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Posts posted by thegunsmith2506

  1. Not much to the story. Had a great hunt, scouted some big bulls before the weather came in. We saw more elk on this hunt than any year in the past 6 years. I passed a few bulls, but with another storm on the way we decided to shoot anything we could. I shot this bull Tuesday night out of a huge herd. Had my family there for the recovery. Shot was 125yds with an xbolt 300 wsm 165gr sst. Bull never took another step. 














    • Like 6

  2. 25 minutes ago, yotebuster said:

    Opioid crisis was started by the media and a society who is predisposed to addiction through boredom and lack of real problems in life.  Opioids have been around long before big pharma ever showed up.  There’s always been a sector of society who is prone to addiction, we just never had a name or a villain until the “opioid crisis” and “big pharma” came around. 

    Well I don't think the media created it. Maybe they named it. I get that those drugs have been around for a long time, but what made them legal? Did the big pharma companies never have a patent on them?

  3. 10 minutes ago, yotebuster said:

    Yes.  Big pharma sells brand name drugs like Vicodin for instance.  Everyone says they were prescribed “Vicodin” no different then when we say we are going to get a “Kleenex”.  Most of us actually go get a generic tissue, and nearly all of “Vicodin” prescriptions are filled as hydrocodone/acetaminophen which is the generic version.  Big pharma makes it’s money on stuff that is still under patent.  All the common opioid painkillers are way off patent.  Not saying opioids aren’t an issue, but big pharma isn’t making any money on them.  

    So the opioid crisis wasn't started by big pharma?

    • Haha 1

  4. 7 minutes ago, My Rights As An American said:

    No disrespect taken at all. Thank you for remembering the tragedy. I am honored that someone remembered him in some way. You are correct. Both murderers were high on marijuana and he was killed for a few dollars and a six pack. 

    I may not  agree with you, but I understand your position on the issue. 

    • Like 2

  5. 47 minutes ago, My Rights As An American said:

    How about having a brother murdered from two assholes high on marijuana? Is that enough life experience for you? 

    I mean no disrespect, but I remember reading the story about your brother way back when you first posted about it. I thought he was killed  for a 6pk of beer. I might be wrong, it just kinda stuck with me. Either way sorry about your brother. I can't imagine having to deal with that.

  6. 51 minutes ago, NOTAGS said:

    People high on weed, pot, marijuana  are not the ones committing crimes.  They are curled up with a bag of Cheetos.  People drinking alcohol are the ones who become aggressive  and violent. And Meth of course. The cartel drug trade is violent, no argument.  However, by legalizing weed for both medical and ultimately recreational use the cartel will no longer have any money to make from it and stick to the crap that still  will come though the  borders, as in heroin, meth and coke. Please don't bore me with the gateway drug argument,, My wife is 60 plus,  has a medical card, has RA and smokes pot to alleviate  the pain.  I'm pretty sure she won't be heading out to burn meth with a bunch of tweekers or looking to shoot up on heroin any time soon.  If you are going to argue about a substance killing people , alcohol would be number one, but our country has already been down that road in prohibition.

    I just saw a stat that the leading cause of death in males 25-65 was overdose from prescription pain killers. Beat out heart disease, auto deaths, and booze. I have never smoked weed, but I really don't think its the problem. Big pharma is the biggest problem.

    • Like 6

  7. 2 hours ago, desertsheep said:

    Do whatever you want!! I just told you exactly how things went.

    Ryan Hatch told me about some bucks in areas also. So I’ll give him a shout out!

    My friend Mike Miller told me some spots to check out also. So here is his shout out!

    My cousin Kip gave me info also. Here is his shout out!

    GMC let me drive their truck. Here is their shout out!

    Remington let me shoot their rifle. Here is their shout out!

    Leapould Scope. Shout out!

    Kuiu let me where their camo. Here is their shout out!

    Im wearing Carhart pants. Here is their shout out!

    Nosler let me shoot their 165 ballistic tips. Here is their shout out!

    My buddy gave me a Spuride hat. Here is his shout out!

    I’ve got Hanes underwear on. Here is their shout out!

    Thanks to Sam’s club and Fry’s for supplying me with food. Here is their shout out!

    Ive got a Ragen toy hauler. Here is their shout out!

    Thanks to Leica and Swarovski for their optics. Here is their shoutout!

    Monfrotto Tri-pod. Shoutout!!

    Yeti cooler shout out!!

    Anything else I missed Mathews??? Let me know!!!

    Now that's funny. Sounds like you went out there and earned that deer with a little help from a friend. Awesome buck! Chevron will probably be pissed cause you didn't mention that 91 octane.

  8. 2 minutes ago, eddielasvegas said:

    Heading up to 7E to scout this weekend and then the late rifle hunt on the 29th.

    I have 4WD with new Falken Wildpeaks.  I will be driving only on Forest Service roads. 

    Any need for chains given the expected snow?



    I have A/T tires and have never needed chains. I do carry a shovel, tow straps, a come a long, and an old piece of carpet. The carpet is nice if you have to change a tire or do any repairs. It keeps you out of the snow and mud. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, GreyGhost85 said:

    Let it snow. Been a while since we've had a cold, snowy late bull season. 

    Last year was very cold and snowy in 8 and 7w. I am happy we are going to have another one! Elk don't mind this weather one bit and it keeps a lot of hunters in camp or at the bar in town.

    • Like 3

  10. 10 hours ago, CatfishKev said:

    So the time it worked you mean? Were the times it did not work blind calling?

    Yeah the time it was intentional and worked, was after a missed shot on a muzzy cow hunt. The only other time was on a bear hunt I was using calf distress and had a couple cows come in. On the early archery bull hunts I have called  in plenty of cows while trying to get the bulls to come in, but that was just regular cow calls, not calf distress. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    I got one but never actually tried it.  I've been tempted when I've found some bit always preferred a stalk.  When you've done it did you blind call or see elk?

    I did after someone shot and missed. The herd scattered and we were in the middle of them.

  12. 33 minutes ago, CatfishKev said:

    You could try and use a calf in distress call. You may be able to get some cows come running in to save what they think is a youngin in trouble. 

    That has worked for me once out of about 20 times. When it did it was pretty crazy for a few minutes. They came to fight!

  13. 21 minutes ago, Outdoor Writer said:

    Yes, it does say that. If his permit is for one unit, he is hunting (glassing), pursuing and shooting from a different unit. The only thing he's doing in the right unit is killing. He would also be charged with possession of illegally "taken" wildlife.

    So By this definition, It would be illegal to to glass an animal in a different unit, watch it cross into the correct unit and shoot it?

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