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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    WA Grey Wolves to be Killed Off

    This is some of the best news I have heard in a while. How do we get this to happen here?? Apparently the Grey Wolf pack in Washington State has been killing off too many cattle so they are going to cull the pack. They only thing that really pisses me off here is that conservation groups blame the cattle farmers for dont doing more to protect their heards....BUT they are still not allowed to kill them. I can't stand these liberal hippies who live off of Mcdonalds their whole lives. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/09/25/14093139-gray-wolf-pack-in-washington-state-will-be-shot-dead-after-preying-on-cattle?lite See also MSN, NBC News
  2. ready2hunt

    Rifle bull hunt

    No worries- 6A
  3. ready2hunt

    Timberland Outfitters Buffalo hunt Videos!!!!

    That is amazing! Great video thanks for sharing
  4. ready2hunt

    Rifle bull hunt

    Welcome welcome. Yes I got a bull tag and have been chompin' at the bit to get out there. 23 days and countin' Good luck to everyone here. Hey Brian I'll trade you some man power hauling an elk out for a quater of meat if I get one?? haha
  5. ready2hunt


    That was a clear knockout. Even Yahoo is admitting it. Mitt did great being concise and clear in each of his points and personalized his deliveries. This is all ton top of kicking his obamas trash around the floor. I hope a good @#$ woopin' is covered in Obamacare haha
  6. ready2hunt

    Can you find them (added pic)

    Took me a bit but I got the second one. Good pics
  7. ready2hunt

    Is It Legal?

    Good Point! Get the "Apprentice License" from G&F
  8. ready2hunt

    3D Printing....have you seen this technology?

    +1.... and a Gov. tag as well
  9. ready2hunt

    Is It Legal?

    This really doesn't make sense though and I certainly do not have the literature but that would mean that every person under 21 who shoots a hand gun would be commiting a federal offense. Every parent/guardian etc who lets their youngster shoot a handgun while in the outdoors would be commiting a crime. Doesn't make sense you know. I am not trying to be argumentative in the least btw.
  10. ready2hunt

    3D Printing....have you seen this technology?

    That is just crazy. Never even heard of this before. Think of all the uses and/or implications
  11. ready2hunt

    Gasoline Prices

    Didn't watch that report however I could not agree more with it. Speculation is key when it comes to oil prices. You hear a hint of war and the gas goes up as investors hedge against the possible fall out. Then you have inflation/deflation that come into play. Since gas is a world commodity these emerging markets keep prices high, and companies sustain them to keep profits rising. Thats why we need more domestic oil, producers, referneries etc. Think of the money, jobs and security we could provide ourselves if we invested in ourself (just in engery).
  12. ready2hunt

    Copper fouling w/ Accubonds

    I have noticed that as well. Not so much that there is more fouling but it does take a little more effort to get it out of there. You using the Nosler Accubonds?
  13. ready2hunt

    Is It Legal?

    Sounds like as mentioned previously that if he has a hunting license and he is squirrel hunting/varmit calling etc that he is fine per sec. B paragraph 1. I say if he wants too get a license then him have at it. Sounds like the expected use of the pistol is just for enjoyment. I say let him enjoy it if you don't mind him making the noise and spookin' your animal Growing up some of my favoraite memories were of my dad and I just stopping and shooting during his hunts. Obviously we did it during the less effective hours of the hunt though and this situation (as mentioned in the begining) is a little different. It's your hunt, have fun!
  14. ready2hunt

    Pipe feeder?

    "that is one of the dumbest pro baiting arguments I have heard." "You are using a stupid argument and I feel it is dumb to argue semantics." "as ignorant as a person or hunter could get." No one is asking that you argue. Someone suggested that it may be against the law and it was clarified. There are plenty of threads which are pro-baiting vs. anti-baiting to cover the semantics. Having said that, while I do not agree with your approach I respect the right you have to say it. Everyone has their own opinon and that is why this forum is great, we all get a chance to share them. Thanks to those who posted info on these pipe feeders.
  15. ready2hunt

    Couple decent bucks

    I love desert mulies! Hope you get one of em"
  16. ready2hunt

    Two for two

    Great story and great bulls. Glad it all came together for you guys!
  17. ready2hunt

    Another Border agent killed

    I can only imagine how the family is doing. How many more of these is it going to take to get the government to start taking some action?
  18. ready2hunt

    A dilemma requiring some thought... or maybe not.

    Thanks for the imput Gabriel. Its always nice to have points of view from G&F.
  19. ready2hunt

    Is It Legal?

    I have never seen any literature in regards to age restrictions and carrying handguns. Can anyone provide this? I didnt see any in the ARS. Its great that you are being proactively responsible about it too.
  20. Those are some great pics. I love az sun sets and bulls. Doesn't get much better than that!
  21. ready2hunt

    iPhone test photo

    Thats awesome, thanks for the heads up. Looking to get that phone in January and can't wait to mess with it.
  22. ready2hunt

    Not what I expected to see!!

    I was just thinking the same thing. Looks like a nice buck though. Sounds like a fun trip
  23. ready2hunt

    Size of this bear?

    +1... they do look different to me as well
  24. ready2hunt

    Calling for fall bears?

    Thanks for the info. I have to call one into a varmit call. maybe I am doing something wrong. I appreciate the help
  25. ready2hunt

    Travel management - what are YOU going to do?

    Thanks for the clarification guys...point remains