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Everything posted by thegunsmith2506

  1. thegunsmith2506

    muzzleloader wanted

    I picked one up for my elk hunt last year at Cal - Ranch for $75.00 on sale. Also watch Gander Mountain clearance, and Cabela's Bargin Cave.
  2. thegunsmith2506

    Card Hit!!!

    A non res deer tag is $300
  3. thegunsmith2506

    Card Hit!!!

    Yes he was the only one.
  4. thegunsmith2506

    Card Hit!!!

    Yes but I am trying not to get my hopes up.
  5. thegunsmith2506

    Card Hit!!!

    I put my Uncle in and got hit for a Non Res tag. $300
  6. thegunsmith2506

    Wac'em broadheads

    I tested them before my last elk hunt and they seemed to break more often than some of the others I tested. They shot good, but just a little too fragile IMO.
  7. thegunsmith2506

    Sow and cub

    Haven't had much time to play with my cameras this year. I finally got out this weekend and checked some cards. Date and time are not right.
  8. thegunsmith2506

    A few Bulls

    I put this camera out hoping to get some good deer pictures. I had 400 pictures of bulls and just a few cows. Wish I had a bull tag this year.
  9. thegunsmith2506

    Crawfish around Williams?

    Well I never even tried Dogtown just because of all the people. I didn't find any decent numbers anywhere else. Maybe next trip. Thanks for the replies!
  10. What twist are you shooting and what velocity were you getting out of the 168's? I am just getting ready to work up loads for my .280ai. wish I could help you out, but all I have are 168's
  11. thegunsmith2506

    Swarovski 15x56

    That sounds good to me. I will plan to meet at cabelas Monday at 7pm. If something changes just send me a txt, and I will do the same. 928.713.5727
  12. thegunsmith2506

    Cody's first hunt

    My wife and I had the opportunity to take Cody and his mom on his first hunt this year. He was lucky enough to draw one of the antlerless tags on the Kiabab. Cody and his mom spent all summer shooting my .243 Ackley and finishing his hunters safety course. Opening day finally arrived and we were off to 12a. We spent the first morning getting our bearings, and trying to find where the deer were hanging out. We had a close call and a missed shot opening morning, then headed back to Jacobs lake to check in to our hotel. Friday afternoon we were back at it. Thanks to a few friends, and a few guys from CW, we knew right where we needed to be. We had a few more close calls and missed shots that evening. We were all having a great time seeing all the deer, and seeing Cody so excited every time we got close. Friday ended with a lot of deer seen, and high hopes for day 2. Saturday we headed out to the same spot before daylight. I couldn't believe all the trucks parked along side the road waiting for shooting light. We decided to head for some lower country we could glass. On the way to our new spot I spotted 2 does across a small canyon. We parked the Jeep and Cody, his mom, and I, snuck back up the ridge across from the deer. We took it really slow glassing every few steps. I soon spotted the 2 deer but they had us pegged. We got Cody set up on the tripod and waited for a good shot. He had a hard time seeing the deer in the thick brush, but finally got one in the scope. I told him to shoot as soon as he could. It seemed like forever, but he finally took his shot and I watched the big doe drop and roll a few times down the hill. After the backslaps and high fives we hiked over to his deer. It took a little while to find the spot, but Cody soon found her right where she dropped. He had made a great clean kill at over 150yds. Not bad for a guy who just started shooting last summer. Cody and I field dressed the deer and I carried her back to the Jeep. That afternoon we got her skinned and boned out. Sunday we headed home and had her packaged and in the freezer by noon. Thanks to all those who offered tips and advice on this unit. It was really a big help to know where to start. I can't wait to help Cody on his next hunt!
  13. thegunsmith2506

    12A West

    I posted a story in the youth section, but thought I would add a pic here as well. Cody took this big doe Saturday morning. Thanks to all of you that offered advice on this hunt. It really was a lot of help.
  14. thegunsmith2506


    We setup expecting a coyote on this stand, but at 3 min we had this cat charging in. I shot him running straight at me at 12 steps. 1 shot of 3-1/2 #4 buck put him down. Fur wasn't great, but was good enough to keep. So far its been a great start to the calling season.
  15. thegunsmith2506

