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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    2012 archery bull az

    Hey there & welcome! We have been looking at your bull pics for awhile now. Congrats to you, that is one nice animal you came away with. Glad to hear that you tagged out and sounds like you deserved it from the amount of work you put in!
  2. ready2hunt


    Awesome buck, shot, hunt & memories! Congrats, she is a huntress to be reckond with
  3. ready2hunt

    Drop tine bucks.

    I have seen a few....but all of them have been pics on this website
  4. ready2hunt

    Floor Pedestal Mulie

    Thats a beauty! Great work!
  5. ready2hunt

    Who's ready?

    Yes I think we have succesfully digressed on this thread hahaha! Nice follow up
  6. ready2hunt

    LEO's checking gun serial #'s?

    I wont speak for averagejoe however as mentioned previously...you have the right to refuse a request to hand over your firearm. If an officer stops to talk to you on the side of the road for no reason you have the right to tell them to pound sand and be on their way. You have the right to refuse a search of your vehicle (unless there is something incriminating in plain sight, AKA Inevitable Discovery). Refusing to produce a license (for example) is criminal if you are in control of a vehicle. Furthermore, as averagejoe mentioned law enforcement has the right to protect themselves. If you for any reason move your hand to your gun (even if it is second nature to protect it) you can be assured that the LE officer will have his or her gun drawn on you for protection and they have every right to do so. As long as you are not under arrest (you can be under arrest without handcuffs on) think of your car as a home. The officer cannot enter unless there is a cause to do so. Again, it is all contained in Title IV "Search and Seizure" laws, hope that helps
  7. ready2hunt

    Who's ready?

    Yup...sounds like U of A jk
  8. "The President must be thinking, so many things.....so little time to redistribute" -Mitt Romney (At The Al Smith Dinner)
  9. ready2hunt

    Trail cam pics

    I have read too, that archeologists have found the remains all over the Southwestern United States that the American Lion (The largest of all cats) was native here as well and for whatever reason the Jag. survived but the lion did not. They suggest that Jags and lions both preyed upon bison/deer/elk and mammoths. Gotta love the Southwest Museum. About 8 years ago I was doing some work in a few towns about an hour south of the border. A few of them had Jag pelts.....They are native to this whole area. -Great Info Lance
  10. ready2hunt

    Who's ready?

    Got everything packed last night.....I was making a list....checking it twice haha. Re-washed all my camo, found the cold weather gear and did an inventory. Have my very last "to do's" on my list with me today at work. Have a conference at this evening, hit up Wal-mart for the last min. things and then it off to bed for a night of unrestful sleep just to wake up at 3am to be in my spot opening morning hahaha! I have not slept much at all the past few nights in anticipation for tomorrow...like a kid at christmas time...I love the hunt!
  11. ready2hunt

    Brothers jr hunt 2012 93" coues buck

    Great buck and great write up. Glad you guys tagged out!
  12. ready2hunt

    LEO's checking gun serial #'s?

    Depends on the situation however lets say you are arrested. The car can now be searched without your permission but case law dictates that the trunk cannot be searched as it is considered a different space. A warrant though can remedy this (and judges hate being woke up in the middle of the night). You have the right not to incriminate yourself and you do not have to declare that you have a weapon in the vehicle if you are pulled over but as mentioned previously...things go a lot more smooth when you're up front and don't have anything to hide.
  13. ready2hunt

    Automatic Brass Seperator????

    If you got cash I'll "Automatically" separate them for you . I haven't seen one of those things sorry.
  14. ready2hunt

    LEO's checking gun serial #'s?

