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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    Anyone hunt the 5A late bull?

    Hey everyone. Nephew-in-law reached out to me asking to help him. It will be his first hunt ever. I applaud him for being a man and putting in on his own without asking for help but a lack of scouting and experience has brought him to me unfortunately. I have hunted 5A archery bull many times and pulled one out in 2023 but I have NEVER hunted the late rifle. My question for anyone who has hunted it in November- if it stays warm do you think the elk will be in the same general areas?? Other than fishing at Blue ridge reservoir I don't spend any time in 5A after Sept. Thanks for any guidance.
  2. ready2hunt

    Anyone hunt the 5A late bull?

    Thank you for sharing! That has been my experience as well, get out and walk and see what you bump. Good luck on your turkey hunt, hopefully you get lucky. Also, kudos for showing respect to those possibly hunting a tank.
  3. ready2hunt

    Anyone hunt the 5A late bull?

    That is what I was thinking. I appreciate that info. I figured there is probably a few groups of elk down lower with a good % of the hunters chasing those same groups on side by sides. That's neat you got a cabin up there. Beautiful area.
  4. ready2hunt

    Anyone hunt the 5A late bull?

    Thanks for the tip. That's the plan so far. Get high and glass deep.
  5. ready2hunt

    Bounty to hunt Drones- YES

    YES! I like this town already! A small town in Colorado is considering an ordinance that would create a license and bounty for hunters to shoot down drones. "We do not want drones in town," Phillip Steel, the Deer Trail, Colo., resident who drafted the ordinance, told Denver's ABC7 affiliate. "They fly in town, they get shot down." Steel's proposal, recently submitted to the town board, calls for a $25 drone hunting license and outlines "rules of engagement" for hunters looking to shoot down the unmanned aerial devices: The Town of Deer Trail shall issue a reward of $100 to any shooter who presents a valid hunting license and the following identifiable parts of an unmanned aerial vehicle whose markings and configuration are consistent with those used on any similar craft known to be owned or operated by the United States federal government. Steel said that while he's never seen a drone flying in Deer Trail, the ordinance is a "symbolic" one. "I do not believe in the idea of a surveillance society, and I believe we are headed that way," he said. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Deer Trail's population was 559 in 2011. "They'll sell like hotcakes," Steel said of the proposed drone license. "It could be a huge moneymaker for the town." David Boyd, one of Deer Field's seven board members, supports the drone ordinance. "Even if a tiny percentage of people get online (for a) drone license, that's cool," Boyd said. "That's a lot of money to a small town like us. Could be known for it as well, which probably might be a mixed blessing, but what the heck." There's even talk of the town—which claims to be home to "the world's first rodeo"—hosting the world's first drone hunt. "A skeet, fun-filled festival," town clerk Kim Oldfield said. The board will consider the drone hunting ordinance on Aug. 6. Pulled from yahoo
  6. ready2hunt

    New Handgun For Sale

    Sold Thanks guys!
  7. ready2hunt

    New Handgun For Sale

    Hey Folks, Got a never before fired EC9 Ruger for sale. Got it for the wife but she prefers her feel of her S&W. No gimmicks or issues with it but I won't ever use it so looking to sell. Comes with everything pictured. Going to sell at an awesome discount. This gun is perfect for a starter gun or (my intention), concealed carry. Goes for $259 +tax Selling for $220 OBO, would like to use this to fund another project! PM me or Text (480) 628-172zero Thanks guys!
  8. ready2hunt

    Dog Help

    Hey Everyone, Does anyone on here know anyone that breeds Hound Dogs? I have a bunch of questions and will be looking for 1-2 dogs within the next year. Not looking for pedigree proven champs but I don't want house dogs. If you have some or know someone who runs and/or breeds I would really appreciate the referral. Feel free to DM me if you don't want to share your info with everyone. Happy Memorial Day to Everyone! Thanks! Chris
  9. ready2hunt

    Dog Help

  10. Awesome job! Nothing is better than dropping a bear!
  11. Yes they will. I've scared bears off multiple times...they ALWAYS come back.
  12. ready2hunt

    NM Unit 10 SOLD

    Pm sent
  13. ready2hunt

    Calf Killer Down

    Awesome job kidso! Is that your first cat?
  14. ready2hunt

    Bear Scouting and Hunting!

    It appears you got a bear problem. Send me the coordinates and I'll be happy remove them free of charge.
  15. ready2hunt

    We're Bombing Syria!!!

    Get em' boy's....you've got my support!
  16. ready2hunt

    We're Bombing Syria!!!

    If that coward Assad doesn't want peace then our guys can show him what heck's really likeYeah? So you want to take him out like we did saddam and gaddafi? Tell me about how great Iraq and Libya have been doing since then and the mass immigration in Europe. Worked out really goodIf you got a better plan, write your Senator. I don't enjoy the thought of our service men and women overthere risking their lives. But every one I know would gladly stand toe to toe with tyranny. War is never going to be pretty. To any of you parents of military...my prayers are with your families! Give em heck!
  17. ready2hunt

    We're Bombing Syria!!!

    If that coward Assad doesn't want peace then our guys can show him what heck's really like
  18. Hey Everyone- I recently started a hunting business with a partner and we quietly launched a couple weeksl ago. Out of respect for the current sponsors I am not going to advertise. However, we plan on becoming sponsors a little later this year. (Some of you are already following us on social media though- funny to see familiar names and faces). We are building up our following as we plan on releasing some broadheads later this year. My point- I wanted to reach out to find out if anyone would like to share some of their favorite, funny, cool, odd or trophy pics. We would like to feature them and a VERY short explanation (or non at all if you prefer). Once we officially launch our full line of products we plan on giving CWT a big shout out for the inspiration. One is a patent pending broadhead which we are excited about. So if you are interested in sharing, PM me and I will give you the email to send them. Again this is all for good fun and just to share the memories we have all built up. Thanks for the read!
  19. ready2hunt

    Looking for cool/fun hunting pics....

    TTT Thank you to those of you who have contributed! Keep em'coming!! PM me
  20. ready2hunt

    Looking for cool/fun hunting pics....

    Any pics any game
  21. ready2hunt

    AZ G&F and trails cameras

    Sound so like another G&F rep running his mouth. You should have ask him what his opinion was in regards to hunting in the same unit with your ex and an order of protection.
  22. ready2hunt

    Elk 22S Muzzleloader

    Advice: don't skimp on the optics. The elk that are there now will likely be there when you hunt, get to know the area
  23. ready2hunt

    Got a Charge!!!

    Charge is- Running a red light and got the ticket in the mail. Guess that's what happens for breaking the law. Sorry guys I had to- working the late shift Good luck to everyone!!! Hoping my little one pulls her first elk tag!
  24. I think the satellite proviso is referring to trail camera's which wirelessly transmit videos/picture live through a phone plan. Call me crazy but that is what is sounds like.
  25. ready2hunt

    My first two Coues bucks...

    If I were good at my hobbies I would have bucks like that to mount also lol