    Just a few pics from elk scouting

    just a few from the last cam check before the hunt.
  16. thegunsmith2506


    Well to say I was excited to draw this tag with my best friend would be an understatment. Last year we had plans to hunt his Unit 8 archery bull together, but he was deployed before his hunt started. I thought this year we would finally get to hunt elk together. I was wrong... In June we learned that he would again be deployed during the hunt. Not knowing who would be available to help me on my hunt, I called my dad. As always, he was up for the adventure. Wednesday befor the hunt we headed up after work to set up camp. That night was too windy to do much so after a quick dinner we went to bed. Thursday we got in a little scouting before the wind got too bad. My buddy Jason headed up that afternoon and must have brought some wet weather with him. Shortly after he arrived in camp it started to rain. All night it rained on and off. Finally!!! 4am Friday and we were up and brewing coffee. Everything was wet so we loaded up the muzzy and wrapped the barrell with tape to keep the rain out. At 5:23 we piled into Jason's jeep and headed to our favorite spot. We arrived at our parking spot at 6:03 am. As we gathered our gear we knew this would be a great morning. Bulls were scraming all around us. Our quick prayer before we started out was inturepted by several bugles. I headed out on my normal trail with high hopes. Just a few yards in Jason convinced me that we needed to check out a bugle that sounded really close. With the wind in our face, we headed up the ridge towards the closest bugle. After about 200yds I realized we were going too slow. The wind picked up, and we picked up the pace. A few minutes later I eased over the top of the ridge and there he was. A big 5pt bull running back and forth screaming his head off. I saw a few cows about 125yds below me and set up on the shooting sticks. It was thick. I couldnt get a clear shot. After a few minutes Jason finally convinced me to move to our right into a small saddle. Just as we made it to the saddle my dad and Jason were pointing down into the brush. I moved to a big pine and set up the gun again. I couldn't see anything, but that is when the whole hillside came alive. Elk were running everywhere. Instinct took over as a big cow stopped in a shooting lane 80yds below me. Up came the gun, checked for horns, and dropped the crosshairs to her shoulder. BOOM! Too much smoke to see, so I look back at my dad. He is looking through the binos, so I look back at Jason. He is shaking his head. Nothing! Shoot again. What!? I was sure it was a hit! Now in a panic I set the gun on the ground and start to reload. As I do this, I look down the hill where I shot and see 4 hooves up in the air. I look back at my Dad and Jason and tell them it was a hit and she is down. I guess we were all looking at different elk. We make our way down the hill 80yds and there she is. Dropped in her tracks Now what? Jason walks down the hill and finds a loging road about 50yds away. We are in Luck! After the pictures I look at the time and it is 6:45. A 40min hunt and it was over. Some slick manuvering by Jason and we had the Jeep backed up the hill 50yds from the elk.It took us 2 hours to load her in the jeep, but at 9am we were back on the road headed to camp. At 1pm we had all the meat on ice and could finally relax. I really couldn't have done this without the help of my dad and Jason. Nothing better than a great hunt with family anf friends.
  17. thegunsmith2506

    Early Calling Fun

    We normally don't start calling until October, but we have had a lot of coyotes around the house, so we made a few stands this weekend. Started the year out pretty good. We killed on 50% of our stands. I can't wait for some cold weather so we can go after the foxes! Looks like it will be a good season.Here are a couple of pics.
  18. thegunsmith2506

    Early Calling Fun

    Right now I get the best patterns with 3-1/2 #4 buck and a dead coyote choke tube. I would prefer to shoot HD shot, but it doesn't pattern as well in this gun, and it is pricey. For foxes I shoot 3" lead BB's with the same tube.
  19. thegunsmith2506

    .280 ackely improved dies

    Check ebay. I picked up a set of Redding dies for pretty cheap a while back.
  20. thegunsmith2506

    2 for 2 Archery Antelope 2009 and 2013

    Congrats! 21 can be a really tough hunt.
  21. thegunsmith2506

    And then there were ....157....

    I was thinking the same thing........
  22. thegunsmith2506

    The results are up!

  23. I got the chance to look through some of my Grandma's old pictures and slides this last weekend. Here are a couple of the 50 or so hunting pictures I found. I can't wait to get them all transferred to digital media. All of these deer came from units 30a and 29. The first picture is my Grandma's sister and her husband probably around 1946. The second picture is my Grandma's brother from the same time. The last picture is my Grandpa and his friend from around 1956 I think.
  24. thegunsmith2506

    Merc 60 Boat Motor, boat, and trailer

    can deliver to Tucson or Phoenix this weekend.