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Everything posted by ready2hunt

  1. ready2hunt

    Custom Lifesize Black Bear

    WOW is all I can say. To me that sums up the definition of quality. It is clear you spent a great deal of time on the coat alone! Great job guys What are the dimensions of that piece more or less? I am just curious how high it sits.
  2. ready2hunt

    mechanical broadheads success and failures

    +1 to the video.....let's see it
  3. ready2hunt

    mechanical broadheads success and failures

    I have Never had an issue with my broad heads.....I just can't seem to hit the animal
  4. ready2hunt

    Unit 1/3b fire

    Thanks standman!!! We are going there on this weekend. Hopefully the winds don't push I t too much before the rains come in.
  5. ready2hunt

    30-06 For Long Range?

    Hey Everyone, I am curious if anyone has experience with Long Range Shooting using a 30-06 (Long Range being 500+ for me). I am curious if my Remington 700 BDL 30-06 can make effective shots beyond the 500 yard mark and take game (Elk, Deer etc)? Some tell me yes with enough practice, others say no- not ethically unless it is on paper and other people say I need to change the rifle set up altogether if I want to take long distance shooting seriously. I am no ballistics genius however the math sounds sane enough (and I do not have the funds to build a rifle). Can I get some constructive opinions? Currently I would not pull the trigger on an animal beyond 350-400 yards as I do not feel confident to make that shot yet. I am using 180 grain bullets right now (factory loaded- Remington and/or Winchester). I am looking to reload my own shortly. Any opinons would be welcome.
  6. ready2hunt

    Unit 1/3b fire

    Anyone got an update on the FIRE? We are praying for rain and that the winds don't shift to dramatically before the rain hits Friday.
  7. ready2hunt


    It's a bear, no doubt
  8. ready2hunt

    Few bears from June

    Maybe it's one of those rubber support bracelets everyone wears these days. Maybe your bear's a tree hugger
  9. ready2hunt

    Cam pics

    I stumbled into a spot last year going after a big mulie. I found more bear sign than I had previously seen in any other spot. Pulled my SD card today and these were all I got, not a SINGLE deer or bear! A cruel reminder I don't have an elk tag. These guys are coming through this spot EVERY day.
  10. ready2hunt

    Few bears from June

    The bear in the 3rd pic etc is a big beautiful bear!!! That would make an awesome rug. Let me know if you need help getting rid of those pesky bears haha
  11. ready2hunt

    bear pic from the fall

    That first pic is awesome!
  12. What's the price for the bow
  13. ready2hunt

    NM vs AZ

    Az dosent have 5.2 earthquakes like tonight....on a side note I hope no one in nm is hurt!
  14. ready2hunt

    Hunting videos

    Type it into YouTube and you'll have a ton
  15. ready2hunt

    Unit 1/3b fire

    Anyone see the video posted up by one the crews who had the 1/2 mile safe zone breached in under a few min? It looked like the hill was spontaneously combusting. To you fire crews- respect
  16. ready2hunt

    Things are shaking tonight

    My wife though our bed was possessed for a min.....for a couple of seconds I believed her until I realized what it was haha
  17. ready2hunt

    How to dispatch trapped animal?

    I love reading this stuff thanks guys. My grandfather and father used to trap for side $$$ and I have their old rusted traps (which I think are illegal now) and wicker baskets but have never got into it myself. Do you check your traps daily? (PS sorry for hijacking the thread with my own questions)
  18. or maybe for a small chevy cruz......not that I drive one but a guy I know.....
  19. ready2hunt

    Unit 1/3b fire

    This pic was just forwarded to be. The whiting homestead is beyond the trees. This is the big meadow before you make the bend to the homestead. We camp this the feild the people are parked on :( . This is soooo sad
  20. ready2hunt

    Unit 1/3b fire

    My cousin is with the crew there. For those of you familiar with the area, the fire has reached he whiting homestead
  21. ready2hunt

    Unit 1/3b fire

    We'll be there end of July I hope they don't shut the area down and get this under control
  22. ready2hunt

    30-06 For Long Range?

    NICE BULL!!! Thank you for sharing. What did he score?
  23. ready2hunt

    How to dispatch trapped animal?

    I talk them into giving up, it's my verbal judo
  24. ready2hunt

    lots of bears!!

    Dang that looks like a great spot. Gets me pumped for this fall
  25. ready2hunt

    Finally threw out a camera

    Once I find a spot that has what I am looking for as far as animals are concerned I try to leave it as "undisturbed" as possible. I usually check cam's every month & 1/2 - 2 months. I have had a "spot" that I have shot several deer and a bear in (the one in my avatar) for about 5 years. Recently I got a new bear and a bobcat starting to frequent the area. It'll take some time for same animals to find your stuff and get accustomed to visiting the spot