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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    Calling for fall bears?

    Hey Kidso (not to hijack the thread) but what call do you use...or do you use one at all?
  2. ready2hunt

    Calling for fall bears?

    +1 to being careful. My cousin shot a mt lion while varmit calling at it was only 15 ft from him....he never heard it. I'll try to get the pic from him and post it up. Its best to be with someone (not that you don't already know that) besides you can have someone to share the experience with.
  3. ready2hunt

    Travel management - what are YOU going to do?

    Nothing is illegal until you get caught haha! I'll be complying on my hunt...although I am 100% against these road closures especially in 6A I don't mind walking to where I want to be or sleeping in my truck. Having said that....to each his own. I hope everyone enjoys their hunts and camping spots regardless of where they are. It's the FS's own dang fault for trying to enforce this and set up signs at the last min. They should have known this would be the issue this late in the year.
  4. ready2hunt

    Pipe feeder?

    With all do respect to everyone here it is not a grey area at all. Baiting itself is perfectly legal as long as you are not baiting bears. We have had this discussion many times on here. I wrote up a whole thing on it with the laws attached, go to your search bar and type in "Laws Regarding Baiting" and you can see it. You can hunt over, around or with bait all day long (again) as long as it is not for bear. If your damaging the land with salt or cutting up trees to make an area or blind for it then that is a different story. But it is 100% legal...see the other post to view the law. Think about it...if hunting over bait was illegal then we wouldn't be able to hunt over water holes or oak groves etc.
  5. ready2hunt

    Pipe feeder?

    great advice and thanks for the heads up on the amount of corn. I think i am going to try this out. I saw several people online drill a bunch of small holes so I am assuming it was to drain.
  6. ready2hunt

    Pipe feeder?

    I have been looking at these for a while and when I see them I appears that when it rains or snows that the water would just collect at the bottom. Any thoughts from those who use them?? Does it collect, does it not....does it even matter. Just curious as I like the concept...it would keep me from making so many trips to my spots Thanks
  7. ready2hunt

    Pipe feeder?

    Why would baiting be illegal in 33 but legal in the rest of the state?
  8. Great Pics. That is one heck of a bull you got! Congrats
  9. ready2hunt

    Broken Aarow Archery...

    that is a beautiful looking bull.
  10. ready2hunt

    A dilemma requiring some thought... or maybe not.

    Not much to think about. It wouldn't make a difference. It is not illegal to have the gun, its illegal to shoot the deer (or any animal out of season) with it.
  11. ready2hunt

    Lost Camera

    +1 Exactly...finders keepers is called stealing. I hope you get your camera back
  12. ready2hunt

    Found 6a bull

    Its mine- Bull elk, about yaaa high, antlers, brownish with a tail and has a look on its face like it was shot unexpectedly. jk Good looking out. I am sure the hunter that shot it is really going to happy you found it
  13. ready2hunt

    Are they starting to quiet down?

    I'll bet with the cold snap this week we'll see a big more action...its just been pretty warm. here's hoping!
  14. ready2hunt

    Late Bull Hunt

    I actually agree with you. Why not get the best of both worlds, great meat and great antlers haha. I saw a guy in a parking lot last year with an archery target and asked him if he was going archery elk (it was that time of year) he said ya 6A. I replied cool, they got some great bulls. He immediately got high and mighty and said he hunts for meat not for sport as if I should feel ashamed. I just said good luck
  15. ready2hunt

    400" 4B Bull Down

    Spoiled for life is right! Great job
  16. Great job guys! That is a great AZ Bull and it's nice to see people giving credit where it's due.
  17. Some Texas couple took a picture of a buck after destroying an Obama sign. Love it...even nature agrees http://www.foxnews.c...test=latestnews
  18. ready2hunt

    Beyond my wildest dreams!

    That bull is truly amazing and great story! Congrats
  19. I love seeing all these pictures of bulls come in. Great job
  20. ready2hunt

    Richard Spragues archery bull

    that is an amazing bull congrats
  21. ready2hunt

    welcome message / i'm back

    I'd break my legs for In & Out Burger as well....stay strong brother! Welcome back
  22. "Bin laden on Obamas watch" Are you serious? I hope his campaign keeps this attitude....thats about the only positive that came out of this presidency. Lets not take into account though it was Military serivice members that took him out...not Obama, and it was Obama and the dem/libs that didn't feel we should be at war or on a man hunt anyway. That was part of their election platform. But yes it happned while Obama was in office so lets give him all the credit. Our deficit is higher than its ever been, health care has actually gone up, gas is still high, there are fewer jobs than ever, stagnant economic growth, major military spending cuts....This has also happened on Obamas Watch. The President has enough power to impact all these, no (for example) he can not just lower gas prices...its a world commodity however, he could have opened up drilling, built refineries...kept drilling permits in the country, created jobs and in the long run lowered our own deficeit and made us more energy independent. Has he done any of that on his watch? No he has not. Save the Obama loving for yahoo or cnn or msn or usa today or gma or the Today show or the LA times or the NY times or any of the other news manipulating liberal outlets.
  23. ready2hunt

    What the heck..??

    Thanks for sharing...I have heard from really bad things about USO
  24. ready2hunt

    new forest creature

    Is it just me or is that Cockateil drinking a latte??? haha funny pic
  25. ready2hunt

    can I just vent...

    I feel ya! If I hear one more quad or rihno come down a road while I am out hiking I will lose it haha I am all about driving to get where I need to go but when I am ready to go hunt or go after an animal I will hike it out at least over a hill or something to get away. People in huge disel trucks out hunting drive me nuts too...I can hear their trucks miles aways. If I can hear it and its annoying to me....animals can clearly hear it and will move.