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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    What a nice rain can do

    dang that's crazy. Rain is a blessing for everything around here
  2. D for me. I didn't draw a sheep tag or I would defiantly be an "E" with wet pants haha
  3. ready2hunt

    Treestand For Sale

    ttt. Obo
  4. ready2hunt


    Did your card got hit today? Congrats on the tag!
  5. ready2hunt

    Unit 12AW

    If you are not going to hire a guide then set some cams. If you don't know where the bison are at the just focus on your deer tag. If I had the $$ I would definantly be contacting lance. My cousin shot a bison a few years back on his Kiabab hunt. It was pure luck. He's the only one I know of that has landed a bison without a guide during a deer hunt there. Congrats on the tag!
  6. ready2hunt

    Asiana Plane Crash Pilot names

    Wow best video in a while
  7. ready2hunt

    Treestand For Sale

    To answer a couple questions- it's weight is rated at 600lbs. I am located in the east valley.
  8. ready2hunt

    2013 draw results ?

    sounds like we got some hits from overnight but that things are slowing down as far as the cards are concerned. Anything fresh??
  9. ready2hunt

    My bank card was hit!!!

    Congrats guys!!! Hunt of a lifetime right there!
  10. ready2hunt

    2013 draw results ?

    Credit card hit! Oct. coues hunt for me & the mrs!!!
  11. ready2hunt

    Credit Cards Are Getting Hit. Post Up Your Results

    Early 24 coues!!!! My favorite hunt!
  12. ready2hunt

    Why I Trophy Hunt....For TJ!!!

    Those are good points you made. I could care less how others hunt as long as they don't effect my experience via poaching etc. You take your animal when and where you want...and I'll take mine if I am that lucky. I have to admit that for a long time I wanted a GIANT coues. After shooting a decent one a couple of years ago...really don't care how big or small it is now. I would just rather be out there. (Don't get me wrong though...I still would like to shoot a 100" buck)
  13. ready2hunt

    Post them velvet bucks

    those are some nice bucks! looks like you got a good huntin hole
  14. ready2hunt

    2013 draw results ?

    Good question. I am an average and nothing so far
  15. ready2hunt

    Tree Stand vs Groundblind

    Grounds Blinds for me! Treestands are great but not very conducive to hunting with little kids or other individuals. Like others have said- more secluded/shelter in a ground blind. Hat's off to you recurve guys, that is one area I have not gone to just because of the difficulty...I have yet to kill a buck with a compound haha. Our ancestors used to cover themselves in mud and fecal matter when they hunted....I have chosen to forego that method of hunting, I like my little blind. It cost me $40. I will be mad if it ever gets stolen but I didn't break the bank for it either.
  16. ready2hunt

    Need a Good Hunting Boot

    I have never been one to spend BIG $$$ on my boots. The most I have paid for a pair was $130. My suggestion would be find a pair that will fit the terrain you'll be in, the weather which you plan to be in AND that feels comfortable to your feet. I have 2 pairs right now. One is a decent pair from bass pro shops (their brand) that I use for the majority of the year. I have a completely different pair for wet/snowy & cold weather. I love both and didn't have to break the bank. My cold/wet weather pair of boot have much less miles on them. For me comfort is the key. If I am going to be on them ALL day then I want a pair that wont make me swear. IMO
  17. ready2hunt

    Wtb a gps

    +1 Garmin 655t
  18. ready2hunt

    Bear load?

    my favorite all around rifle. Great for the kids, wife and myself. Hard to find a rifle with that much versatility without buying several guns.
  19. ready2hunt

    Post them velvet bucks

    any antler growth is exciting!
  20. ready2hunt

    Post them velvet bucks

    That is an awesome muley! great pic
  21. Okay so let me start off this post by saying this is not an urban legend, I saw this with my own eyes over the weekend. HOWEVER, I do not have a pic to prove it. I went to visit a family member of mine up by Clint's Wells over the weekend. Drove up early and back late that same day. I took the drive back just before dark to see the elk on my way out. I saw about 5 different elk herds on my way off the Rim. On my way back in (the sun had already gone down) I saw, to my amazement a GIANT 7pt bull no more than 15 yards off the road, he was acting like he was waiting to run across the road. Traffic was pretty light so I pulled over (very briefly) and he started to parallel the car on the embankment, he stopped looked at us and then when I tapped the brake a 2nd time the light spooked him and he turned and ran over the hill (out of sight). Here is the strange part- HE WAS NOT IN VELVET. I have been hunting 25 years and call bulls on the rim for fun or hunting every year without fail. I am not a novice hunter and can claim with absolute surety that there was (0) velvet on this monster. I had my brights on and he was well illuminated. He quickly trotted off and I had no chance to take a pic. The only witness I have was my father in the car with me. Perhaps for some of you biologists out there this is not that uncommon however I have never seen that this late/early or however you wish to put it but had I not see it with my own eyes I would question it. Have any of you seen this before? PS- If you got a 22N tag let me know and I'll pm you were I saw this monster. he was very symmetrical with 7 points plain as day.
  22. ready2hunt

    2013 draw results ?

    +1 no matter how old I get I still feel like a kid on Christmas Eve waiting for the results. I love it
  23. ready2hunt

    Strange in Unit 22N- Your thoughts??

    I think I've had a gf or two that thought this... Not sure if I should call a technical foul on that comment or pat you on the back haha
  24. ready2hunt

    Some more pics of elk

    Ya definantly have growth left. Hope you got a tag to fill!
  25. ready2hunt

    Some more pics of elk

    Those are some nice bulls!