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Everything posted by 5guyshunting

  1. 5guyshunting

    6a bear

    I may just run them "under".
  2. 5guyshunting

    Where do you store your tag before hunting season?

    You should be able to use that wallet as a stool.
  3. 5guyshunting


    Its a big one
  4. 5guyshunting

    Where do you store your tag before hunting season?

    Mine are always put in my pack, cant forget them that way.
  5. 5guyshunting

    OTC bear hunt

    thats ok l'll see what a rifle will do. If I find one or some.
  6. 5guyshunting

    I may have to block

    Im not scared by the exercise, its all the vitamins and the protein and calories. Oh no im over.
  7. 5guyshunting

    I may have to block

    A lot of people didn't like the political forum because it kept comining up on new content. I may have to block hunting fitness you guys are scaring me more than politics.
  8. 5guyshunting

    Mork is gone

    I think he was a great comedian and a great drama actor. Maybe if he hunted or fished, he would have had a little escape. Maybe he did, I dont know. Everyone needs an escape from day to day . He certainly chose the wrong escape, if its true. R.I.P.
  9. 5guyshunting

    Political Discussions request

    You got it there, working, hunting, eating, sleeping and whatever else . It all matters and muslim religion is a factor. Shhhhhh. Did I say that out loud?
  10. 5guyshunting

    Political Discussions request

    Shhhhh. Your not allowed to talk about that any more.
  11. 5guyshunting

    any tag holders wanna play "score the goat"

    no dogs there, my friend turned into a grandpa and I think they are worried about taking a little one down. My dogs do that in my shop, everytime I open the door they get wacked.
  12. 5guyshunting

    any tag holders wanna play "score the goat"

    And the winner is 300ultramag. You win a beer its right here. "78"
  13. 5guyshunting

    shot camera

    Great logic, I cant steal it so I'll just shoot it. Hope the shooter is on the sd card.
  14. 5guyshunting

    Political Discussions request

    We sometimes talk about politics around "The Campfire".
  15. 5guyshunting

    School Me On Unit 10

    Pm sent
  16. 5guyshunting

    any tag holders wanna play "score the goat"

    im not sure what superimposed is but, it is a phone pic.
  17. 5guyshunting

    Cool bobcat with elk picture

    You think that bull would drink with a lion. I would ill drink with almost anyone.
  18. 5guyshunting

    Awesome...little known product I found

    thats a better price than the expo , thanks I might check it out.
  19. 5guyshunting

    Awesome...little known product I found

    Road hunting at its best! Just joking, I saw those at the gf expo. Are they still 200?
  20. 5guyshunting

    Hearing Protection

    I have never used any or ever known anyone that uses hearing protection while hunting. Might make communication a little hard between a shooter and spotter.
  21. 5guyshunting

    Political Discussions request

    It was informative and entertaining while it lasted. Thanks snapshot and oneshot. For dustin25 oh well.
  22. 5guyshunting

    Trip to Alaska

    I have been there once to fish, came back with 100lbs. of halibut fillets and 50 lbs. Of silver salmon fillets. Best trip ever. I cant wait to go back. I have been in 49 states excluding oregon, alaska wins hands down. Congrats on the nice buck.
  23. 5guyshunting

    270 WSM ammo

    I like the 130 grain remington core lokt in mine. I have some hand loads ready, but havnt tried them yet.
  24. 5guyshunting

    Ruger 44 mag super blackhawk 7.5 inch bbl

    the op didnt post, so I will 44 sold.