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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    Sold. Wtt glock model 22 for a model 23

    I love the .40, I trained on this gun and wish I had something to trade. Reliable and simple design
  2. ready2hunt

    White faced Coues finished!!!

    That is such a unique deer. congrat
  3. ready2hunt

    your thoughts?!?!?!

    My thought- invest in a better camera My vote is 4 legged creature
  4. ready2hunt

    when it rains it pours

    Just play this game....It taught me everything I know about hunting Oregon. Good luck on your hunts...I couldnt draw one!
  5. ready2hunt

    Backpack hunt video

    Maybe it was my computer but I couldnt get any sounds. Looks like you all had a lot of fun though and found some nice bucks. Also looks like one of your buddies needs to invest in a good hunting pack haha
  6. ready2hunt

    Newest CouesWhitetail.com Member

    Congrats to you all of you. Hope everyone is happy and healthy!!
  7. ready2hunt

    mounts for sale on cl

    I'd want to get rid of that mulie too if my mount came out looking like that. It looks like the offspring of the other two mounts.
  8. ready2hunt

    Goulds state record!!!

  9. ready2hunt

    Rim Cell Phone Tower Petition (please sign)

    I would like a tower out there and signed it. Correct me if I'm wrong, I thought that (legally) petitions without a physical signature are useless. Is that not the case?
  10. You're not cool until you hunt AZ coues.....everybody's doing it.
  11. I think that if my life depended on me solving that equation.....I'd be dead by now.
  12. ready2hunt

    Pics from mid April

    That bull will be a beast
  13. ready2hunt

    Spring hunts

    Beautiful hide yes let's see the rug
  14. ready2hunt

    Bucks & Bears on trail cam

    Those are some nice bears!
  15. ready2hunt


    This is probably one of the coolest mounts I've seen. Great job!!!
  16. Okay so answer this question- "I will not hire someone if the felony was a result of ____." This will dictate my interest. Jk I'll pass the info along.
  17. ready2hunt

    Bigger gear for bigger animals

    I shoot a 180gr 30-06 bullet for elk. Are you saying (in your opinion) that bullet is too light for an elk?
  18. ready2hunt

    Scared the crap out of my turkey pullets

    Funny how instinctive that is.
  19. ready2hunt

    Spring hunts

    Yes and like big brown said- someone gets lucky He would know. I'm hoping to get lucky again this year...... We're still talking about bear hunting right?
  20. ready2hunt

    Arizona makes it legal to shoot endangered wolves

    I am going to buy a cow!!!
  21. ready2hunt

    Spring Time Trail Cam Pics

    Bears eat beets.....its by a beet farm
  22. ready2hunt

    Finally got my Goat!

    awesome set up. I like the mounts with scenery more than than just the shoulder mounts. Turned out great
  23. ready2hunt

    Spring Time Trail Cam Pics

    Seriously that bear is a monster. I would call out the hounds!
  24. ready2hunt

    Spring hunts

    Yes and like big brown said- someone gets lucky