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Posts posted by thegunsmith2506

  1. 1 hour ago, BusterAZ said:

    Science does not hold a political banner.

    Please tell me you don't actually believe that... Give me enough funding and I can get you a study to prove anything you want. I also don't trust the public school to actually educate my kid, so I doubt you and I could every find common ground for a fact based discussion. Facts are not "science", they are just reality. 

    • Like 1

  2. 4 hours ago, BusterAZ said:


    I do have more faith in the education system than you and trust the professionals that work with my child. That being said, I understand that our state’s K-12 is the most poorly funded state education system in the union, so I can appreciate your concerns with it. Moreover, I take an active role in my child’s education and have a good relationship with all her teachers. Lastly, I know some areas are worse off than the school district my child is in.

    This right here is how liberals are made. 

    • Like 5

  3. 1 hour ago, Nikki.AWHounds said:

    Game and Fish should have "The Powerlines Buck" at the pinetop office and have folks make a donation to walk outside under the powerlines in the parking lot and take a pic with it. Everyone could use a new avatar or profile pic 🤷🏻‍♀️ just a thought that ran across my mind this morning after catching up on some reading.

    That is a great idea!

    • Thanks 1

  4. 6 hours ago, GoldToyBox said:

    Hey Guys thanks for all the input but I really didn't want to start any arguments.

    Pintail, I've taken a couple of 6 pt bulls, a few rag horns/spikes and lots of cows.   I would really love something larger ( a toad) to end my days of AZ hunting.  (might sneak back for Javelina?)

    But it's not just about Horns, I want some good memories of my last days on the mountain.  I still climb the mountains but they just keep getting taller every year.  It took me a month to recover from Colorado last year.

    Someone else asked if I planned to use a guide, Yes.  With 19 pts on the line I need to get it right and can't learn an area with just a little pre season scouting.

    From my research from the info you fellas gave me and talking with others.  I can just about pick any late season Archery tag, I have no chance at any early rifle hunt with the possible exception of 17A.  Anyone see it different?

    Early Muzzleloader Unit 22 looks possible and Unit 10 should be 100%.  Not seeing any other opportunities. 

    Early Archery Unit 3A3C looks possible, along with Units 17a, 1, 15a.  I welcome any input if you see something I'm not seeing or understanding.

    I haven't done any research yet on which units are the most promising, right now only looking for Units I know I can draw a tag.   Hopefully "point creep" and/or a sudden interest in the unit that I apply for doesn't derail my plans and hopes.  Only takes a mention in a magazine or blog to get folks all looking at the same unit.

    Wish everyone a Happy New Year filled with limited entry tags.




    I would pick a guide that can give you some good references and let them help you decide. 

    • Like 2

  5. 1 hour ago, jdown said:

    Just checking on the idea of chambering a round and then releasing the firing mechanism with the bolt... I get that it will not go off when releasing, but most bolt actions won't allow you to go to safety when not cocked therefore nothing blocking the firing pin from a potential slam fire.  I get the idea of not relying on a safety to do this (hence don't carry with a round in either) but man that just seems like an accident waiting to happen.  On some bolt actions, I've even seen the firing pin protrude a bit in a relaxed position, now you have the pin up against the primer...  Would scare me more than relying on the safety actually.  I  might be way off on this one, but not something I have even considered doing.   

    It depends on the action. Lots of guns only have trigger block safeties anyway. 

  6. I've heard Randy Newberg say with a camera crew and the difficulty of filming the hunt, he has plenty of time to chamber a round. For me it depends on the situation. If I am still hunting and know things can happen quick or that I need to be quiet, I'll carry a round in the chamber. If just glassing it is always unchamberd. I still always check the chamber at the truck before loading up. 


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  7. On 12/13/2019 at 2:18 PM, Saguaro said:

    I don’t think it’s too dumb.  I love seeing the older vehicles still running.  You will need to be very careful going forward.  Any problems after this will nickel and dime you to death.  It’s likely it won’t be the power train, but you will probably start noticing door hinges wearing out, steering and suspension issues, miscellaneous interior annoyances and just overall slop in the fit and finish of everything.  Take notice of older vehicles door/hood/tailgate gaps.  It’s almost like a restoration would be the best thing.

    I think this in spot on. There are lots of things that wear out over time.

  8. When I was younger my buddy and I had a spot in 30a we use to hunt. It was a chunk of state trust land that was walk in only. We would park at the gate and load up for a half day hike with all the shells we could carry and some water. It was a long mesquite valley with some rolling hills and 3 large dirt tanks over a 2.5 mile walk. We would shoot dove and quail on the way in and stop at each tank to shoot ducks. When we were about 100yds from the tanks we would drop our bird bags, reload with steel shot, and go shoot ducks. Twice we ran into the game warden when we got back to the gate. He chewed us out the first time but said he couldn't write us a ticket. After about 30min of talking he calmed down to where we could actually have a 2 sided conversation. He agreed that we weren't doing anything illegal as long as we were dropping all of or lead loads before we walked up to the tanks. The second time he stopped us he told us he looked it up and we couldn't even have lead shot and ducks in the vehicle at the same time, and if he caught us again we would be cited. That situation came down to his interpretation of " possession" vs mine. As far as shot goes for cranes, I think the non tox stuff hits way harder than lead. Its also hard to find big lead shot unless you load your own. 

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