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Everything posted by 5guyshunting

  1. 5guyshunting

    PETA is at it again!!!

    Thats a shame for the cats, they would have made great bait for coyotes.
  2. 5guyshunting

    javelina meat

    I can understand that sometimes meat is in the freezer to long, and thrown to the dogs, but straight to the garbage is certianly unethical. If that is the written legality, I can understand that too, you cant police people 24/7.
  3. 5guyshunting

    javelina meat

    Seems as if there are several javi meat lovers. I may put the boys in next year and offer up the meat.
  4. 5guyshunting

    javelina meat

    Thats why I dont hunt them. Killem and throw the meat is b.s. and illegal.
  5. 5guyshunting

    YOUR FIRED!!!!

    Seattle had the game , the coaching staff should be fired. Unbelievable!
  6. I figured the final recipient would be Jared, good deal.
  7. 5guyshunting

    YOUR FIRED!!!!

    not talking lucky , just saw stupid. We all know you cant fix stupid.
  8. 5guyshunting

    YOUR FIRED!!!!

    Im not a fan of either, a good game ruined by some dumbazz.
  9. 5guyshunting

    Why Can't The Fools At AZGFD Get There Sheet Together

    If you think a little. Its pretty easey to overcome the problems with the draw system. Its not great, but I guess we are going to live with it. Gotta look at the regs every year.
  10. 5guyshunting

    Tessa'S Javelina Success

    Glad to see you found them. Congrats .
  11. 5guyshunting

    Hitting The Ice

    I ice fished when I was a kid in ohio too.
  12. 5guyshunting


    To bad g+f is taking everyones money right now. Thats alot of muzzys
  13. 5guyshunting


    I would love to but I sent too much money to g+f. Bump
  14. 5guyshunting

    draw question

    Pm sent
  15. 5guyshunting

    draw question

    I have drawn 4th choice cow elk twice.
  16. 5guyshunting

    19a Cow Hunt

    A few pics from a few years ago.
  17. 5guyshunting

    For Sale

    Thank you sir. TTT
  18. 5guyshunting

    19a Cow Hunt

    When I drew that hunt it was the early and a fourth choice. If know one in my family draw that tag this year I will send you a pm.
  19. 5guyshunting

    19a Cow Hunt

    I have hunted cow in 19a and went with the g+f web info to start. I never found any in those areas. Eventually I found two herds , cows and bulls . Good luck.
  20. 5guyshunting

    Locking Up Cams

    I dont lock them , if they want them they will get them or shoot um. Good luck
  21. 5guyshunting

    Lion In A Cage Trap

    I think I would have pulled a cord from inside the truck.
  22. 5guyshunting

    Eye Guards!!!

    103. Ha I have no idea. Maybe the shadow knows. great find it will look great bleached out
  23. 5guyshunting


    I am guessing this forum has been censored? It does not show up on new content for me.
  24. 5guyshunting

    Expensive optics - anyone have buyers regret???

    Swarovskis never look back.