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Silence Dogood

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About Silence Dogood

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  1. Do I believe in a democratic society, darn right. Do I believe in more hunter opportunity, more wildlife and that we as sportsmen have every opportunity to make this happen, ALWAYS! Do I fear what groups like Center for Biological Diversity, HSUS, Sierra club with Sandy Barr and all the other anti groups are capable of; HISTORY of past transgressions forces me to! As of late there has been a lot of talk about the “special interest” groups and their power plays. There has been a lot of bashing of folks that are now perceived as the enemy. I just wanted to get a few things off my chest, and these are just my feelings and not those of any organization. I will never be influenced to make decisions I don’t feel are right or just for Az, my children, or the future of wildlife by any group whether I affiliate with them or not. I will tell those of you who have never been to a critter group meeting, it is a small but passionate group of truly devoted individuals. I have attended a few from time to time. These folks spend countless volunteer hours, drive hundreds of unpaid miles and make sacrifices for the states wildlife that would take most people decades to equal. So when I hear statements like “small faction” or “special interest” group, I must say I agree completely. There is such a small number of truly engaged folks involved in these groups that “small faction” fits perfectly. And, their “special interest” is spending their nights and weekends volunteering to fight for Arizona wildlife and the habitat they occupy. Are they all friends that all vote the same way, or believe the same things? Far from it, they are as diverse as any group with a common focus you will ever find.I will tell you a few facts about the supposed enemies, just to give you a different perspective. You are quick to rake John Koleszar over the coals. I challenge you to try and attend a meeting that involves wildlife that John isn’t sitting in the room; fighting to preserve the future of all wildlife and hunting. . How many of you have been attending AZGFD commission meetings and fervently fighting for wildlife since 1973, acting as President of several groups, and founder of several more, Pete Cimellaro has. Don Johnson has been targeted as of late. There is not one single man in this state who has done more for wildlife than Don. This man started doing wildlife habitat projects back in the early 70’s, and has hauled more rock, rolled more barbed wire and then cooked more meals for volunteers than any other person has or ever will. If you knew Don, you would know that he has no hidden agendas, garners no special support and will always be a man that acts based on HIS own opinion PERIOD. Now let me give a few fact I know about some of the allies. I see that past Commissioner Bill McClean is now a “good guy”. This would be the same lawyer who admittedly fought in the capital against PROP 109, which would have secured our rights to hunt and fish. Jennifer martin has been gallantly stood up for. Ms. Martin whom was quoted as identifying with Sandy Barr (Sierra Clubs legal/lobbyist) and her ideologies more than those of the “hook and bullet” crowds. Norm Freeman now there’s a different story. His work with wildlife has been extensive. Among other business ventures, he is the founder of Elemental Technology, a firm that developed wildlife tracking software for wildlife biologists and regulatory bodies. He also co-authored a successful behavior modification program to reduce the juvenile predation of young California condors by coyotes. All of which are much easier to market in his position now. Many of you have received an email from a senior member of one of the national wildlife groups who served for several years as their highest ranking volunteer. This email asked for our support to fight against HB1270 and the AZSFW. He wrote: “This bill is a continued "Control" tactic by a nominal amount of folks only from Phoenix. This bill would further divide sportsmen and that puts us right where the anti-hunters want us, which is at odds with each other. Phoenix needs to learn that they DO NOT control the entire state! This was curious to me that this same person had just found out that they would not gain employment by AZSFW to develop charter SFW groups around the state. A position this individual had come to AZSFW with of their own accord, not one that AZSFW had offered. Was this truly their opinion of something they felt was bad or an act of defiance? Seems contradictory, and once you hear all these details the validity of this person is questioned. Did AZSFW screw this thing up and cause the firestorm that triggered this email, oh boy did they? I read the bill however and found some merit in parts of it. Other parts I did not like at all. I think it had the possibility to be modified and make everyone happy and still raise a lot of money for wildlife. But it was gone about the wrong way. Do any of you remember the Malik case that involved a very wealthy Casino owner who had purchased a Commissioners elk tag and was found guilty of illegally taking a