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Everything posted by 5guyshunting

  1. Whats a guy get for dead ones.
  2. 5guyshunting

    Bow raffle

    Got some
  3. 5guyshunting

    Hi to all you newbies

    I second that !
  4. 5guyshunting

    Honda Rincon Quads and Zieman Trailer

    Bump. These are some nice quads. Meticulously maintained may be an understatment.
  5. 5guyshunting

    Role call for UTV'S and Side by Sides

    yea funny, but you will F a $60, 000.00 truck up getting to where your hiking.
  6. 5guyshunting

    Role call for UTV'S and Side by Sides

    8 to 10k a year? If thats legit I think you have a good ride. My 2006 rhino has about 10k and people think that is a lot.
  7. 5guyshunting


    Wtb bowstand.
  8. 5guyshunting

    Hi to all you newbies

    ^^^^^^^ wait, what!!!
  9. Maybe the g$f computer system crashed after an hour or so of hits on friday morning.
  10. 5guyshunting

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    12 is my unlucky # too. 12 years and my card didn't get hit, but 2 misses outa 12 ain't bad.
  11. 5guyshunting

    Building My Reloading Bench

    Bolt it to the wall. You will need to with what I see.
  12. 5guyshunting

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    I just hang cameras to look for thieves.
  13. 5guyshunting

    Nevada proposing to ban Trail Cameras

    Nevada is to far to drive to check a camera.
  14. 5guyshunting

    The Hit is ON!!!!

    I think the draw is done.
  15. 5guyshunting

    Lamp shades

    Me either. Pretty funny.
  16. 5guyshunting

    What Banks/Cards Are Showing Hits???

    Not mine
  17. 5guyshunting

    Card Hit - 2016 style

  18. 5guyshunting

    Card Hit - 2016 style

  19. 5guyshunting

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I just pulled up that pic, not a ghram fan , or a religious fanatic. Its just the truth. :;
  20. 5guyshunting

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I'm gonna say Joe Dirt.
  21. 5guyshunting

    Card Hit - 2016 style

  22. 5guyshunting

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Bottom line , you stold the camera.
  23. 5guyshunting

    Card Hit - 2016 style

  24. 5guyshunting

    New to hunting these birds and have ??????'s

    locate dark and early and locate in the evening. Not very much time for sleeping on a turkey hunt. I totally agree. Its fun stuff though. Good luck.
  25. 5guyshunting

    WTB canvas tent

    The kodiak canvas 10x14 is considered 8 man. I call it four man max with cots. I have the tent and love it. I have the bunk bed cots I use sometimes just to make a little more room for 3. Two bunks would accomodate 4 with room . 8 would be a sardine can on the floor. Jmo