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Everything posted by brian390

  1. brian390

    Any bulls taken in unit 8?

    Man that bull is really nice! What a beast! Congrats to the hunter.
  2. brian390

    Big bulls hitting the ground in unit 1

    I've seen pics and know of one big bull out of unit 1 from a friend of mine. Maybe it's the same bull some of you guys know about. I won't post the pics because I don't have his ok.
  3. Awesome 3c bull congrats! WHT_MTNMAN, funny and great post.
  4. brian390

    Archery Bull

    Awesome bull! That is quite the third on the right side.
  5. brian390

    New here - rifle tag

    Great buck! Congrats! I really like the extra character on the horns.
  6. brian390

    2015 goat

    Great buck! Congrats.
  7. brian390

    My first Antelope tag and I was able to fill it!

    It's tough with a bow! Great buck. Congrats!
  8. brian390

    AZ Antelope

    Great buck! Congrats!
  9. Great buck and story! Congrats to the hunter and guide. Man that's a lot of mass on top!
  10. brian390

    Anyone see something like this before?

    Lark nailed it with his post.
  11. brian390

    Kaibab Buck

    Dang that's a nice buck! Congrats.
  12. brian390

    Big Antelope Down!

    Congrats on a great buck! That is a buck I dream of getting. That thing is tall!!! What's his length if you don't mind saying?
  13. brian390

    Anyone get one yet today?????

    Great buck! Awesome curl on it.
  14. brian390

    How Many points do you have?

    65 points total.
  15. So far I've seen on here three great opening weekend archery stories under the mule deer section. I'll tell you a little bit about my hunt this weekend. I had a group of bucks scouted out and I hunted them all weekend but had no luck. Two in the group were pretty decent bucks and I was hunting in unit 7 east. My brother passed on a 40 yard shot at a two point and a 20 yard shot at a spike over the weekend and they weren't in the group that we were hunting. On opening day my brother ran into the group of bigger bucks in a draw while they were looking for somewhere to bed. He got a 40 yard shot but the buck took a step while he was shooting and he missed him. On Sunday I ran into the same group of bucks right next to the same draw as my brother did. The group hadn't seen me when I saw them. Instead of feeding my direction they fed to my left, and went in the draw. I didn't see them again after they went into the draw. Other than that quite a few hunters out there hunting and campers. Good luck to all of you the rest of the season. If any of you got some stories or more success photos of opening weekend I'm sure that everyone would like to see and hear them.
  16. brian390

    Any more opening weekend stories and success?

    Bnnes, thanks for posting some great pictures. It almost looks like you're hunting in the southern half of the state. Keep at it and good luck on your hunt.
  17. brian390

    My unit 9 archery goat

    Congrats on a great buck. Naturebob, I've been hunting with a guy that has a tag in unit 7, and we've ran into three rattlers so far.
  18. brian390

    12A North Kaibab bound Friday

    9 days sounds fun. Good luck on your hunt.
  19. brian390

    What do you guys think?

  20. brian390

    Pics from my camera

    Nice pics! Thanks for sharing.
  21. brian390

    2015 antler growth

    EAS, in the very first picture in your post of the velvet buck still growing, do you have the date of that pic? Thanks.
  22. brian390

    Should we be using ear protection?

    I use ear protection when sighting in but not when hunting.
  23. brian390

    13b maps

    I have the Arizona Strip BLM visitor map 2010 edition. It's a really good map and I always find them at the service stations around Fredonia, Colorado City, and St. George. Right now there are two availaible on Amazon.com for twelve bucks each. If it were me I would try this map. Good luck on your hunt and congrats on drawing an awesome tag.
  24. brian390

    Results are Up!!!

    Not drawn here. Congrats to everyone that drew.