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Everything posted by thegunsmith2506

  1. thegunsmith2506

    2 for 4 so far!

    Great story Blake! I love that pic of your daughter with the binos. Congrats to the lucky hunters!
  2. thegunsmith2506

    My First Fox of the Year

    Great looking fox!
  3. thegunsmith2506

    Bobcat Question???

    Thanks guys! Guess I should wait a bit for him to fur up better.
  4. thegunsmith2506

    Bobcat Question???

    I have a question for you guys. I got this cat on trail cam this week, and would like to try and call him in. Will he stay in the same area, or will he move on. This spot has lots of water, and shelter, and I imagine there is plenty for him to eat. Looks like a very spotted cat. Let me know what you think.
  5. thegunsmith2506

    APC Novice hunt was a success!!

    Awesome job! That is some thick stuff.
  6. thegunsmith2506

    Got a few cool pics this week

  7. thegunsmith2506


    Great pics! Thanks for posting.
  8. thegunsmith2506

    Interesting stand

    Thats a good looking fox! Nice job guys!
  9. thegunsmith2506

    Az lion 10/8/2010

  10. thegunsmith2506

    A Coyote A Day

    Nice Job Josh!
  11. thegunsmith2506

    Guess the Lion weight!

  12. The wife and I shot a limit this morning in about 3 hours. Its the best year I have seen in a while.
  13. thegunsmith2506

    5 fox and 1 bobcat

    Nice Job!
  14. thegunsmith2506

    My wifes 3rd shotgun yote

    I agree! It is about that time. A few more weeks and the fur should be good.
  15. We went out to do a little deer scouting today and decided to make a few stands. About 10:00 we were on our second stand in a narrow wash. Less then 10min into the stand I looked up on the side of the wash, and there was a coyote staring at the call and decoy. I pointed him out to my wife, and she made a great shot. He was 42yds away, she was shooting 1-5/8oz 3in lead BB's. He was 26 lbs, and starting to fur up pretty good. The bad thing..... Her scope hit her during recoil and left a nasty gash.
  16. thegunsmith2506

    Wildview Issues

    I have had 4 of these cameras. My last one just died this last season. I had lost images a few times when the batteries went dead. I also had 2 cameras that would take pictures non stop from the time you turned them on till the went dead. Imho you can get a lot better cameras for $20 - $30 more. I think it is that simple.... you get what you pay for.
  17. thegunsmith2506

    Finally got my first one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. thegunsmith2506

    My wifes 3rd shotgun yote

    We were around 6000ft. The fur isn't great, but its getting better.
  19. thegunsmith2506

    Covert II Video

    Thats a cool idea! Now I know why foxes always smell like dog piss.........
  20. thegunsmith2506

    Building on a Mauser Action

    My best shooting rifle is built on an FN Mauser action. I would shoot the gun with some good quality ammo before doing anything to it. You never know what you might have. Good luck!
  21. thegunsmith2506

