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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    3 blade 100grain muzzy broadhead

    I love my muzzy 3 blades but had issues tuning as well I shoot shwackers now but agree with shoot and only practicing with the broad head it's eats up your target a bit more but it's the only way to really shoot consistent in the feild.
  2. ready2hunt

    Hunting blind- Never Used!!!

    Still not sold....its yours if you want it
  3. Place= white mountain apache reservation. Time of year= when someone showed me where the big ones are. Weapon= my bare hands. Cost= free (because my wife has access to my account). Will it ever happen= only in my dreams.
  4. ready2hunt

    Swhacker Broad Heads

    I was in unit 1 camping this weekend and practicing with my new swhackers. We found the shoulder bone of a deer (probably a fawn since it was so small). I shot my shwacker in it and it broke 1 j-hook because it had electrical tape around the blades to keep them from opening but the tip and shaft are still like new. My cousin shot his rage broad head at the same bone.....the rage was destroyed and even pushed the broad head into the arrow splitting it. We were both shooting at 20 yards 80lbs. My arrows are the generic redheads from bass pro shops. My cousins were Easton arrows. This all happened just after my cousin told me that he dosent shoot swhackers because the break to easy..... I am still laughing about this experience. I'll take a pic of the broad head and post it soon.
  5. ready2hunt

    Hunting blind- Never Used!!!

    Pm sent, yes I'll ship
  6. ready2hunt

    Hunting blind- Never Used!!!

    No worries let me know
  7. ready2hunt

    Hunting blind- Never Used!!!

    East Mesa
  8. ready2hunt

    Who hunts coues with a 30-06

    Well said....if it ain't broke...don't fix it.
  9. ready2hunt

    Backpacking 23 south

    It's all about water and shelter in that region. Lots of great spots with some shooters but just find good consistent water sources and start there. You'll see them and then the draws they hit to travel and then you'll see the places they bed. There are some rugged nasty places with a few trophys that hang out till dark. Good luck
  10. ready2hunt

    Anyone else getting itchy for aug 23rd??

    BC, speaking from experience, if you are determined and do not give in eventually she will accept your passion. STAY STRONG!! BC, speaking from experience, if you are determined and do not give in eventually she will accept your passion. STAY STRONG!! My sis lives in northern Utah. She says that the first week of archery season is known as "widows week." Guess a lot if places has ladies nights and discounts for eating out. Wish there was stuff like that here for my lady. She knows the only thing sleeping her that week is her 9mm lol
  11. ready2hunt

    Hunting & Nonhunting Items/Price Change & Updated

    I'll take the camo ones. I am just up the road from ya. I'll pm you my # and set up a time thanks!
  12. ready2hunt

    Hunting & Nonhunting Items/Price Change & Updated

    Hello tj, I'll take the bow hip quiver and rattling antlers
  13. ready2hunt

    hunt clothing & gear for sale

    I'll take 1&5 pm sent
  14. I love seeing that sort of stuff. If you ever want any extra hand picking stuff up let me know!
  15. ready2hunt

    5b South early archery cow

    +1 to creeds comments. There are so many elk in that unit that as long as you get out and walk you will run into them. Good luck
  16. ready2hunt

    Who hunts coues with a 30-06

    On any of these subjects you'll get 2 pages of replies full of opinions. Every big game animal I have killed (except turkey) has been with a 30-06, this includes 6 coues. (I don't shoot over 500yards though) It's a great caliber, the Remington 700 is a great gun as well. As mentioned previously 150gr is a fantastic bullet for coues. 165 is okay but can be a little over kill for coues. A 150gr is like a sledge hammer to them under 500 yards. 30-06 is not a hard round to find either and most of those whom I hunt with use it so I am never without rounds. The versatility of that rifle is great on the big and small sized shooters, not a ton of recoil. In spite of all that....if you are not familiar with the gun and have not practiced with it then its no better than any other gun in your closet Spend the time with it and you will love it just as much as any other. I just like the wide variety of grains in bullets that I can shoot in one magazine.
  17. Thanks for the pics elkhunter1 The only negative I have ever heard about shwackers was from one gentleman who didn't used the wrong bands and the blades did not open. Can't wait to try mine out on a buck this year! Great thread and thank you for the review of the NAP heads. I was looking at them at walmart as well for a while.
  18. ready2hunt

    Ever mess up someone's hunt?

    The only hunts I have screwed up (to my knowledge) are my own. Having said that, if I messed someones up I would graciously apologize and hope the other hunter would be understanding. Its everyone's forest...gotta share it and be respectful. However I do remember an instance deer hunting on the rim when a man (who was fairly rude) and his little kid screwed up a stalk for my ol' man. I was a teenager at the time and remember asking my dad why he didn't say much. He said that he didn't want to ruin the experience for the little boy and when I had a kid I would understand. It was actually a pretty good lesson...didn't give my old man the credit he deserved at the time.
  19. ready2hunt

    Cow elk caving

    wow that is crazy!
  20. firstcoueswas80 hit the nail on the head. Just back off the powder and they are just as effective. If no one picks up those primers I will gladly take them off your hands!
  21. ready2hunt

    Help me score some bulls! Added another picture

    That first bulls is nice! I'd say 340 give or take but I am not a good judge. I hope you tag it!
  22. I don't know about you guys but all this talk of packing out deer it giving me anxiety! I can't wait for archery season to open up!!!! Nice job apache, great buck with a bow!
  23. ready2hunt

    Trail cams and BP?

    Only if they are cartel look outs
  24. ready2hunt

    score of this bull?

    +1 to 300" or less. Great symmetry though. 2-3 more years and they would be brutes. While some hunter would hold out I would still shoot either one if they were in my crosshairs. Good luck if you have a tag
  25. ready2hunt

    Treestand For Sale

    Sold thanks everyone