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Posts posted by thegunsmith2506

  1. 4 hours ago, ctafoya said:

    Its wierd how this virus goes after mostly sick or old then out of the blue take a young healthy person. Hopefully they figure out what the deal is or just tell us the truth. 

    I think a lot of the younger people could have other health related issues and not even know it. Most of the guys I know my age won't even go to the Dr until something is seriously wrong. But who knows...

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  2. We have an 1800sqft house with a 5 ton A/c unit in northern AZ. My wife likes to keep the windows open all day until it starts to get hot and then shut everything and turn on the AC to cool the house off in the afternoon. The A/c will usually freeze up within 20min of turning it on. The unit is only 4 years old and probably only gets used for a couple of months a year. We had the company that installed it come out and check everything and they said it looked fine but left before it froze up. The little reading we did online lead us to believe that the unit might be too big for this size of house. Also, our outside temp almost never gets above 90deg. Do any of you HVAC guys have any suggestions on what it might be?

  3. 35 minutes ago, jim said:

    I have a pair of crispis that my feet hate. I have tried to make them work but my feet just refuse to like them. My best boot for my feet have been the irish setters in the hunt series in the Vaprtrek.  

    I had a pair of the Vaprtrek boots. They were very comfortable, but didn't even make it 5 days of hiking and they were trashed. The sole was worn through and the mesh was shredded. 

  4. 58 minutes ago, Zeke-BE said:

    Couple of months ago if someone said "hey should we shut down the state of Arizona for a virus that will not affect 99.99% of Arizona.  And the people who do get it half the deaths will be on the Navajo Nation and the rest 85% are over the age of 65 with pre existing health conditons."???  What do we got to do to keep AZ from not shutting down??  Wash your hands more often and keep 6ft away and quarantine senior living centers and aid the Navajo Nation in what they need.   Thats it?  Yep thats it!  Well maybe keep kids home from school but 95% of business can stay open!!  Huh!!  Well that doesn't seem that bad.  With those odds if your below 65 with no health conditions you are about 0.001% chance from dying.  Are you sure we don't need to shut down Arizona??  Yes Im sure said the person with common since.  


  5. 2 minutes ago, lionhunter said:

    Looking for advice from those of you who have harvested a bull buffalo.  I have both a 300 wsm and a 300 win.  If and when I ever get a chance to hunt buffalo would they be enough gun, and more importantly what bullet would you recommend?  Both rifles shoot a 180 nos AB very well.  Was also thinking about loading some 200 partitions and seeing how they fly.  I know Game and Fish would like hunters to shoot lead free ammo, but did not have very accurate results with the ones I have tried in the past.

    Thanks in advance for input and info.


    When my buddy drew a tag he borrowed my wife's .300wsm. He used 180gr Barnes and it worked great. I don't think you need to worry too much about accuracy since most shots are pretty close.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, azbirdhunter88 said:

    So someone shoots and kills someone then has remorse for what they did and we should let that be enough? Let them live with that choice every day of their lives? Na

    You missed the point. Intent has everything to do with it. If your intent is to do harm, then you should be held accountable. Sometimes you don't intend for something to go bad and it does and sometimes you have to pay for those actions. All I am saying is he already paid for his mistake 3 times over. I don't want my tax dollars spent to punish him more. 

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  7. A couple weeks back my sister and her family came over for a bbq. A few days later my wife got sick, then 1 by 1 we all got really sick. All the symptoms seemed to line up, but none of us were bad enough to get tested. Im on day 10 and just now starting to feel better. For us it was just like a bad cold that lasted a long time. My bil got tested, they told him it was too late to be conclusive, but they think he had it. I am not allowed back at work until I have been symptom free for 14 days. The worst part for us is trying to explain to our 5yo why he can't go to school or see his friends. The school here is really cool though. Every day his teacher and friends post videos online to communicate. The perks of living in the woods. If it wasnt for all the media bs... I would have taken a few sick days and life would be normal. 

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