    Unit 8 Archery Cow

    With no elk, and no deer last year, the freezer was empty. We decided to put in for cow tags for our 2nd and 3rd choices this year. My buddy and I were lucky enough to draw archery cow tags. We started placing cameras in May, and checked them all summer. We had one spot picked out with lots of cows and calves comming in every day. We placed 2 ladder stands in early August, and kept checking the cameras every weekend we could. I had picked out a young cow that was a regular at this spot. She would come in several times a week with another larger caw and a calf. I decided given the chance, I would shoot the younger cow. We arrived in camp at 2am Thursday before the hunt. In less than an hour we were back in camp checking the trail cams. As it turns out, a herd of cattle had moved in a pushed the elk out.... We decide to stick to our plan and sit in our stands opening morning. At 6:30am I had a big 5pt and a few cows pass by about 70yds from my stand. By 10:00am we had seen 4 other hunters chasing that bull, some walking within 20yds of us. That night we sat on a trail and saw 2 bulls and a cow, but couldn't get close enough for a shot. On day 2 we hunted a long ridge a half mile from our stands. At first light we had a bull answering my calls, but he didn't have any cows, so we left him. That morning I found an intersection of several trails that I thought would be a good spot for a blind. We placed a camera on one of the trails, and checked the trail camera by our ladder stands. The camera showed 3 cows comming in at 7:30. I guess we should have stayed in our stands for a few days. That night we sat the stands, but saw no elk. Day 3 we sat the stands in the morning, and then went to check a few cameras around 10am. The new spot had a bull and a cow come through that morning, so we decided to build a ground blind. A few dead oak limbs, some pine limbs from a nearby rub, and we were ready to go. It was decided that I would sit the new blind, and Jason would sit in one of our ladder stands. We rushed back to camp to shower and wash our clothes in scent free soap. By 2pm I was climbing the hill to my new spot. I was doing my best not to break a sweat, so it took a little while to get there. When I got to my blind I realized I had left my gloves and face mask on the clothes line. I found a small piece of chared oak and rubbed that on my face and hands to dull the shine. I setteled into my blind at 2:45pm. At 4:05 I had 2 young bulls pass by at 65yds. At 4:30 I was reading a book when everything seemed to go quiet. I glanced to my right and saw the big 5pt on a trail 80yds away. I put my book down, and when I looked back, he was pushing 3 cows straight towards me. When they went behind a patch of oaks, I sat up on my knees and picked up my bow. I decided that the best thing to do was try to draw before they stepped out into my little clearing. As the lead cow cleared the trees, I came to full draw. Instantly the second cow stopped and stared at me. BUSTED! The first cow was a younger one, and the second was a big mature cow with a small spotted calf. The big cow turned to run, and the lead cow started to follow. I let out a quick mew on my diaphram call, and the lead cow stopped just short of the brush. She was quartering to me so I put the pin a little forward and touched off the shot. I saw my fletching bury just in front of the shoulder. The elk dropped to her knees and tried to run. After about 20ft she got her legs under her, but crashed again only 30yds from my blind. The other elk ran over to her, and she got up and followed them into the brush. I cow called several times only to have the bull come charging in to 34yds. I looked at the time, 4:32pm. The shot looked way too far forward, I was pretty worried! I decided to go get Jason so he could help me track my elk. It was 1/4 mile to his stand and when I topped out on the edge of the ridge, I saw a big bull only 10yds from Jason. I sat there and watched the bull untill he moved on down the hill. Jason was pumped! It was his first elk hunt and he just had a huge bull at 10yds! I told him my story and he climbed down to help me. We got back to the blind at 5:12pm. I found the front half of my arrow about 20ft from where I shot the cow. The blood was dark red, but there was lots of it. Whithin 20ft we had an awesome blood trail! After about 30yds I looked up and there she was. Only made it 47yds! I was pumped! This is my second elk, and only my 5th animal with a bow. The best part was, Jason helped me get the quad right up to her. I am pretty sure this is the cow I had picked out before the hunt. We spent the next 6 days trying to get Jason a cow. He got 2 shots at a young cow Monday night, but didn't connect. We had a blast trying! We were in bow range some HUGE bulls several times. He got really close several times, and never gave up. We hunted hard for 9 days straight. The big 5pt My cow? early that morning Where she fell The shot... 23yds Bear Truth, 74lbs, Gold tip ultralight 400, Rocket Ultimate 75gr. The happy hunters! Back at camp with the the gang
  22. thegunsmith2506

    Red Dodge? in Unit 8

    Don't really remember what day, but sometime last week. Drove by our elk camp.
  23. thegunsmith2506

    A few Foxes

    My buddy and I spent the weekend archery bear hunting. With only a morning to hunt before going home, we decided to do a little calling, instead of glassing in the heat. In 6 stands we called in 4 but only shot 2 of them. The rest of them got a pass untill the hides are a little better. A few pics