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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    New here!

    Sooner or later you're gonna have to start charging for info brian haha
  2. ready2hunt

    New here!

    Welcome! That area is as good as any. The whole southern 1/2 of 6A is good coues country. Find a mountain or cliff side in the cedars and start glassing. Have fun, there is a wealth of knowledge here.
  3. ready2hunt

    A few new pics.

    That bear is HUGE when compared to the elk. Sound like you have a good spot. Thanks for sharing.
  4. ready2hunt

    22 or 24b

    +1 to what has been said. Find a good vantage point and glass, glass, glass until they hit their beds. Those are 2 very popular units due to accessibility and they produce. Invest the time to go scouting now and don't feel like you are doing something wrong if you can't find em'. There are many seasoned bow hunters who do not tag out in those units.
  5. I found my camera with a broken lens, bite/scratch marks down one side and hanging by a thread from the tree....stupid bear. Loved the pics though! I find it interesting how the biggest buck lost his antlers almost a month ago but the smaller ones held on until the end of April. Wish I could have shot the bear during the season!!!
  6. ready2hunt

    Bear attack- my camera never stood a chance

    6Anut ya camera still works. The last couple pics were with the crack in the lens protector so I just left it up there. Yes it's a beautiful bear I am pretty upset I never saw it during the season. I am anxious to see some new growth on the bucks. I only have two hunting honey holes so I hope this one goes undisterbed for another season.
  7. ready2hunt

    brought cameras home!

    Nice bucks. That last one looks like a brute
  8. ready2hunt

    A few more bear pics

    Good looking bears thanks for posting. How do you like your smart scouter?
  9. ready2hunt

    Backpack hunting

    Superstition 24B and Matazal 22 wilderness areas hold some nice bucks but you are on your own. If you put in the time behind the glass you can find some nice shooters. Its no secret though, there are a lot of hunters who put in time in those areas.
  10. ready2hunt

    looking for summer bow shoots

    I know there is a big one at sunrise in the white mts. Although I have never attended I am sure someone on here could give you some info if you cannot find it on the internet. Its an annual one though like Mormon Lake.
  11. ready2hunt

    Need Bow Restrung

    Hey Everyone, I was wondering if any of you could help me out. I have a bow hunt coming up at the end of Sept. and need to get my bow restrung. I am just trying to be proactive and want to get plenty of practice in on a new string before that time. My question is...do any of you know or can personally recommend someone to do this in the east valley area? I know sportsman's warehouse does it but would like to know who is out there. A ball park price too if you happen to know it but that is not as important to me as a reputable referral. Thanks for the help!
  12. ready2hunt

    Nice Houserock Buffalo

    What a beautiful animal! Congrats to the hunter and those who shared the experience.
  13. ready2hunt

    New Jaguar Pics

    Those are awesome. You think its the same jag every time?
  14. ready2hunt

    Who loves Duck Dynasty?

    Hey! I like it
  15. ready2hunt

    45/4.10 pistol

    I have the Taurus Judge camber for a mag. the 45LC/410 & Buckshot. I personally LOVE the gun. My training was on a glock .40 G22 and while there is no replacement for a good semi-auto I would never give up my pistol. In all my shooting on the pistol as well I have a great spread the .410 on paper targets but nothing more than what you would expect with bb's in a 410 (they are small and few). Overall, I would recommend the gun to anyone and would buy another if I had the cash.
  16. ready2hunt

    BIG BULL DOWN!!! 2013 spring hunt!

    that is incredible! congrats to the hunter and outfitters! I can't believe how big he is!
  17. ready2hunt

    Need Bow Restrung

    Gave him a call yesterday. Best price I've heard for a top of the line string.....he's got my business!
  18. ready2hunt

    Fresh Pics...Nice buck

    Hey Everyone, Just retrieved my camera. I think I have found my target for archery season. Tell me what you think he scores...I think he sheds his right antler by the last pic but I cannot really tell. I am also still trying to figure out if (in pic #2) the deer on the right is going to be a spike. Hoping to have more pics soon. Happy Hunting.
  19. ready2hunt

    Need Bow Restrung

    Thanks for the responses! I will start making phone calls today.
  20. way to represent guys! I had dvr'd it and just finished it. That is what coues hunting is all about! Congrats on the experience and trophy
  21. ready2hunt

    Fresh Pics...Nice buck

    Thanks I want to get back out there and find the sheds. Had the family with me so hiking more than we had was not an option at that point. I am seriously disappointed in the lack of deer though on my camera this year. The last time I had it up was in 2011 and I had about 13 different deer (at least I think they were different haha) traveling through the area but 5 bucks for sure. Now there are just these 2 and a couple of does. Hope they haven't all been killed off or moved on.
  22. ready2hunt

    FoxPro Jack in the box

    PM sent
  23. Ya people are already in the morning buying...not a mad rush but a steady sell. I'm going after work to pick up a supply of primers.
  24. ready2hunt


    Buy your guns and ammo....the sell off has already begun