bull too close to homes and on Private property? Full support was thrown behind Mr. Malik and his guide by an AZ wildlife group not based on the fact they believed his innocence, but because of financial gains that would be realized. This was wrong, and despite the support, the commission voted (4 to 1 Martin was the nay) to punish Malik for his actions. I ask is this ok to support those found guilty of illegally taking wildlife just because they are wealthy, and was the membership of the group asked if they supported this action? Did this group remove itself from AZSFWC due to HB1270 or was this due to the fact it had again became a very active group and was no longer able to be manipulated by this groups leader. Or was it the fact that one of the members questioned this persons actions. Maybe we will never know. Do any of you remember the Arizona Game Protective Organization? Neither does Arizona Wildlife Federation, and that was how they started. As they say “to keep politics out of the AZGFD”. Although in my opinion its mission now is “to keep the right side of politics out of the AZGFD”. It appears in my estimation that they only have anything to do with wildlife or hunting groups when they need them to cook and provide food for one of their “board meetings” or “projects” which always requires a sponsor group to provide the volunteers to complete the required task. I use these three factual examples to illustrate how easily something that while on the surface may seem pure as the driven snow, actually stinks to high heaven when you take off the cloak they wear. Beware of false prophets!! AZGFD is one of the most unique organizations of its kind in the country. Not part of the state budget (even though the state tries constantly to sweep its funds). Has increased its budget annually without having an audit in 21yrs. Has a 3 person staff overseeing a 3 man habitat construction department who are the hardworking guys who do the work that AZGFD hasn’t trained volunteers to do, and thus can be paid by the feds for those volunteers hours and mileage worked. Although this 3 man crew is a vast reduction from what it used to be, the budget that is allotted for internal completed habitat construction projects has not decreased. When asked why there hasn’t been a reduction in budget to go along with the reduction in force; “well we’ll have to look into that”. Don’t get me wrong, the AZGFD is for the most part a good organization, but they are like any other pseudo government organization: long overdue for some oversight and trimming of the fat. They are hindered by public perception, but why? Over 80% of their revenue is generated by us sportsmen. Why would they worry then about their image in regards to predator control, and not when it comes to needed use of poisons to kill off nonnative fish. Because newspapers and anti-groups can make a huge deal out of a cute fuzzy coyote, or a majestic wolf, but not so much for a flathead minnow. In addition we never question their science based, North American Model inspired approach to handling our wildlife. I would just say that everyone could use a little oversight from time to time and an occasional tweak to keep up with changing times is being proactive. Was the lack of support for things like Prop 201 back in 1992 the straw that broke the camel’s back and lost us our right to trap on public lands, NO? It was the fact that we as sportsmen had rallied in 1991 against Prop 200 and raised 1.9 million dollars and defeated the attempt to take away trapping. When we got hit the next year we were used up and only raised $625k, and stats say it takes a minimum of a cool million to win or beat a ballot initiative. Is the Kaibab issue a diversion, far from it! These are real issues we must be prepared to unite and fight against. We must be prepared to open our wallets, give up our time and stand united to fight against. We must open our eyes to the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Make sure you truly know everything about a person or group before you throw your alliance behind them especially on a faceless forum. What’s to keep the anti-groups from planting people in these forums? If they are willing to buy licenses and apply for tags so they won’t get used, what’s to stop them from posting on a free forum? And above all we must be open to sacrificing now for the returns we will see in the future. We have a battle ahead of us as our society moves farther away from the acceptance of hunting and fishing. If we are to assure that future generations can enjoy what we hold so dear, we have to make a difference now. This means more than sitting behind a keyboard. If we want a better chance to draw an elk tag, we must do something to grow more elk. If an initiative arises you disagree with, hit the trenches and fight it, don’t take your ball and go home. Make the leaders of the groups you align yourself with be accountable, make your opinion matter, make your donations matter, don’t allow a charismatic leader or an evasive one blow you off. Make sure you do the research and know ALL the facts before you go marching in. I am sure there are a lot of Germans who wished they’d have gotten the whole story on a certain charismatic leader. Conservation always, Silence Dogood