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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    Daughters First Hunt

    Always have a smile on your face and make sure she knows that the time you're spending with her is more important than the animals you're after. Everything else is a bonus. Good luck and post up some pics!
  2. ready2hunt

    Big Bull Found dead in Unit 1

    Okay guys I think we should all take a deep breath. We all heard of bad hits before. Some are worse than others and there are some that truly leave a bad taste in our mouth. Take this picture from the 1980's I found. great job by the way finding your bull!
  3. ready2hunt

    Another toad hits the dirt

    Okay guys I have had ENOUGH of this!!!!!! We have all had our fun but after reading some comments I am really disgusted . WE need to get back to what this thread is really about. We can speculate and spread rumors but when it boils down to it, this is about............BREAKING a record the # of posts. Doesn't anyone have anything more controversial or political that we can talk about? Any sightings of Bigfoot crossing the border to vote for obamacare?
  4. ready2hunt

    Another toad hits the dirt

    More like the 3am guy on a telethon haha
  5. ready2hunt

    WTB bow

    You may have already done this but I would suggest going to a shop and getting your draw length measured and find out what you feel comfortable pulling back right now. That way you have an idea of what to be looking for or if a bow can meet your needs. There are a few for sale on the site though. Good luck!!
  6. ready2hunt

    Big Bull Found dead in Unit 1

    That's the bull I shot in Unit 1! JK congrats on finding it. I am curious how far it actually went from where it was originally shot?
  7. ready2hunt

    My solo archery hunt

    great job and good looking bull
  8. ready2hunt

    Big Bull Found dead in Unit 1

    Sounds like alotta lost bulls in unit 1
  9. ready2hunt

    Another toad hits the dirt

    The pic has yet to be uploaded to any outfitters website or with the infamous "water mark" We could call this "watergate". That's an original name for a scandal
  10. ready2hunt

    Another toad hits the dirt

    Can anyone be sure thus is the same guy? It's all fun and games until we're served a defamation suit lol
  11. ready2hunt

    SOLD SOLD SOLD Vortex 10 X 42 Binos

    Pm sent
  12. ready2hunt

    Another toad hits the dirt

    wow very interesting. Well I have plenty of sins so I wont throw the first stone...I'll wait to be number 5 or 6 jk bump for page 13
  13. nice bull! The only swhacker testing I was able to do this year was on the wall of my blind. I have to admit...they did their job though
  14. ready2hunt

    New to site, thought I'd Share

    Yes very cool shot over the ocean
  15. ready2hunt

    2013 Elk: Story Posted

    dang that is a nice bull!
  16. ready2hunt

    How big is this bear?

    Ya that bear was ripe for the winter! I am not a good feild judge but no doubt that bear is fat. Who knows what the skull would measure in at.
  17. ready2hunt

    6A Bulls

    I LOVE seeing all those bulls! great job guys!!
  18. ready2hunt

    First Bull Tag / First Bull

    Awesome job
  19. ready2hunt

    Muley Trail Cam Teaser part 1

    Yes you got a great area! And they even sleep in so you can too. As long as you get to your spot by 9am you'll have a shot at em' haha
  20. ready2hunt

    WTB a youth deer rifle

    That sounds like a wise decision. My father would have us shoot his 30-06 all the time with blankets on our shoulders which I always thought was awkward because we couldn't see the scope comfortably or hold it perfect BUT when it came time shoot at an animal there is so much adrenaline you don't feel the kick either. I'd suggest buying some "snap caps." They are fake bullets with a rubber sections where the primer should be. They are used to practice loading and shooting before you use live rounds. They have been the single best purchase I ever made for myself and my wife. By practicing with them you learn your "trigger pull" and eliminate 80% of the flinch reaction.
  21. ready2hunt

    WTB a youth deer rifle

    These threads always have lots if responses...but like you already know...it's what she feels comfortable shooting. The light round rifles get a good argument because people say that there is less flinch at the recoil. Everyone flinches at recoil regardless of what they shoot until they have hours of practice. I would suggest a 30-06 even for a 12 year old girl. I got one for my niece who was not much of a hunter at age 13 and now it is her favorite rifle. A light 150gr load does not have much recoil. Additionally, there are now recoil reducing loads sold by remington and recoil pads that greatly reduce said recoil. There is always ammo available. And within 500yards there is not a rifle that can offer more versatility in rounds and take any North American game animal. From 125gr - 220gr+ YES there are rifles that shoot farther and longer or flatter or with a little less or little more recoil etc etc etc but its a great option for all seasons and species. Personally, I would have my kids use what I use so that its less ammo to have to buy and keep track of. Haha
  22. Haha you know it. I call it " Mr. (camo) December"
  23. ready2hunt

    Cabin Rentals in 22n or the Mead Ranch Area

    Khols Ranch or any of the little motels up there would cost you just as much (if not less) then a full cabin. Good luck
  24. ready2hunt

    Win a free Rifle Railz / LOC JAW combo

    Just posted. Hope I did it right. Good luck everyone
  25. Thanks for all the great comments everyone. I love being able to share the fun with others who can truly appreciate the experience. I forgot to post up an additional pic. I have pics of another bear in the same general area which I think may even be a bit larger than the one I killed. The black & white trailcam pic is of the bear I harvested. The color pic is of another bear who have been showing up lately (the trail cam is on the same tree in both pics) Never any cubs so I assume this new one is a boar as well. 2014 bear here I come!!!!