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Everything posted by 5guyshunting

  1. 5guyshunting

    Coconino fungus

    Thought that I had the Coconino fugus once, it turned out to be the Yavapai fungus.😳
  2. 5guyshunting

    NBA Walkout!

    I totally agree, but you didn't post the liberal masked emoji.
  3. 5guyshunting

    Enclosing a carport

    If you are going with a permit you will need to cut the slab for footings. I can help with that.
  4. 5guyshunting

    NBA Walkout!

    I didn't even know they were playing.
  5. 5guyshunting

    Which rifle to brake?

    When they want to hunt and shoot a gun they need to be ready for the recoil. It's AMERICAN.
  6. 5guyshunting

    SOLD PF --Vintage Spyderco Clip Knives

    I know, its only $100 bucks. Contracting is always a gamble. Not trying to beat you up.
  7. 5guyshunting

    SOLD PF --Vintage Spyderco Clip Knives

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A contractor needs to learn that to survive. Just sayin. Not any of my business, but I have learned a few things being self employed.
  8. 5guyshunting

    Got a 21 mule deer tag.

    Looking for the best roads to hunt from. Please point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance! Ps: do I need fluorite?
  9. 5guyshunting

    Elk and cattle.

    People have asked if elk will water with cattle, so I am posting a couple pics. There were at least 50 head of cattle.
  10. 5guyshunting

    Cast iron cookware

  11. 5guyshunting

    Cast iron cookware

    1-6" 1-8" 2-10" 1- tortilla warmer $125.00 , located 85053. Posting for a friend. If interested, I will send you his number in a PM. The one that looks rusted is just do to lighting.
  12. 5guyshunting

    Cast iron cookware

    35th ave/bell
  13. 5guyshunting

    OHV decal

    If you pay it and have a receipt, you have paid your taxes. The cops have a computer to check your registration. I haven't received tags for trucks for may and june and I dont care, I paid my taxes. If the cop issues a citation for attach and display it won't hold up in court. Mvd is all fukkd up. Its not your fault, it's Obamas!!
  14. 5guyshunting

    FYI: Clearance prices on hunting rifles at Wally Land

    Covid bull $hit.
  15. 5guyshunting

    FYI: Clearance prices on hunting rifles at Wally Land

    I went wally world at 59th and bell. No cheap guns, just bat shoot crazy people wearing masks. They have 4 entry/exits, but have every one entering and exiting in the same place. WTF!!! So much for the social distancing bull$hit.
  16. 5guyshunting

    Chineese seeds being mailed out.

    I'm still surprised no one on this site knows how to spell "no one". Bc777 is the best "noone", sorry Bill just say'n.
  17. Just buy a new gun from an ffl and get over it. Sheesh
  18. 5guyshunting

    Health Care

    I think boff uf em.
  19. 5guyshunting

    Health Care

    Omg 6 years old.
  20. 5guyshunting

    Dear Arizona Game & Fish,

    Ya still gotta have a mask though.
  21. 5guyshunting

    Dear Arizona Game & Fish,

    So your saying you want to draw a coyote or rabbit tag?
  22. 5guyshunting

    Sheep Clinic

    Went a couple years ago. I wouldn't go again.
  23. 5guyshunting

    S&W 380 PPKS ( Walther)

    Looks like a Walther? Wth. I looked it up, didn't know s&w was a part these days.
  24. 5guyshunting

    Poor man's Alaska fishing trip?

    A stimulus package. For what?
  25. 5guyshunting

    Interesting story I just found

    Wait What!!!! a cwt member, no way.