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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    Mama bear and her baby and a few bulls

    that's a nice bull on the 16th. I love seeing those sows with cubs. Was it only one cub?
  2. ready2hunt

    NM vs AZ

    Wait, what????? There is a state between AZ and Texas?
  3. ready2hunt

    I WIN!!!

    Lucky SOB... Congrats
  4. It's multi level marketing for financial sevices. Not bad products but my advice is to sit down with an accredited accountant and financial planner/investor. It's like needing your car fixed....do you want to sit down with a car salesman or the mechanic?
  5. ready2hunt

    Tree stand or ground blind?

    Ya I'd say whatever is more advantageous for your spot
  6. ready2hunt

    trail cam pics

    Nice thanks for sharing
  7. I like not having to put up electrical fencing when camping. my VOTE is for moose lol....why don't we consider those instead. I'd put in a for a 22 south moose hunt.
  8. ready2hunt

    Come on draw

    That pic deserves a post all of its own!
  9. ready2hunt

    Cow and Her Calf

    nice....that's a future 400 class calf
  10. ready2hunt

    Antelope/Tag Question

    if it's legal....I'm interested as well
  11. ready2hunt

    Archery mule deer question??

    I have had some luck sitting water. I have "seen" a lot more though just by patterning the areas they walk and finding a corridor, oak thicket or some other food source that they frequent. It just requires a lot of hiking and time on the ground to figure out where they bed and escape too. Having said that....I posted up some cam pics recently where I chased a big mulie and have seen other decent bucks in some thick pines/oaks. After a month and a 1/2 I didn't get a single deer on my camera. As others would say "they get big for a reason."
  12. Its not exactly "NEW" news but it gets my blood pumping for bear season again. I hope I get drawn for deer and look forward to elk season but its all about the bears for me now. http://www.fieldandstream.com/blogs/field-notes/2014/05/boone-and-crockett-club-new-record-grizzly-taken-alaska
  13. ready2hunt

    Official New World Record Grizzly

    Dang what a heart break. Thanks for sharing
  14. ready2hunt

    A Trick of Fate

    Another one bites the dust!!!! Let's see those pics kidso, I am beyond jealous
  15. ready2hunt

    Cool find from this winter

  16. ready2hunt

    World Record???

    Lol ya they come and go with the flood of archery and bikers and then go into hiding after the first but of hunting. Love that area
  17. ready2hunt

    Bear rug is back!

    Awesome bear! That thing was the king of his castle geez. Great story!
  18. ready2hunt

    Recent Jaguar Pics and other critters down south

    Thanks for the info guys!
  19. ready2hunt

    Is it real? Ultra Ever Dry

    I have seen a lot of videos on it, I am sure it does a pretty good job. HOWEVER, i would like to see it tested in AZ weather/heat. Our sunshine state has a way of putting some products to shame haha I have considered using it on some of my hunting gear but worry about an "odor" or how well it would fair against a true, back country coues hunt
  20. ready2hunt

    The four Bears

    awesome pics!! were those of a game camera or off hand? that 4th one looks like it has a racoon pattern. that momma looks like a big one
  21. ready2hunt

    2014 Buck

    persistence. Enough said. congrats!
  22. ready2hunt


    What's the going rate on a box for a standard primos cam?
  23. ready2hunt

    A Vintage Deer

    awesome buck thanks for sharing
  24. ready2hunt

    The elk are growing

    That crown is perfect. It will be interesting to see how thick they get. Great pics!
  25. ready2hunt

    A few random pics from march and april

    Great pics. Was the last one salt river canyon?