoir (7,000 ft ) in central Calif. Sierra Nevada Mt.s. (Courtright at 8,000 ft is still closed for a few more weeks) I couldn’t find anybody who wanted to hit the road at 3:30 am so I went up by myself, and was lines out trolling by 6:15 am. No size, mostly Rainbows between 11” and 17”, and one 16” German Brown. The action was non stop, I boated 43 fish, and lost a dozen more by 11:00 am.
  8. Anaconda

    Baja East Cape

    35 years ago, I stayed and fished the East Cape at a place called “Punta Colorado”. We had a lot of fun, prices were very reasonable and we caught a ton of smaller fish. We spent a whole day trying to catch a marlin, but never got a bite. We spent a day on a “Panga”, with a guide skipper who didn’t speak English. We were able to convey to him that we didn’t care what type or size of fish we caught, we just wanted to catch a lot of fish. After he figured out what we were trying to say, he got a big smile and said “Si', Si', and ran us up the coast a few miles. About ½ mile off shore and 20-30 feet deep. We started jigging and casting, and boated over 100 assorted fish from 3 to 12 lbs.. Trigger fish, Pompanos, Sierras and a dozen others I couldn’t identify. All on 10lb to 20 lb bass fishing rigs. It was a blast.
  9. Anaconda

    Any Ice on Sunrise?

    No ice where I was trolling today. My son.
  10. Anaconda

    Muzzy Bull

    Congratulations gentlemen. I had the tag, and never saw a bull during daylight / shooting hours. Had a pig in my headlights Monday night. Sneaking between two large hunting camps near Stoneman. Hikes miles, drove all the back roads and 4X4 trails, spent hours behind the glass.
  11. Anaconda

    Little Boat, Big Lake

    Pay attention to the weather. I try to be off the water if the wind gets over 10 mph. I have used my 12 ft flatbottom on Strawberry in Utah. That’s a big lake. We get off the water an hour before any wind/rain is predicted.
  12. Anaconda

    10-22 Owners with scopes Step Inside

    My son got a 10/22 for Christmas a few years back. Plinking, small game and steel plates at 50 Yds I gave him a scope budget and we did some research. He choose a Burris 2X7-36 "Droptine". Very happy with it, Impressive scope for about $150
  13. Anaconda

    I took some boys fishing.

    This young man isn't old enough to be a "Boy Scout" yet, His older brother is with the troop. After I had taken all the scouts out, his father ask if I could take him. Sure, both of you hop in. The bigger fish hit a spoon on light spinning gear and really put up a fight. The smile says it all !
  14. Anaconda

    I took some boys fishing.

    I really enjoy taking “first time” fishermen out and helping them get their first fish. I “pre-fish” the lake the day before, and I know what lures are working best, and where the trout are hanging out. I have several rods set up, go lines out and put the rods in holders. Tell the boys “just watch that rod tip, you’ll know when a fish hits it. The excited look on their faces when they get a fish on is priceless. Tonight I am going to finish teaching a few things to 5 Scouts, and in two weeks, they will get their “Fishing Merit Badge”.
  15. Anaconda

    Flying Bulls of Unit 10

    and I always thought they had the Cloaking device. Cool Pic.