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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    4B Roll Call

    So is the application number assigned as soon as you submit the hunt app? just curious
  2. ready2hunt

    223" Two Point

    Would you kick Cindy Crawford out of bed too???? I would
  3. ready2hunt

    223" Two Point

    that is just crazy! and for being his first buck- even more.
  4. ready2hunt

    4B Roll Call

    I was literally searching for this thread last night. Couldn't remember which one it was that you had mentioned a countdown and didn't want to be the first one to start the "when are they charged" thread haha
  5. ready2hunt

    Conservation For Generations

    GREAT write up. Wish we could see more stories like this between elk and deer season. Thank you for sharing. Best thing I've seen in a while on here. If you dad ever wants to get rid of another pesky lion...look me up!
  6. ready2hunt

    Bear Mountain

    The problem is they think the have such a loyal following and they don't care who they lose. My family is all from that area of Mesa and chandler. We ALL used to shop there....now, not a single one of us do. This is the problem when you let family and friends work at your business and don't care to hold people accountable for poor service and appearance. It's lazy and pathetic.
  7. ready2hunt

    Bear Mountain

    +1 plenty of shops use the Davidson's gun buying software. I don't care for their shop or service.
  8. ready2hunt

    Tale of Two Sheds

    dang thats crazy. If that forkie was the only one i saw though I would still take it! My digestive tract wont know the difference.
  9. ready2hunt

    Too early to start scouting??

    I started scouting for my sons elk hunt already. Its the early archery bull hunt in September of 2022
  10. ready2hunt

    What does G&F do for a month?

    I would assume sorting the paper apps and working on any hiccups in the system. CLEARLY they (like any company) have a grace period built in.
  11. ready2hunt

    *Updated W/Pics *My Son Wants to Clean Your Skulls

    Great to hear. Don't have any right now but come this fall if he still wants practice I will keep him in mind.
  12. ready2hunt

    Remington Triggers

    60min. just aired a big a big special saying the replacement triggers have statistically been more defective than the original recall. Look it up, it was pretty interesting to say the least. I have a 700, aftermarket trigger is the only way to go.
  13. ready2hunt

    Snow report up North?

    How we looking fellas? It's been raining/sprinkling pretty consistent for the past day & 1/2. Any snow up there?
  14. ready2hunt

    Snow report up North?

    Ya thought you guys would have had a bit more. Is it still raining up there?
  15. ready2hunt

    How to measure skulls

    https://www.boone-crockett.org/bgRecords/bc_scoring_bear.asp?area=bgRecords&type=Bear Go to this link and it will walk you through it. Let us know what it scores
  16. Love seeing stuff like this. The fawn drop seems to have been good this past year plus a good spring rain means good antlers this year and more animals next. Hope this keeps up. Figured I would spread the news in case some if you didn't see it. GAME AND FISH NEWS Filling and spilling: Flagstaff area lakes highest in years A recent influx of snow and subsequent run-off is giving many Flagstaff area lakes a refill. During the past two years, water levels at Kaibab Lake near Williams had been far too low to stock fish. Thanks to recent heavy rains, the lake (pictured) is full and spilling. All lakes in the Flagstaff region are ice free. The Arizona Game and Fish Department will not be stocking all lakes, and the ones that will be stocked will not get fish until after March 1. Some other updates from this region: Dogtown Lake, near Kaibab on the south side of I-40, should be full. Anglers who can get into Dogtown might catch some of the holdover rainbows and browns since spring fishing can be pretty good. The lake has probably picked up 10 to 11 feet of depth since December and so the fishing might be a little slow, but the trout should be feeding. Ashurst Lake is full. The road to Ashurst Lake remains closed and is very muddy and there are some heavy snow drifts. Upper Lake Mary is about 1 foot from spilling (up 6 inches since Tuesday) and Lower Lake Mary is about 1/3 to 1/2 full. If more moisture comes this weekend, Upper Lake Mary will probably spill into Lower Lake Mary -- and so it might fill this year. Frances Short Pond will be stocked with the normal weekly stockings starting in March. Anglers should be able to catch fish at Frances Short right now since they were catching them before it iced over (and since it was full at that time, the fish-to-water ratio is the same.) For all of the other lakes, until we can stock the fishing will probably be somewhat poor. See more about fishing in Arizona Did you know? The Arizona Game and Fish Department receives NO Arizona general fund tax dollars? We hold the state’s wildlife in trust for the public without a dime from Arizona taxpayers.
  17. ready2hunt

    Flagstaff Lakes Highest in Years- Per AZ G&F

    When Mormon Lake and Stoneman Lake are full again (or even partially full) I will be amazed
  18. Those razors will sell fast at that price!
  19. ready2hunt

    Tire opinions. .

    Despite what MANY People will tell you rotate at 3-4000 and you'll be fine. MT need to be rotated at 3000 to actually achieve the longevity out of the rubber. If they are the "open country" they are an "E" rated 10 ply so it's just as good as any other just different design and lower tread depth. Be happy with your choice. You got a decent choice for an all around tire. I would chose toyos over firestone but I prefer MT myself.
  20. ready2hunt

    Tire opinions. .

    Toyos are great and will get a lot of mileage but RTs and MTs are different. I would assume that with 35's you have a 2500?
  21. ready2hunt

    "Worst Pig Hunters in Arizona" Break Through

    Awesome job! The only issue I see is that you kept the meat.
  22. Did you have a dealer delete it? Been looking to get mine flashed and "Re" programed
  23. ready2hunt

    Coues sheds form Saturday

    dang that one is a monster. Thanks for sharing.