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Posts posted by thegunsmith2506

  1. 10 hours ago, goinhuntn said:

    Bugling was dead in 8 where we were. Heard 1 bugle Thursday night, nothing Friday, or Saturday. 2 Sunday morning & 1 Sunday night. Came home today to work & going back up Thursday night until I connect or run out of season. Good luck to all.

    It's spotty but there are pockets going pretty good.

  2. Most years I see elk daily driving to work at 330am. Half the time they are up feeding and half the time they are bedded. Yesterday I saw a whole herd bedded at that time. I personally don't think the moon dictates the hours they are up as much as a lot of guys do. If they are talking where you are I would move. It's only day one so you have plenty of time. Good luck!

    • Like 1

  3. On 8/16/2022 at 11:58 AM, creed said:

    Sawyers Picaridin. It's as close to scent free as I have found.

    I have used snow chains in 5BS because of mud. Even with 4x4 I got stuck right in the middle of the 93 road. It can be bad

    I turned in an archery antelope tag yesterday. I could barely get through to my hunting area last Wednesday. It has poured since then with a surge of tropical moisture in Thursday. It's supposed to really start raining. If I could have hunted the last half of the season I would have held on but I can't. I will likely die before I get another one

    Isn't this the 2nd one you have turned in?

  4. 1 hour ago, Yuma Outdoorsman said:

    I've been wearing braces since Friday night and they are helping. I have been able to sleep through the night without issue. 


    Thanks all for the advice. My neurologist said my carpal tunnel is mild so surgery isn't needed. We will see what happens over the next month or so. This just randomly started happening a couple months ago and has progressively gotten worse. It sucks to say the least. I feel for you that have been dealing with this for years. 

    My wife was able to cure her issues by wearing a brace at night. She Hasn't had any issues in 10 years.

    • Like 2

  5. 2 hours ago, Desert Dog said:

    First post - Howdy -  any suggestions about where to go dove hunting near Williams?

    I have never had much luck finding any worth hunting. Best luck I have had is to find sunflowers they are feeding in. Bandtails are more fun to hunt but it doesn't open until the 30th.

  6. I have never had an issue on Kiabab NF but I have seen the CCSO clearing out squatters a few times. Its always the huge camps they are clearing out. It is getting pretty bad. There is a guy in an RV not far from my house and he has only moved once in over a year. One camp north of I40 even brought in a plastic shed last summer.

  7. 5 hours ago, Hoss50 said:

    The ball or the pin?

    The hitch pin is in double shear and rated to take the weight of pulling trailers. It also won't become a large projectile if it breaks like the ball or hitch would if it breaks. There are better options than the pin if you have dedicated recovery gear, but how many people really have that all the time. 

    Everyone who has a hitch has the pin, and using the pin is going to be much safer than using the hitch or ball. 

    Even if the pin breaks it weighs like 6 oz, and is not in a direct path with the strap. A ball or in this case the hitch weighs alot more and is in a direct line with the direction of pull. The ball is also in a single shear configuration which isn't good.

    I think the point they were making was you shouldn't attach to the hitch at all. I have always used the pin. I'll try and find the website.

  8. 8 hours ago, Hoss50 said:

    You don't use the hitch. You pull the hitch out and put the loop of the strap in the tube and secure the hitch pin thru the loop. 

    Then you out a heavy jacket, blanket, or something if possible on the strap or winch line. 

    I know an EMT that was on this call. He sent me some info on recovery of stuck vehicles. Using the pin was one thing they said NOT to use. 