    I'll 2nd Averagejoe. It is perfectly legal just as running your vehicle VIN #. Just because the plate matches the general description does not mean the car is not stolen. Many auto theft rings operate under this MO. Just depends on how much the officer wants to get into. Read your Title IV and understand your rights to "Search and Seizure." Its annoying to spend time on the side of the road but a good attitude goes a long way. Once there is probable cause to pull you over and you are actually pulled over then you are in a state of "investigative detention" (which is much different than being under arrest).....there is a lot they can investigate at that time and some things LE cannot. I tell people all the time....A.R.S. are like the tax codes....very few people actually spend the time to read them unless they work in that field. But those who do use them to their advantage.
  15. I think Mitt did a great job and the polls are reflecting a swing in opinion. I also like how he began the debate with "attacking me is not an agenda." Worst quote of the night "Gov. Romney the 80's want their foreign policy back." -Obama May the best man win!
  16. ready2hunt

    Best Hunt Yet

    I need to first start this by saying this was a true blessing and it will forever bring a smile to my face. Having been fortunate enough to draw elk tags for the same unit my father and I felt that it would be fun to put in for turkey in the same unit to give us another excuse to get up and go scouting for the elk hunts to come. Well as luck would have it we were both drawn for turkey as well and I decided that it would be a good time to let my oldest little one come on the hunt with us. (I have never even seen a turkey while turkey hunting, much less have I ever killed one) It was my first time having one of my own children with me to share a hunt and the first time my father had one of his grandchildren accompany him. Needless to say we were all very excited, so excited in fact that my daughter got up several times the night before the hunt to see if it was time to go haha! Well opening morning found us on the edge of our unit and as luck would have it we were running late. To add insult to injury we got caught in construction traffic. As a joke (and to keep the mood positive) I told my little girl "this is actually a good thing. Since we are stuck we will now see some turkeys we would otherwise have missed. 20 min. later traffic began to move again. We finally reached our destination and no sooner had I exited the vehicle and taken 3 steps down our trail did 8 turkey run right past us! None of us were ready for the shot though! To make a long story short we circled around them and 45 min. later I dropped my first turkey at 7:40 am opening morning! In light of all that had happened I can truly say that having my little one with me was one of the best experience of my life. I have never had so much fun during a hunt as I did watching my child love what I have grown to love. I often joke with my father that we would not have a close relationship were it not for the time we shared together hunting. Those who oppose hunting do not understand that it is so much more than taking an animal. I am truly grateful for this experience, hunting and for family.
  17. ready2hunt

    2012 Junior Deer Hunt

    What an Amazing hunt! Memories for a lifetime I'm sure!
  18. ready2hunt

    San Carlos buck

    The San Carlos can sure grow some beautiful bucks! Congrats
  19. ready2hunt

    Aj's first buck

    Great job AJ!!!! That is one great buck you got!
  20. ready2hunt


    that bull is incredible....love seeing bulls with character like that!
  21. ready2hunt

    Chase's 1st Bear

    Great job buddy! You should be very proud of that bear!
  22. ready2hunt

    Successful Elk Hunts

    Those are some good pics! Congrats on the great hunt and animals!
  23. ready2hunt

    Shout out to Game and Fish

    I will be the first one to admit that often times I am VERY critical of decision that Game and Fish make HOWEVER I would like to take a moment to thank Game and Fish (I am sending a thank you directly to them as well). My little cousin has been on her jr. hunt for almost a week in 6A and is feeling pretty down. I got on the phone with her mother yesterday and this is a story they told me. They have been traveling in and out of different areas of the unit trying to connect with a cow. They have had some shots but all missed thus far. While eating lunch yesterday they were approached by a Game and Fish rep. Instead of doing the norm. (checking licenses first etc) this gentleman gave nothing but advice and words of encouragment to my cousin. Further more he informed them that a group of PETA members have been driving the area and (from what some property owners are telling them) everytime these PETA members see elk/deer they fire guns in an effort to scare off the animals so hunters can not find them. (I personally have never heard of that before....perhaps others here have). The Game and Fish Rep. said that if they are caught violating laws that they will be ticketed as this is dangerous and ruining the jr. for new hunters liker herself. Thank to Game and Fish Rep. not only being pro-active but for your words of encourgement. My little cuz felt much better after having spoken with you and the impression you gave them was certainly one that they were impressed by.
  24. ready2hunt

    A few good bucks and a lion

    Wow I bet that got your heart pumpin! Looks like a good spot!
  25. ready2hunt

    2012 Arizona Bear

    Great pic. I have really become a fan of the Swacker broadhead. I still have yet to connect with ANYTHING though haha. again congrats