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Everything posted by thegunsmith2506

  1. thegunsmith2506

    20 gauge

    https://www.budsgunshop.com/product_info.php/products_id/141436/escort+field+hunter+20+gauge+28+4+1+3+black+anodized+rec+black+fixed+stock+right+hand+full+size+includes+5+chok I bought this gun in a youth model for my son. Its been great for the price.
  2. thegunsmith2506

    Crossbow permit repeal

    LOL I could draw an early rifle tag in no time.
  3. thegunsmith2506

    Landowner Tags

    But they don't own the animals
  4. thegunsmith2506

    Happy Biden Be Gone Day

    Long time coming!
  5. Gray Houge stock new $75.00 Savage new factory mag for PRC or WSM $30 Located in Flagstaff but will be in Camp Verde 1/24-1/25
  6. thegunsmith2506

    Wheres our Point guy for elk?

    Unit 8 early archery bull? thanks
  7. thegunsmith2506

    Good luck 👍

    LOL it was 17deg when I left my house. Got to 10yds and still missed.
  8. thegunsmith2506

    Good luck 👍

    This year I'm taking my grandpas recurve.
  9. thegunsmith2506

    34a hunt

    Had a great hunt this year. On the drive down Thursday I was telling the wife how much I really wanted to kill a buck. The last several years I have been helping more than hunting. When I glassed up this buck she refused to shoot first. One shot and he was down. A few minutes later I got on the 15s to make sure he was still down and a bigger buck was standing 10ft away. She missed but it was still a great time with family and friends.
  10. thegunsmith2506

    Took my boy trick or treating

    His little 20ga did a number on these things. I was impressed.
  11. thegunsmith2506

    Taxidermist Recommendation?

    Its worth the drive for a once in a lifetime trophy. Chris Favour in Flagstaff does great work. My brother in law dropped his off in December and picked it up in September.
  12. thegunsmith2506

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Bacon wrapped goose on the trager.
  13. thegunsmith2506

    Hunting by yourself

    Love that song!
  14. thegunsmith2506

    Lion Calling

  15. thegunsmith2506

    2024 Elk hunt

    Very nice!
  16. thegunsmith2506

    WTB Coleman Propane Camp Stove

    https://www.amazon.com/GS-3400P-Portable-Backpacking-Emergency-Preparedness/dp/B01HQRD8EO/ref=sr_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.kyweOeIHpq1w6r_vxlf99EEswIUtNck0802Tzd-NpGkbkpMp_GAG3b_sb_euT_S9j4BYKOTVPLOTF9GjeUmKYln8CE1pYtJ-vwrsHaXx_VxAlQxVl8hmDtP06NGXHN-2hhfhF6WBQtvFZ5U5xtOuWls3Fg66CA0D6z-Nbj7FPmTuXOyTDhfy7gIKk4P0PCaD-SY6bdC8frypZIyGLuqJ2F4iXEwEcDubsG0c4ShxJvY.QGMHVNXz16xI80JlC8LkxcTnW-bNT7zRZih0Y7X_uHg&dib_tag=se&hvadid=693464430682&hvdev=c&hvexpln=67&hvlocphy=1013406&hvnetw=g&hvocijid=3130628712879941116--&hvqmt=e&hvrand=3130628712879941116&hvtargid=kwd-356355125940&hydadcr=7497_13184007&keywords=amazon%2Bcamp%2Bstove&qid=1727180338&sr=8-3&th=1 these are great and much smaller
  17. thegunsmith2506

    Bull elk tag filled

    Well Done!
  18. Thanks to my buddy Mark who put the kids on a great field they had an amazing hunt. We had it all to ourselves and it was a target rich environment. I hadn't planned on shooting but once my son was done I used his little 20ga to knock out a limit. We were headed back by 730am with a few limits.
  19. thegunsmith2506

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Dove from my sons hunt
  20. thegunsmith2506

    My sons first dove hunt

    When you have dad reloading and pointing out incoming targets on un educated birds it helps. Today he shot and reloaded all on his own and got 5.
  21. thegunsmith2506

    Unit 1

    I saw a big 6x6 this morning that had some hanging.
  22. thegunsmith2506

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Probably some elk steak and corn to go with them
  23. thegunsmith2506


    One of the best movies ever!
  24. thegunsmith2506


    We gave up the rv camping about 10 years ago. Depending on the weather I will usually be in a hammock unless its really cold.