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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    sci world recoerd 561 whitetail

    What unit is that in??? Jk Seems to always be the first question Seriously though, if it is one of those genetically enhanced deer I would be afraid to eat the meat. It'll give you hair in places you dont want this those kind of steriods haha That is one huge WT though
  2. exactly! Take Obama's open mic telling Russia's Putin that he would like to talk to him more after the election about shared goverment powers.....how much press did that get??? Why are not people outraged by this!? Sheep....all these liberal, socialist idots are just sheep.
  3. I like the fact that he is standing my his comments and not trying to back track. To many people and just sucking on govt. life lines both at the state and federal level. Its media like NBC, Yahoo and CNN that week it to appear worse than what it is, its all media manipulation. Everyone is freaking out because he called people out on being lazy....people should actually be freaking out by the fact that 47% of the country does not pay taxes or contribute to society.
  4. ready2hunt

    Pick Pocket

    That is an awesome picture! Sounds like a good trip
  5. I am at work extremely jealous of everyone in the field. Who is going to be the first to post a pic of their elk??? I am sure there are a few that have already hit the ground!
  6. ready2hunt

    Who's gonna be the first to post their elk???

    Thats a technical foul! great pics though. What is really sad though is this- I have elk fever so bad I was looking to see if they were spikes and for a second thought the rope on yours was an antler. haha
  7. ready2hunt

    what qualifies?

    I would say that I am among the best long range shooters around! When my buddies ask me "Why did you miss that deer at 100 yrds?" I show them that "I actually intended to hit the tree next to it." Anyone can hit a deer at 100 yards....it takes true skill to "barely" miss them. Likewise at any range, 1-1000 yards I hit everything my barrell is pointed at.
  8. ready2hunt

    Obama - there he goes again

    I agree that Holder should be in jail as well! Just saw we now got the fed about to pump more money into bonds. How much more debt that we inject into ourselves?! I depend on a good economy just as much as anyone else but how can people freakin' beleive that the Obama administration is good for our country!? We need to get rid of all these idiots and start over. I hope these liberal tree huggin' hippies start takin' notice
  9. ready2hunt

    The MOST wonderful time of the year

    Yes, best time of the year! Too soon for this as well?? It's still too soon isn,t it?
  10. ready2hunt

    Kaibab Breakfast Guest

    Looks like he was the runt of the litter...hope you gave him some food
  11. Great pics. I love how if just dwarfs the bed of that truck! Tell him congrats!
  12. ready2hunt


    Now that's funny Hilarious!!!....if only that's how things really were. Oh wait they are.
  13. ready2hunt

    114 Velvet Coues Wall Pedestal

    Great Job! Is that the origional velvet or the artificial stuff?
  14. ready2hunt

    Giant archery buck takes a dirt nap

    WOW that is just awesome!!!! Congrats!! What time of day did you take the shot?? Share the story!
  15. ready2hunt


    I am 50/50 hispanic white and see nothing wrong with elpepe's post, In fact I thought it was hiliarious. I really doubt you "introducing" a trooper to your .45 would have been the wisest choice and I am pretty sure you can agree with that. Further more "introducing" religous discrimintion into this thread was (my opinon) unnecessary and I am sorry you feel that way. It is the type of intollerance you just demonstrated that leads to racial division. Not that you need to put up with every joke but you can't take things like that to heart. I am part mexican, however 100% american. My morals and principals define who I am not my skin color but there is nothing wrong with taking things with a little humor. BTW I love this forum and the fact that we can talk about what we want, when we want (within reason). If not this would be another democratic nation convention hahaha
  16. ready2hunt

    Sharing the Wealth

    I may not have much but I have worked for every penny I have. I beleive that it is my christian duty to share and help those who are less fortunate but not support a culture of free loading & laziness. Those speeches were killing me.
  17. ready2hunt

    Coconino County Hunters

    Thats funny, just last weekend I had a FS guy tell me that if I paid him $500 that I get access to all the roads at any time. It was the best $500 I ever spent......you guys didn't do that??? jk
  18. ready2hunt

    Economic Trail Cam Recomendations

    I still use the low end primos myself. There are other cameras that are cost a little less but I think they are economical and I have never had any sort of issue with them, not one. Mine are 4 years old and still going strong in rain/heat & snow and they take great pics, no blurry or pixelated even at night. The battery life in them are great too. Personally I beleive that battery life has a lot to do with the tempurature and brand of batter but regardless I have been pretty impressed with how long they last. Usually I don't switch out batteries the whole season and they still have a little power left in them while taking a lot of pics. Just my two cents. Good luck to you.
  19. ready2hunt

    Some elk and a dandy Mulie

    That is a beautiful mule deer! hope he's hangin' on your wall soon.
  20. ready2hunt

    Early Rut ?

    I was in 6A for a few days last week and they were bugling pretty consistent and night. We were cold camped though and pretty far away from everyone. Just sounded like 2 bulls. They didn't do it long but it was every night.
  21. ready2hunt

    2012 First Archery Coues

    Hey that's awesome brother! Way to put em' down!
  22. but i agree might find some nice racks in that area Thats a techinical foul
  23. ready2hunt

    Any one worred about all the rain

    Gotta love AZ....if desert hunting wasnt hard enough the weather throws a curve ball. I LOVE AZ! haha
  24. ready2hunt

    Sound to stop mulies in their tracks?

    I always let out the sounds of a fawn....sounds like a baby lamb. Youtube it. It has worked wonders for me...you wont get every deer to stop but its usually enough for a shot. Its a shame I can't hit the broad side of a barn. Good luck to you!!