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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. Awesome story! Great job
  2. ready2hunt

    Time to catch up on a lot of hunting!

    Gorgeous bull guys!!! congrats to all involved. I hope to kill one like that one day.
  3. ready2hunt

    130# Tom ready for pick up (pic heavy)

    every lion you guys put out looks incredible. LOVE the attention to detail on these mounts.
  4. ready2hunt


    BUMP for a great gun!!! If I hadn't just spend money at the taxidermist I would have bought this in a heart beat. Perfect starter gun.
  5. ready2hunt

    Nov. San Carlos Rez Bucks Taken

    wow great job guys. Those are some beautiful bucks! Would it be out of line to ask what something like that runs?
  6. ready2hunt

    Hunting/Fishing Items (updated)

    Still some left....make your offer
  7. ready2hunt

    Hunting/Fishing Items (updated)

    Looking to liquidate some things, pm or text me if you are interested. Hand Gun storage box-$25. This box is brand new. Fully foam padded with the breakaway foam to shape to your gun(s). It is 13"x10"x5.5" Bass Pro Tournament Bait Reel; used once (originally $80)- $50 Bantam 2ply chest length fishing waders (no holes, scratches or tears); used once (originally $80)- $40 Float Tube (no holes, scratches or tears); used once (originally $99)-$50 Let me know if something interests you. The holidays are coming up and I could use the money if you could use a gift! Thanks for looking
  8. ready2hunt

    Oct 2013

    Great buck! Congrats
  9. ready2hunt

    24A bound

    Agree to the above. Too many tags. Even the past 5 years has really changed that unit IMO That being said, good luck to the other hunters hope you see something
  10. I am going to have a Muzzle brake installed on a 30-06 for my wife and kid. My wife and kid have both fired my rifle and both love it, additionally my wife practices with snap caps so flinching is not too much of an issue. However, I would still like to bring the recoil down. I am already planning on having the barrel end threaded. Anyone have any suggestions/experience as to which one to purchase. I have heard really good things about the "JP Recoil Eliminator." Have you heard of this one? Should I be looking at a different company. Thanks in advance for the help! PS. (to answer some questions which are bound to come up. No- not interested to buying a lighter rifle. No- we don't care about the added noise)
  11. ready2hunt

    Score this buck

    That back would make a beautiful mount. Hope you bag him
  12. ready2hunt

    Mountain lion with snow habitat.

    Awesome as always
  13. ready2hunt

    First rifle deer hunt

    Wow that sounds like it was fun. I always want to tag out but going out and seein that much wildlife is great. Nothing quite like backpacking into an area.
  14. ready2hunt

    140" Rumors...

    Seriously just post up a pic. I am dying to see it regardless of the unit lol
  15. ready2hunt

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    simply incredible!! congrats
  16. Dang that is a healthy group of lions.
  17. This year I went out and left no mile unwalked, no water source unchecked, no dark hillside unglassed and still got served humble pie by the crafty ghost. While I don't much care for tag soup and humble pie as dessert however I had a blast and am already looking forward to next year. I will admit though....meat feeds me for a meal and memories feed me for a lifetime. I just wish those memories included a buck this year haha. Anyone else get skunked this year on their deer hunt?
  18. ready2hunt

    Trail Cam Mugshot

    That's your butt on my camera??!! Jk
  19. ready2hunt

    Unique Coues!!!

    That's nuts. One in a million or more right there.
  20. ready2hunt

    Hunting/Fishing Items (updated)

    Just make an offer
  21. ready2hunt


    Pm sent
  22. ready2hunt

    my elktober bull

    Great job!
  23. ready2hunt

    Hunting/Fishing Items (updated)

    20guage shells and lights are spoken for. Everything else is available!!