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Everything posted by 5guyshunting

  1. 5guyshunting

    And now...unit 33 is Burning...

    Burro fire. Redington pass
  2. 5guyshunting

    Accident mix powder what to do??

    I wouldn't use it. Maybe light loads to fire form??
  3. 5guyshunting

    2017 Buffalo House Rock Ranch

    I dont know how the park works, but with my?. Is it possible to send incognito hippie scouts into the park to push the bison back to the other side. Yeah a Posse. Break on through to the other side.
  4. 5guyshunting

    Goodwin Fire

    I hope Breezy Pines stays stays safe. It is a nice place. Big bug mesa is great too .
  5. 5guyshunting

    2017 Buffalo House Rock Ranch

    I know nothing about this hunt. Could someone put a map on this. Park boundry and "The Russ" hunting spot. Just curios no tag or no intentions.
  6. 5guyshunting


    Thats nasty!!!! Fur Burger.😄
  7. 5guyshunting

    Rim camping/fishing

    Lynx Lake shouldn't be to crowded,but that's not on the rim.
  8. 5guyshunting

    Horse Traded! Thanks

    Along the Salt River.😏
  9. 5guyshunting

    Rim camping/fishing

  10. 5guyshunting

    Rim camping/fishing

    They should close them all. Starting tomorrow.
  11. 5guyshunting

    hey Amanda this is a crock of shoot...

    Thank GOD! Whatya got against Mike? I'm thinking its the other way around.
  12. 5guyshunting

    hey Amanda this is a crock of shoot...

    Now thats funny. Wait till edge gets a load of this.
  13. 5guyshunting

    hey Amanda this is a crock of shoot...

    shes a professional angler and professional big game hunting guide now. https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/boa/6172355775.html No chit!! You have your harem in check.
  14. 5guyshunting

    hey Amanda this is a crock of shoot...

    I think this thread ended hoghntr. He hasnt posted since. Maybe he knows where naturegirl is.😉
  15. 5guyshunting

    Wild Horses

    "Wild Horses" lmao. I think you could pet one.
  16. 5guyshunting


    Your killin me.
  17. 5guyshunting

    Anyone a licensed contractor?

    Yes, whats the job?
  18. I will buy the stove/sink/fridge. 150
  19. 5guyshunting

    Home Depot and 4 X 4's

    I'm always dialed in to make an easy bag of money. Maybe not this way.😏
  20. 5guyshunting

    I'm looking for a plumber

    I'm surprised trphyhntr didn't chime in and hook you up with a plumper.
  21. 5guyshunting

    I'm looking for a plumber

    DIYorself, digging is the hard part.
  22. 5guyshunting

    Whats the longest youve left an Elk in the field

    haha, ive just always been able to get a quad or truck to them luckily. We have got a truck to 6, and it is bigly the bestest way.
  23. 5guyshunting

    Whats the longest youve left an Elk in the field

    I guess for you trphyhntr, it depends on how far you parked the truck.😏