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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    Kampfeld Custom!

    beautiful set up! Let us know who she shoots!
  2. ready2hunt

    Hunting spring bear tactics questions?

    I think we are all waiting for kidso to reply to this one haha. He is the resident CWT expert
  3. ready2hunt

    I'm gonna be a daddy

    Congrats to you and girl!
  4. ready2hunt

    Desert deer starting to drop antlers?

    the WT on my cameras usually have antlers until late march-early april.
  5. ready2hunt

    check this YouTube video out!

    That's nuts
  6. ready2hunt

    Lee's Ferry Advice

    You can't go wrong there! Anywhere there is shade and large boulders you'll find big fish. I am a huge fan of the muddled minnow if you have a fly set up. We caught so many fish out flies began to call apart no joke. It's so unique to see a river in 110 degree weather that can be crystal clear and so cold it'll give you a headache. Bring lots of water/sunscreen and a good pair of polarized sunglasses.
  7. ready2hunt

    Anyone concerned about this WEATHER

    Experience has taught me not to worry because I probably wont be drawn and there are always great hunters who pull out monster bulls regardless of precipitation levels haha I agree though....it's dry out there
  8. ready2hunt

    biggest cow elk I have seen

    Crazy big congrats to your boy
  9. I have been told that I am the life of the party so if that helps I would be more than willing to grace you with my presence for a small fee and free food. I mean honestly what more do you need?
  10. ready2hunt

    New B&C Antelope Video

    Dang those antelope are perdy! Great job to all those involved!
  11. ready2hunt

    Anybody know what this is?

    a picture frame for serious photographers.
  12. ready2hunt

    Couches for sale- $350 obo

  13. ready2hunt

    Couches for sale- $350 obo

    Hey everyone, we are moving and I have 2 almost new couches in my garage. Its a love seat and couch set. The pics make them look different colors but it's just the lighting, they are identical. No pets, no smokers and just had them professionally cleaned. Asking $350 obo if you know someone who could use them I'd appreciate you passing the word along. Pm or text me (480) 628-172zero Thanks
  14. ready2hunt

    Coues Buck Wall Pedestal with Habitat

  15. ready2hunt

    Bald Eagle photos

    ......and Ben Franklin wanted the Turkey as our symbol. He clearly never had a digital camera. Great pics.
  16. ready2hunt

    Happy Birthday Speedygoss

    you old fart. happy b day!
  17. ready2hunt

    Mountain Lion Calling

    I am actually quite serious guys, a buddy once told me to be prepared to throw anything and everything at them to get at their curiosty. A recording of a baby crying was downloaded into a caller he bought. Thought I'd ask if anyone had tried it lol! Take care I was camping with a couple of different family's on the rim last year. My nephew was 10months and wouldn't stop crying. We had 2 coyotes come in and were pacing the opposite edge of the meadow which we were camped on. They hung around until the older kids chased them off.
  18. That looks like a productive day right there
  19. Anyone see this? Insane! http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/us/2013/11/28/pkg-pa-huge-black-bear-shot.wnep.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_topstories+%28RSS%3A+Top+Stories%29
  20. ready2hunt

    titans 390" rifle bull.

    Great bull!! Thanks for sharing
  21. ready2hunt

    2012 Bear Rug ***Updated w/Pics

    That's a great bear rug! Is it the one in your avatar? I'm curious what the skull came in at if you don't mind sharing, I don't remember seeing the original post
  22. ready2hunt

    2014 Coues Rut Video

    Great footage! I wish I had that kinda luck last year. Got my blood pumping
  23. ready2hunt


    I am a BFGoodrich tire fan without getting into custom off-road tires they are a good buy. Look into Big O Tires sale this weekend. Buy 2 get 2 free. If you don't like Big O then go to discount and they'll match the offer. Good luck
  24. ready2hunt

    how long do you boil a skull

    Why would you bleach your bear and deer's hair? Jk good suggestion, never heard of that method